bugged out weekender jan 2013

you can take anything you like into the chalets, what you aren't allowed is drink into the actual venues themselves...well that was the case last time, you could get your drinks in plastic tumblers and walk between the venues though and just say you'd bought it in the other bar. (so buy laods of plastic pint glasses and try that trick.

i dont drink so didnt really effect me, ws just red bull / water for me .....

Cheers, happy to buy drinks in there but just didn't want to turn up with beers and then lose it!
I think we'll be in Bognor fairly early, the 40 mile drive along the M27/A27 can take days if you hit the Friday afternoon rush hour so I'd rather beat the rush and sit in a nice pub somewhere. That, and I'd just be sat around at home all day waiting to leave, which is never fun. It's almost better to have some sort of a journey to get there, it at least focuses the excitement and eats up the day.
was looking at the timetable last night...only thing im not happy about is the clash between weatherall/smagghe & joy orbison then julio bashmore...may need to run between the 2 to catch an hour or so.
Travel isn't looking good for tomorrow. I think we're going to head off as soon as we get up to get there before the snow comes down. Friends who are travelling down from Norfolk and Suffolk think they may struggle to even get there.

Clashes - Boys Noize & Erol Alkan vs Maceo Plex & Heidi, on Saturday and ^^what he said.

TM, how are you travelling down? I'm supposed to be in Peterhead by Wednesday morning, which means spending the whole of Tuesday driving after a hectic long weekend. Not sure if this weather is going to stop that happening. A 600 mile drive through the snow won't be ideal.
Be warned, Brighton and the surrounding area is due heavy snowfall all of tomorrow and Saturday.
Officially sold out now. This in a way makes me happy, as it gives some closure for me and I can't go even if tempted! :lol:

But yes, weather is not looking good. I hope for all those attending that it doesn't cause any disruption. Leave & arrive early tomorrow and I'm sure you will be fine. Could be a different story for the journey home however.
think im going to be pretty screwed getting there i think if the forecasted snow is as bad as forecast...

we will just need to see how it goes tomorrow.
First part of journey is on time & ahead of schedule :)

will see what happens when I get to London.

anyone off here that fancies meeting up, drop me a pm or just randomly ask the Scottish people you msy run into at the event if they post on here:)lol probably a good chance it will be my circle & they know I do.:)lol
Absolutely top weekend, was really impressed. Will definitely be going back next year!

Highlights - Gestafflestein & Brodinski on Friday, Chems and Boys Noize on Saturday, Eats Everything and Frankie Knuckles last night.
Absolutely top weekend, was really impressed. Will definitely be going back next year!

Highlights - Gestafflestein & Brodinski on Friday, Chems and Boys Noize on Saturday, Eats Everything and Frankie Knuckles last night.
the weekender was excellent this year, a lot better than last year, bugged out have upped their game, plus butlins had added the new centre point area & new hotel...have to say was quite impressed with my pals hotel room (Ocean Hotel) ...pretty nice it was, although i still woulddn't give up getting an apartment as the general potential for comedy gold is too much when you put a load of people in such a small space for 3 days all going for it!!

was a long day yesterday , train disruption getting to gatwick, then flight was delayed a bit as well...so was real glad to see home by 9pm.
hope you trip home was ok Jack, and was good meeting you.8)

highlights (aside from just going a bit wild with your mates for a few days:spank:)
daniel avery;chemical brothers;scuba;andrew weatherall & smagghe:blawan;justin robertson;frankie knuckles;huxley;bicep;maceo plex;disco bloodbath

counting minutes til i get out of work today though, plus got landed in it as somone is off sick, so got to cover their work, plus what i missed friday/monday!!!....was hoping for an easy day as well!!
C'mon where's the real details lads haha

I might write one next week once I've moved into my house in Pererhead. Barely been able to get 3G since I've been in Scotland! I can't remember as much as I'd like, as usual, but it might be a laugh and pass some boring evenings up here.
A vague recollection of events over the weekend of 18/19/20/21 January 2013

This probably won't be the most interesting read, there wasn't a whole load of scandal, mischief, or shagging. However, not for the first time in Spotlight's event reviewing history, there is a small story about someone not having packed the required items to clean his teeth...and a big story about massively overdoing it on a cocktail of drink and drugs, some unbelievable sets, good laughs with good friends, and some memories that'll stay with us for a very long time..


