
Cool I the place ive provisionally booked to stay is right by that whole area (Suicide Circus)
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I'll give you two of my best tips for food.

White Trash Fast Food. Next to Club der Visionäre. Great place for burgers/fast food and... tattoos*(!).
Bar Raval. Great place for tapas and beer.

Hard to fail in Berlin. Best city in the world. Try Berghain, it's a must once. Keep your mood up even if you get turned away, it goes with every place. You get a "NEIN" here and there, just go to the next place on the list. And, remember, at least one Döner a day!

* Not sure if they are actually great. :)
well that was a belter of a weekend! Totally lucked out with weather we are sunburnt! I continued my clean sweep of npt getting into Berghain. I just gave it a quick go by myself , no joy but didnt really bother me.
We went to Prince Charles , Suicide Circus , Club De Visionaire and Tresor.
Also ended up at the top suite in soho house with a grand piano in and a free bar...
My mates were hooked on this 'traditional' Bier Halle which we went to 3 times in all too!
There was also an outdoor party on the river at a bar called Flux. We were on the grass on opposite side and you could hear / watch it very much loud and clear!
well that was a belter of a weekend! Totally lucked out with weather we are sunburnt! I continued my clean sweep of npt getting into Berghain. I just gave it a quick go by myself , no joy but didnt really bother me.
We went to Prince Charles , Suicide Circus , Club De Visionaire and Tresor.
Also ended up at the top suite in soho house with a grand piano in and a free bar...
My mates were hooked on this 'traditional' Bier Halle which we went to 3 times in all too!
There was also an outdoor party on the river at a bar called Flux. We were on the grass on opposite side and you could hear / watch it very much loud and clear!

Thought it was going to be a cultural trip this time :lol:
How was it for you??
It was brilliant, was way too messy to really fully enjoy it though. We met a group of Irish and just drank non stop.

Only night we managed to get into was a Dnb night to see Roni Size.

Found a few cool bars though and I will be back, next time with less people, I found the last two trips, 1st with one other and the second only four of us we did a lot more exploring during the day and I much prefer that.
wow thats impressive in a different kind of way! you didnt hear any techno in berlin!
We acted way too british, real shame but such is life! We did try about 5 different venues on the Friday, just the 3 of us but everyone seemed to be getting turned away, even ze germans! I always get into Tresor and not a single person in the long queue was allowed in so maybe I just chose the wrong times!

going to Berlin and not hearing any techno is like going to a zoo and not seeing any animals
Agreed sigh.... Always manage to get a decent amount of it when I'm over there but not this time. Such is life
where else did you try? we had quite a few girls with us friday which maybe helped at Tresor and Club de Visionare.
The same crew didnt get into berghain following morning though
Tried Watergate and a few around that area which I can't for the life of me remember what they were called. Tried some near Tresor as well but we really were worse for wear.

Club de Visionaire is one of my favourite places, spent Sunday there in October!