
I think it's amazing that you all have your own language depending on the region you come from... In Brazil, we all speak the same Portuguese all over, with little accent differences. Catalan is easier for me to understand that castellano.

What I find incredible is that I can understand Gallego better than Portugal Portuguese.
Beckiboo said:
So what's Ibienco then? An Ibiza version of Spanish? :?

No, ibicenco it's a dialect from Catalan, same with valenciano.

Conrado, there's only three co-offical languages in Spain (Gallego, Euskera and catalan) but yes, the different accents of spanish can be very confusing. I have serious problems to understand people from the south 8O
silvia said:
[Conrado, there's only three co-offical languages in Spain (Gallego, Euskera and catalan) but yes, the different accents of spanish can be very confusing. I have serious problems to understand people from the south 8O

I know that, but we don't even have dialects. When I was in Ibiza, some traffic signs were written in Ibicenco, and that's beautiful! I mean, I do believe that our language is the most important thing about our cultural identity, and presenving it is very important. Even if it's a dialect.
Conrado said:
I know that, but we don't even have dialects. When I was in Ibiza, some traffic signs were written in Ibicenco, and that's beautiful! I mean, I do believe that our language is the most important thing about our cultural
identity, and presenving it is very important. Even if it's a dialect.

Conrad, that's very nice to hear, unfortunatly languages and dialects are now a days, weapons in the general and regional policy. Lots of people can't stand that catalans, or basques or gallegos have a second language, like in the old Franco's days :(
Conrado said:
I do believe that our language is the most important thing about our cultural identity, and presenving it is very important. Even if it's a dialect.
at least he showed respect for our language, not like Certain_Idiot who describe it as "a funny language"..........
Caetano Veloso, a Brazilian musician, says about Portuguese "minha língua é a minha Pátria", meaning "mi lengua es mi Patria". I totally agree! I mean, if I have to speak English, French or German to communicate with someone, no problem, I can do so. Even if I have to, I can try to communicate in Spanish (even though I don't know exactly how, I'll try). Communicating is important. But knowing the value our language has is just as important.

Minha língua é a minha Pátria!
McRackin and Silvia, read this:

"For Brazilians, as for those who speak Portuguese, art is a woman: "A Arte". For people who speak Spanish, art is a man: "EI Arte". For those who speak English, art has no gender. This does not mean that people who speak Portuguese and people who speak Spanish make art differently as woman is different from man. They make art in a way that is equal, as a woman is equal to a man. Art in English has no gender, but this does not mean that art done in English is neutral as woman and man are not neutral." --> This is the pleasure that comes from speaking many languages (and being raised bilingual is a blessing for you that can speak català, ibicenco and castellano, I envy you, guys).
Conrado said:
McRackin and Silvia, read this:

"For Brazilians, as for those who speak Portuguese, art is a woman: "A Arte". For people who speak Spanish, art is a man: "EI Arte". For those who speak English, art has no gender. This does not mean that people who speak Portuguese and people who speak Spanish make art differently as woman is different from man. They make art in a way that is equal, as a woman is equal to a man. Art in English has no gender, but this does not mean that art done in English is neutral as woman and man are not neutral." --> This is the pleasure that comes from speaking many languages (and being raised bilingual is a blessing for you that can speak català, ibicenco and castellano, I envy you, guys).

Thanks Conrado, this art/word dissertation is very interesting. I always find strange and confussing that no - genre in english cos it's so important in spanish and catalan ;)
I'll take a look to that link at home.

And yes, being bilingual it's a blessing ;)
Bring back Silvia! Somebody else I could practice with. Am currently doing a Bàsic 3 evening class twice a week which is free! I think it's the last stage before intermediate level. Quite an interesting group. A few native Spanish speakers, mostly south americans, a Ukrainian, a Korean tour guide and a Brazilian postgraduate researching witchcraft!
We sometimes find ourselves watching IB3 (on freeview here) which is the official baleares tv channel broadcasting in Mallorquí and Eivissenc. Do hope it’s future is guaranteed because the governing PP and their (even more) evil younger brother VOX have formally declared war on the Catalan language in the Balearics. It’s no longer mandatory for many public offices and my fear is it will gradually disappear across the board.

Bring back Silvia! Somebody else I could practice with. Am currently doing a Bàsic 3 evening class twice a week which is free! I think it's the last stage before intermediate level. Quite an interesting group. A few native Spanish speakers, mostly south americans, a Ukrainian, a Korean tour guide and a Brazilian postgraduate researching witchcraft!
Wait, you can do postgraduate work in witchcraft!
Huge demo in Palma at the weekend in defence of the Catalan language in Baleares. Obviously a hot potato over here too.

Seems to me the central problem is new migrants or businesses can't be bothered to use it and then the kids think it's uncool or for old people, leading to political pressure on government to marginalise a 'redundant' language. This is terrible imo. A language isn't just a tool, it's part of your culture and shared history and should be enforced.

*Interestingly Basque is enjoying a renaissance in Euskadi so maybe there are lessons to be learned there?

A language isn't just a tool, it's part of your culture and shared history and should be enforced.
Wow, did you just say "enforced"? I thought you were against telling people in other countries what's good for them? Didn't we have a discussion about that just a few days ago? 😛

Do you think the Spanish youth would appreciate your wish to make them learn a useless language instead of some skills/languages that actually help them advance their careers, so that they don't earn a pittance later in life? Being a proud Catalan doesn't help much if you cannot afford the rent :rolleyes:

An anecdote from Germany. About a decade ago, the Munich University of Technology switched their masters curriculum from German to English. You can imagine the outcry from defenders of the German language and culture! The university president was declared as the enemy of the German language number one. But the application numbers doubled! People care a lot more about their careers and their future than about preserving their national identity.
Wow, did you just say "enforced"? I thought you were against telling people in other countries what's good for them? Didn't we have a discussion about that just a few days ago? 😛

"Other countries"?? I've lived in Barcelona for 8+ years and have dual nationality. It's not "other" to me.

Do you think the Spanish youth would appreciate your wish to make them learn a useless language instead of some skills/languages that actually help them advance their careers, so that they don't earn a pittance later in life? Being a proud Catalan doesn't help much if you cannot afford the rent :rolleyes:

a "useless language" for you perhaps.. millions here would politely (and not so politely) disagree