I'd gone to bed on the Thursday night slightly worried that we might not all get down to Bognor Regis the next day, due to the adverse weather. There were 6 of us coming from Southampton/Fareham/Portsmouth areas, and the 2 girls were heading down from East Anglia on the train. Norwich had already been hit with a load of snow, enough so that the girls were worried that the trains wouldn't be running at all. It turned out that they were, just slowly and with delays. I woke up to find it was snowing heavily, and well before it was forecast. On seeing a tweet from @BuggedOut saying that the site and pub would now open from midday, we decided it would be better to get down there ASAP and that the train was our best bet due to the number of accidents reported on the M27 and A27. A final check with National Rail enquiries before we left scuppered that plan - all trains between Southampton and Brighton were cancelled, so we loaded the car up and hoped for the best. I think we got lucky with the drive. It seemed that the accidents on our side of the motorway had all been cleared, and people were generally staying off the roads. People travelling in the opposite direction weren't as lucky, 10 mile queues, but bollocks to them, they weren't going to Bugged Out weekender! We got to Bognor in just over an hour, taking it easy and only nearly spinning the car a couple of times in the snow. We arrived at about 1.30pm, and were told we couldn't check in till 4, but the pub was open. That would be absolutely fine. We adopted a stranger on our way to the pub, she'd travelled separately from her friends, taken 3 hours to get from Portsmouth to Bognor, and her phone had died so she sat and drank with us, and used Facebook on our phones to locate her friends.

We sat in the pub until about 4, then went to check in and found our way to our 'Silver Room', which was located in the Favela closest to the main building. It turned out that that they couldn't differentiate between a 'twin' room and a 'double' room, and as the place was completely sold out, it appeared that myself and my mate Tyler would be sharing a double bed inside of a cardboard shack for the next 3 nights. Cheers! I honestly think a tent, or a collection of branches and leaves in the woods would've been as good for sleeping 2 adults, but never mind. We emptied the bin, filled it with cold water and dumped our 2 boxes of cider and bottles of coke in there to act as some kind of homemade refrigerator, grabbed a couple each and wandered off to find where my mate Mitch was setting up camp for the weekend. He was staying with 3 lads I didn't know, and they had all the drugs with them that we'd organised the week before. There were 4 of them sharing accommodation, which consisted of 2 of our rooms with a door kicked in between them. Anyway, we got to know everyone, cracked some drinks, put some beats on and got the party supplies out. I'm not sure how long we were there, we'd been drinking since the early afternoon and weren't at all holding back. At some point the girls made it to Butlins, and I remember taking my speakers, a bottle of Sailor Jerry's, some coke, and 2 grams of MDMA round to their chalet/cabin/box thingy, and from then it continues to be blurry. I know we had made a plan to be in to see Bicep at midnight, then Disclosure at 12:30, and I wanted to hop between Fake Blood and Dusky then back into the centre stage for Brodinski and Gessafelstein. Truth is, I have no idea what really happened. According to the girls, I took forever making up some bombs, we missed Bicep completely and just stayed in the centre stage straight though from Disclosure until the lights came up. There was a bit of drama when I convinced myself that I'd lost all the MDMA. At one point I'd used a hairband from one of the girls to strap it to a body part that doesn't get searched, because they were doing searches now and again going between rooms. Anyway, I went to get it out to do some more, and all I found was a hairband around my dick, which wasn't great. That led to a mass search of everyone's pockets, my socks and shoes etc, followed by me moaning for ages about what an idiot I was for losing the gear... And that was the first night - I'm fully missing the few hours between about midnight and 3am, I snapped out of it about halfway through Fake Blood's set which I thought was about level-par for him, and I'd pretty much sobered up by the time Brodinski and Gessafelstein started, and they were spot on. I think a lot of people had overdone it being the first night, the place was empty by the time the lights came up and I'd been up fully 24 hours and was completely out on my feet. The only remaining excitement that night was finding the missingf package, it turned up at 7am, under my pillow. No idea how that happened!


