Christmas lunch

I roast veg in extra virgin olive oil with plenty of seasoning,Garlic and Rosemary. Some honey and a little splash of balsamic vinegar


I dont believe there is a better way than this!!
How long does everyone par boil the roast potatoes for?

Kind of doing this year on a wait and see basis as I am at my ex's house in Costa Rica.....But kind of preparing to do it if nobody else steps up....Trouble is I know about 10 people will turn up at the last minute wanting to be fed. Also her two year old just decided to wrench the oven door off.

Made a few hints here....sooooo, what's the plan for Christmas Lunch and it's the '' Oh we will just have some nice things...''

At least one certain person isn't around this year who used to drive me nuts by turning up for dinners which I would spend all day making... show up about 15 mins before it was served with her husband and kid..then put the kid in the bedroom to sleep and go over and turn the music down....and ask people to talk quietly. Then come over to the cooker and start prodding things and critisising, saying it should be done a different way. One time they even showed up with a half drunk bottle of wine with the cork put back in.
It was my ex's best friend so couldn't say a word....well apart from holding the wine up and saying ''How nice,,,,, They bought some wine''
I think we par boil potatoes around the 10min mark so they have abit of give but not as much as if you were gona do mashed potato.

What order do you do things in?? Turkey goes in first then what order do you do everything else in? This is assuming the use of 1 oven and 4 hobs.
After the turkey do people do roast potatoes and veg at the same time?
i always put the spuds in cold, salted water, bring to the boil and then turn off, leave a few mins then drain into a sieve, then onto a tea towel for 30 mins, then back into the dry pan with the lid on, a good old shake to bash the edges a bit then ready to roast
i always put the spuds in cold, salted water, bring to the boil and then turn off, leave a few mins then drain into a sieve, then onto a tea towel for 30 mins, then back into the dry pan with the lid on, a good old shake to bash the edges a bit then ready to roast

melt some goose fat in a pan, and do a quick fry to seal in the crispness, before chucking in the oven for 45mins.
I get the dish im gona roast the potatoes in on the hob get the oil/fat really hot then in go the potatoes to an almighty roah! this as chewie said gives them an initial crisp. then they go in the oven
If you coat the spuds with olive oil and place in the oven skin side down they will crisp nicely. I use the same pan for all the veg.
Only the blokes got cooking tips I see?

We're clearly all in the kitchen where we belong!

But it's a great excuse to drink half a bottle of wine each night and still feel like it's productive!


Happy Christmas

Had the inlaws round last week I was doing my risotto, didnt leave the kitchen for about an hour during which time I did about 3/4 bottle of prosecco :D

Had the inlaws round last week I was doing my risotto, didnt leave the kitchen for about an hour during which time I did about 3/4 bottle of prosecco :D

Risotto is my favourite dish to cook 8)

Just thinking about a cold bottle of prosecco is making my mouth water....:lol: