Bye Bye Ibiza Enough's Enough

As a child growing up I guess we werent that susceptible to drugs - it seems more in the mainframe now for kids.

But I think my parents did me and my sister well because they were never giving the JUST SAY NO speech nor were they oblivious to these things. It was just common knowledge in our house that this wasnt the right way to be.

I like to think because of my parents laid back and non controlling way to things in teenage life I am quite open minded.

I can see NOW though how hard it must be to be a parent of someone that age and the constant worrying of what could be going on.
Jonny, I don`t know any crack heads, I do know a few Smack heads, One is a very close friend of mine, But I also know a lot of coke heads, I would say the coke is the worst out of them, At least with a smack head you know where you are, the coke make`s people look/think/talk ok, but most would steal yer granny`s purse for another line if she turned round, Then stand there and deny it, And be very convincing about doing it !

I myself went through a bit of a bad time with the coke in the late 1990's but i never once stole or even considered it, just sweated it out of me and didn't touch it again for a long time, nowadays i can take it or leave it and dabble only a few times a year (the quality is rubbish anyway), in fact i don't actually know of anyone who has ever gone out and stolen anything because of coke,whereas "gear heads" as we call junkies here will rob their own mothers to get their next fix, thankfully crack cocaine never really took off here, it is used but thankfully Dublin was never flooded with it.
Thinking back, It was probably the just say no thing that started it all, It was an advert for us kid`s , Just say no to drug`s, I think most of my age group then ( about 14 ish ) Did not know what they were until that came out lol, We then went , "drugs , what are they ? like pain killers granny takes ?? " na weed," That was it lol
Icrack cocaine never really took off here, it is used but thankfully Dublin was never flooded with it.

Are you sure Jonny? I've got mate's who go there every year for the craic......

"The blue windcheater with the Nike tick thanks....TAXI!!!"
Are you sure Jonny? I've got mate's who go there every year for the craic......

"The blue windcheater with the Nike tick thanks....TAXI!!!"

My friend and her boyfriend used to dabble in coke quite a bit especially with their other friends who did it a lot then they started having children and obviously not doing it as much.

My friend ended up doing it with one of the girls recently (this is one who is a mother) and she had such a funny turn/reaction and no idea what she was doing she ended up in a right state calling her parents up as she actually thought she was going to die.

She felt ill for days after as well. 8O
I would not like to think what some of the Idiot`s cut it with, anything out the cupboard that looks about right in my experience, I even hear they are weighting the weed in UK with all sorts, sand, silica, glass dust !!!! The Eastern Europeans are even pushing the Yardies and the Chinks ( no offense meant, Not the Chinese generally Triad`s etc) out of the UK drug`s business from what I read / see. and are completely ruthless on the " business ethics.:-)
My friend and her boyfriend used to dabble in coke quite a bit especially with their other friends who did it a lot then they started having children and obviously not doing it as much.

My friend ended up doing it with one of the girls recently (this is one who is a mother) and she had such a funny turn/reaction and no idea what she was doing she ended up in a right state calling her parents up as she actually thought she was going to die.

She felt ill for days after as well. 8O

Either cut with absolute sh1t or it sounds like ketemine.. That's another thing, I've heard of people buying some coke, but it turns out to be ket.. Also, sounds like she perhaps doesnt know much about what she was taking therefore a bit of panic set in.

If in doubt, dont get the hoover out :roll:
The main point of my post was that we should educate ourselves and each other sensibly and that includes our children. We should also encourage them to educate themselves and not blindly believe propaganda or just believe what their mates say. As it says in the post, their are plenty of good resources on the net.
The main point of my post was that we should educate ourselves and each other sensibly and that includes our children. We should also encourage them to educate themselves and not blindly believe propaganda or just believe what their mates say. As it says in the post, their are plenty of good resources on the net.

The flaw with that is, the only real way to get an education in drugs is to use as the effects and tolerances differ from one person to the next. is this what you suggest?

"Go on son, try one more, see if you're a double drop gurner like your mother..."

"Less tobacco in the next one kiddo, then we'll see how much it takes to bring on your first's for your own good! - then you can watch Bob the Builder"

Admirable ideals, but kids will be kids and they'll do what they do and no amount of education from "responsible" influences, even if that person has "been and done it" themselves will change that. Otherwise, why would kids still smoke cigarettes - even though the deadly side effects are common knowledge?