Woke up at about 11am, head spinning, ears ringing, hung over but not on a comedown. Nothing that a fry-up can't fix. Myself and Tyler showered and got ready then headed out to find food. Buffet English breakfast and unlimited tea, coffee and orange juice for £6.50 - the stuff dreams are made when in that state. We both got some grub down us, dropped Mitch a text to see what he was doing, and he said to go round to their double box. Turns out that the 4 lads had all relied on each other for toothpaste, and they'd made do with Vodka and chewing gum, I pointed out that there was a shop on site they could probably find some in. We grabbed some ciders from our bin and went back round to find Mitch having breakfast. On the menu was pints of Gin & Tonic and lines of cocaine. I wasn't even surprised about this behaviour, he's an animal and it pretty much set the tone for the rest of the day. I wonder if his wife gave him a bollocking for raiding her Gin out of the booze cabinet... The rest of the day we just sat about drinking with the music on, chatting ****. A few of the lads from Mitch's room headed out to the pool party, but the rest of us decided against it due to the very real risk of drowning. When the girls finally got themselves up and moving, the 5 of us headed over to the pub to watch the end of the footy scores coming in and to have a few drinks, then back for showers and the usual few hours of drinking and getting stupid before it was time to head out. Plan for that night was to be in Reds at 10:30 for Ben UFO, then the centre stage for Chemical Brothers, Boys Noize, then was planning to stage hop for the rest of the night. Predictably, we sat in the shed for too long drinking and chatting, and only just got in the centre stage in time for Chemical Brothers, but what an awesome set! Shamefully, I'd never seen them before but wasn't disappointed. I was off my rocker on MD and loving all the classics. We all got split up through the night but were just bouncing round the whole place and meeting people, having a great time. One thing I really liked about the whole weekend was the vibe around the whole place. Just about everyone I talked to was sound as you like and having a top time. (I think) The Chems predictably finished with the Boys Noize remix of Swoon with Boys Noize to take over next, and another absolute beauty of a set. He killed it. I remember that we'd all found a central place to meet when people went off for drinks etc, so we actually all spent a decent amount of time partying together. The good thing about losing the gear the night before was that we'd hardly touched it and had loads of the stuff, and it was rocket fuel so we were all nicely spangled right through the night. I remember really coming up hard as he dropped Yeah, he was really smashing it and we were going mad for it. One thing I thought weird, or maybe I dreamt it, but I'm sure that Boys Noize finished with Swoon as well... not totally sure. Anyway, Erol Alkan next but that set just passed me by. There was an area near a bar just through the curtains from the centre stage that people had sort of taken it on themselves to make into a chill out area. It was right near where it was all happening but with loads of people sat about when their legs had gone, so we sat down with the girls for a couple of drinks and some sit down raving for a while. The rest of the night disappeared, I was ruined but stayed through most of Scuba's set, but can't remember much. Another REALLY good night though, Chems and Boys Noize were incredible and another night of raving with some absolutely top notch people. Took a few photos at some point, here's a couple of the better ones:


I woke up at 10ish feeling absoutely ruined. Between me and the girls, we'd munched through the best part of 2 grams of MDMA and drunk a fair bit. Breakfast was not an option, so I walked through to Costa to get a few litres of coffee for everyone and called in on the girls to try to piece together the missing parts of the previous night. The girls went off for breakfast, myself and Tyler decided the only option was to man up and get back on it, so we went to the bar by the bowling alley to watch the football, drink a load of pints and eat crisps. Of course, it absolutely did the trick. Same evening routine - showers, get changed, pile everyone into a box room, put some beats on and get some drink and drugs down you. It was an early start on the Sunday due it finishing earlier, and I was massively up for the night ahead. The only thing I was annoyed about was that none of us had made any effort to sort anything for the 'Bugged Out Acid House Fancy Dress Party'. We got in on time this time - bang on 9pm for the start of Eats Everything's set. I was impressed how many people had made the effort with the Acid House get-up, loads of people looking really good and random **** everywhere. Eats Everything was spot on, and if the atmosphere on the previous nights were top notch, this Acid House party was ****ing ridiculous! So so good, everyone in there was having it and properly getting their groove on. This one the highlight of his set for me. As a closet DnB fan I was really loving his remix of Adam F - Circles, I got a great video of it going off when he dropped it, not sure if I can get it on here though. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=166TQyzwl0A
I had been meaning to drag myself away to go and catch Weatherall and Smagghe in Reds, but Eats Everything just smashed it and Julio Bashmore was up next and we'd been dragged down the front with the girls. I didn't mind though, another very tidy set and I've really taken to Battle For Middle You, and as much as Au Seve is overplayed, it's still a top tune. Sometime after Maya Jane Coles came on I went through to Reds to meet TM78 and his crew, Blawan was on in there and smashing it. I was wrecked but think I managed some decent conversation with him and his lot...it was good to meet another Spotlighter for some partying anyway. I got a text from one of the girls saying she was ****ed and lost so off I went on a 1 man search party, I found her and we took on some more 'sit down raving' in the homemade chillout zone, and had a couple more drinks and got right in the mood for what would be the set of the weekend - Frankie Knuckles. If you were going to hand pick a legend of house music to close an old school acid house party, well you couldn't go too far wrong with that booking...just look on youtube! Absolutely class set, the last half hour blew us away completely and we were just stood there laughing at the end. 'Z' had turned up after a lengthy absence, with some bloke in all the acid house gear, both absolutely wrecked and covered in green paint, had myself and 'K' in fits over that, they just seemed really confused about the whole thing and all this silver paper falling out of the ceiling. Your Love, The Whistle Song and Strings of life all towards the end of the set, and that was the weekend done. Simply epic, and I hate that word, it's so overused!

