Buying Property in Ibiza

Ibiza needs to discover zoning combined with compulsary residency. This means each property within a residential zone must be inhabited by at least one permanent resident (who of course pays all his/her income and capital gains taxes to Ibiza). Properties in these zones can be rented out, but only to people who will have their permanet residency at that property.

EU legislation will probably prohibit discrimination based on nationality or place of birth.

This means no residential properties within these zones can be rented to tourists, on Airbnb or by any other way.

I used to live in a mountain village that has this system. It kept the property prices from rising to ridiculous levels.

Obviously one needs politicians who work for the inhabitants, not for the tourist industry. If you don't have such politicians, then start your own political party.
It already exists in ibiza.
if ever there was a post to make you puke. one of the reasons I write on this forum less and less. some of the utter cunts who post on

An Algerian came illegally and voluntarily to live in a pigpen, assisted by human traffickers posing as rescuers, and we tourists are supposed to feel sorry for him and feel guilt? :rolleyes:

It's not champagne and oysters others consume that are causing this man's ruin. Deport him - problem solved.

If an Ibiza native somehow ends up without a roof over their head due to some tourism excesses and without own guilt, this should be looked at. But poor migrants shouldn't blame rich migrants and tourists for their misery - they could have avoided all this by staying away from the island. Can't this guy just go to a police station (or whoever deals with migrants) and tell them he wants to return to his native Algeria? Many countries would have happily given him a free ticket home in such a situation.
Not the best Post in history of this Forum.
Yours is absolutely one of the worst posts I've read in the history of the forum.
Which one ?
that's correct, the fines have been set at the value of the apartment. in further news, sanchez wants to tax non eu property purchasers at 100% of the purchase price of the property rather than the average 10% it is now for everybody. he also wants holiday rental owners to charge vat on the price of the rental to bring them in line with hotels. currently a holiday rental does not attract vat because it does not provide services like hotels, eg cleaning, bed making etc.
The director of the most important local media says...

The moment of truth about the dark side of tourism

This year should be the year of truth regarding the review of the current tourism model and its dark side, to reorient it with criteria other than achieving maximum profitability at any price, which is what has led us to this disaster on the islands. At last there is a more or less general consensus that this mad rush to make money at the expense of destroying the environment and trampling on the rights of residents is not acceptable. Not so long ago, everything was justified in the name of the sacrosanct "prosperity" that tourism brought us, and criticizing its pernicious effects earned you all kinds of insults, the first being "tourismophobe." They quickly sent you to eat carob beans. Prosperity does come, but for some much more than for others. Others, already a legion, are condemned to live in poor housing or to be crammed into flats with strangers because, under the protection of "I do what I want with my property, because it is mine," we have reached a point where there is no housing for the whole year at affordable prices. It has been difficult, but at last it is admitted that these shanty towns come from the dust of the wild market.

The fact is that the multitudinous round tables (around 140 entities from the islands are participating) that the Balearic Government set up to analyse the situation and the possible solutions to combat tourist congestion have been meeting for a few months, and in February the first decree of urgent measures is expected to be approved, which will come into force next season. Hopefully the interests of particular sectors (so powerful, with so much money at stake) will be put aside and we will really think about the present and the future of these islands and their inhabitants, because we have a lot at stake.

This summer, the regulation of the entry of caravans and, possibly, rental cars to the island of Ibiza will also be put into effect. It seems that something is moving. But scepticism is inevitable, until it is determined whether the changes are far-reaching or simply cosmetic touch-ups to avoid touching what has always guided the economic development of the Pitiusas: money.
