"The Life & Death of a Small Spanish Town" by Elliot Paul. Out of print now so you will have to find it second hand. No nightclubs, nobody snorting coke, but a great illustration of how Ibiza was when Franco took power in Spain. It has its critics as Elliot Paul was renowned for his self aggrandisement however one of the main protaganists in this book (Eulalia Noguera, now in her eighties) can still be seen being escorted across Calle San Jaime by her daughter at one thirty each afternoon. Many Ibicencans in Santa Eulalia remember their parents talking about the American journalist who lived here in 1936 and wrote a book about it.
Ms Noguera must be in her 90,s now. She was 19 when Paul wrote that book in 36.
Amazing to think that she is still alive. I will make it a point to meet her next time im in Ibiza.
"The Life & Death of a Small Spanish Town" by Elliot Paul. Out of print now so you will have to find it second hand. No nightclubs, nobody snorting coke, but a great illustration of how Ibiza was when Franco took power in Spain. It has its critics as Elliot Paul was renowned for his self aggrandisement however one of the main protaganists in this book (Eulalia Noguera, now in her eighties) can still be seen being escorted across Calle San Jaime by her daughter at one thirty each afternoon. Many Ibicencans in Santa Eulalia remember their parents talking about the American journalist who lived here in 1936 and wrote a book about it.
.... drink, eat, swim and call in to visit people.....