It's really impossible to describe just how good the weekender was. Despite the snow, the cold, the **** accommodation, it was just so so good. Amazing bookings, sets, set ups, people, and the vibe about the whole place. I'd say I had a better time in 3 nights at Butlins than I did in 3 nights in Ibiza in 2010, and that was a good trip! We'll definitely be going back next year, and I bet there will be at least 10 more in our group because I won't shut up about it!

Pics on Bugged Out's Facebook, some really good ones if anyone fancies having a look! And get yourself down there next year for a great value few days of partying! http://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.10151389721844030.502498.22216944029&type=1
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Enjoyable read Jack....was a superb weekend and it does bring the memories back (just been looking at some clips on YouTube / my phone as a result !!....(and your conversation was fine:)lol, was genuinely good to meet you, think one if my mates had done a bit too much coke though and was talking a load of **** so you done well (plus with our accents, and after 3 days we do talk a lot faster, my voice / throat was pretty screwed as well by that point as well)

my recollections are really, leaving my house in glasgow 10am Friday and not getting to our apartment til 10pm due to the trains / snow, after all that delay / boredom I just went for it after that, finally went to bed about 9am Sunday , woke up 3hrs later, felt ok considering what id ingested in those 2 days & nights!...I do remember heating 2 ready meals in the flat microwave at one stage, looking at them , and just putting them straight in the bin one after the other :)lol.
(my mate had an £80 taxi from gatwick on the friday night to get there as he missed the last train, arrived way after midnight, so he was like **** it , im here now, lets go for it the same as me, so just stayed up the first 2 days & nights with me ...plus was 11 of us in our group, so in that sort if group size the potential for partners in crime to keep partying / keep taking / going off to see / do something is quite high....

saw a lot of good dj sets, did a lot of dancing about , talking to randoms , having a ****ing amazing time if it really with my pals & who ever happened to be near us (also must mention Daniel avery / scuba / blawan who all impressed me on my first time seeing all 3 of them )

best moments of the weekend: Andrew weatherall & smagghe b2b, not just for the brilliant set they played, but because our crowd were altogether , we were all still at the right level at that time , we'd all enjoyed the previous 2 days & nights , we had space to dance about / be daft...(our group all have a common shared love / bonding thing with Andrew weatherall nights / music so it's just special when we all get together, music is right etc (was around 25 of us at ALFOS last night to see weatherall & Sean Johnson in Glasgow as was a mates birthday night )..

funniest moments: 8pm Sunday , mate comes through from the other flat(we had 2 flats adjoining) so, hes been partying pretty damn hard since early friday as they got an early flight down, asking what time were leaving ....to get the train to airport:)lol , he'd thought we'd already been out the Sunday night and we were at the afterparty in the flat on the Monday morning:)...kept him going for a bit before informing him we had still to actually go see Andrew weatherall ....he was made up, felt like he'd been given an extra night out!!!:)pmsl.

Also mate getting asked to leave reds (one if the dance areas) as he got caught with a bottle of poppers:)lol the embarrassment of being asked to leave a club due to having poppers will live with him for some time :)pmsl...(we were all taking the piss out if him last night when we were out , a bottle of poppers was also given to him as a keepsake :)lol

what made me laugh was that I'd brought them into the club & had spoke to the security guard on the door to clear it:) that plus my mate doesn't even really like them either, his girlfriend does :)

weekend was superb, I recommend it to everyone I speak too,
the setup is brilliant , bugged out put on s great event / very good list of acts/djs, everything is so easy, with the accommodation / the venues being so close , it's good value for money & when you go with a group of people your guaranteed to not stop laughing / enjoying yourself . For me the crowd is also very good (yeah they are are a bit young , might not know how to behave in a club as well as us older ones would like to see, but go with a good attitude towards everyone , and that will benefit everyone. The old PLUR message still rings true with me .

Peace Love Unity Respect.

Oh and Frankie knuckles closing set playing tears / whistle song....2 of my all time classics .....immense.
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That's the review we were waiting for haha. Sounds exactly like Bloc a year or 2 ago. The vibe on the whole site is electric, you tlk to everyone and everyone is abit glazed over haha. Hope the journey back wasn't too bad!
That's the review we were waiting for haha. Sounds exactly like Bloc a year or 2 ago. The vibe on the whole site is electric, you tlk to everyone and everyone is abit glazed over haha. Hope the journey back wasn't too bad!

It's was top notch, but what goes up must come down! The trip home to Southampton was fine, but I had to pack, then go out in the freezing cold to watch Saints v Everton, then get up at 7am and tackle the 13 hour drive through the snow to Northeast Scotland. Was in a world of pain and it took me a good week to get over the whole thing! Was pretty bad timing and I think I underestimated how much the move would stress me out. Doing it all on a huge comedown was traumatic!