I suppose the benefit to being a parent who has a first hand understanding of drugs is being able to recognise the signs and not reacting hysterically.
"Go on son, try one more, see if you're a double drop gurner like your mother..."

"Less tobacco in the next one kiddo, then we'll see how much it takes to bring on your first's for your own good! - then you can watch Bob the Builder"

MarkB, You're missing the point.

Thats is rubbish and is not what we (blackswan and johnny) are saying at all.. All of us have said that we would much prefer if our kids did not take anything, but we are not nieve. Any parent who says any of the above that I have quoted you ARE totally iresponsable and should be ashamed. Do not put myself in the catogary of them. On the other hand, what we are saying is that it is nieve to say to your kids, "just say no"..

Also, any parent who after trying to give sound advice on the subject who then takes drugs with their kids are out of order and wrong and a line has been crossed that will lose their respect..

"Go on son, try one more, see if you're a double drop gurner like your mother..."
Honestly, that is fcking sh1te
Honestly I think that with drugs as well as alcohol abuse, a strict prohibitionism does not pay. A cultural revolution is needed but it takes a very long time. Any other solution is just a temporary panacea.
MarkB, You're missing the point.

Thats is rubbish and is not what we (blackswan and johnny) are saying at all.. All of us have said that we would much prefer if our kids did not take anything, but we are not nieve. Any parent who says any of the above that I have quoted you ARE totally iresponsable and should be ashamed. Do not put myself in the catogary of them. On the other hand, what we are saying is that it is nieve to say to your kids, "just say no"..

Also, any parent who after trying to give sound advice on the subject who then takes drugs with their kids are out of order and wrong and a line has been crossed that will lose their respect..

Honestly, that is fcking sh1te

Pipe down for ****s sake.

I was replying to Paddy's post , not yours, johnnys, blackswans. So my response was directed at his post, not yours so wind your neck in. I didn't respond to your post because there was nothing interesting in it other a general rant, unlike Paddy's.

And I'm sure that Paddy can see where I was trying to inject a little humour with my flippant quotes, for god's sake i can't believe you thought that was serious.

You can't be that naive, sorry neive.
Pipe down for ****s sake.

I was replying to Paddy's post , not yours, johnnys, blackswans. So my response was directed at his post, not yours so wind your neck in. I didn't respond to your post because there was nothing interesting in it other a general rant, unlike Paddy's.

And I'm sure that Paddy can see where I was trying to inject a little humour with my flippant quotes, for god's sake i can't believe you thought that was serious.

You can't be that naive, sorry neive.

Oooooooooffffffffffffffft, OUCH !

I knew I should have used spell check or tried harder at school, perhaps it's the french in me..

a general rant/wind your neck in.... ?????? :spank:

If I took your post the wrong way then I do apologise..

Thanks for the humour, keeps us alert first thing on a friday morning. I bet you're not working all weekend unlike myself..
"Go on son, try one more, see if you're a double drop gurner like your mother..."

"Less tobacco in the next one kiddo, then we'll see how much it takes to bring on your first's for your own good! - then you can watch Bob the Builder"

Actually there is someone I know (don’t really like them right enough) who is actually like that.. When the subject about being a hypocrite comes up and they are in the company it can get quite heated..

Thank fcuk I used spell check there coz the mistakes are ooooozing out of me. :?
I hope we can move on from this and learn to live side by side despite differences of opinions ;)

I've been in since 5.30am. But i got some speed off the kids to tide me over...

(joking!!!) :lol:
I hope we can move on from this and learn to live side by side despite differences of opinions ;)

I've been in since 5.30am. But i got some speed off the kids to tide me over...

(joking!!!) :lol:

Bien Sure mon ami.....

You may joke, but I wouldn't chance asking 8O

kin hate it though when someone flags up your spelling mistakes.. :oops::oops::oops: beamer! lol
Bien Sure mon ami.....

You may joke, but I wouldn't chance asking 8O

kin hate it though when someone flags up your spelling mistakes.. :oops::oops::oops: beamer! lol

keep an eye open, you'll soon have the chance to return the favour! :lol:

Watch out for that Buckley bloke though, he's a grammatical Ayatollah (in a non-pedantic "humour in the error" type of way) :lol:
Bien Sure mon ami.....

You may joke, but I wouldn't chance asking 8O

kin hate it though when someone flags up your spelling mistakes.. :oops::oops::oops: beamer! lol

'bien sur' found in these entries:
faire - placé
course - indeed - obviously - sure - will - would