

Active Member
I know there is prob a million threads on this, but i am being lazy!

Off to Berlin for mates stag do next weekend (27-29)......

--Can someone recommend a few decent bars, with decent music (house)?? The location of them would be good also.

--Moneywise, whats the deal? Drinks prices in the bars etc?

--Berghain: Some of us are defo going and a guestlist is in place. So, for those who have been - 1) Does the list allow for no queueing? 2) If it doesn't, what is the best time to arrive to avoid the tales of 2 hour queues? 3) what time does it actually finish? I think our plan is to arrive breakfast time or slightly earlier on Sunday morning and then stay until late afternoon (the flight back being at 9pm). 4) Will that timescale let us see Panorama Bar in full effect?

Any other info and help will be appreciated.

I know there is prob a million threads on this, but i am being lazy!

feeling bit lazy myself , look up the many , many threads! :lol:

Although ive been twice im probs not the best qualified to answer.
We didnt really spend much time in Bars (apart from the one at our hostel which was rad) , none spring to mind that were playing decent music.

Moneywise it will depend where you go but on the whole expect to pay fairly reasonable prices , cant remember exactly but we never felt like we were being ripped off like you do in uk places. Beer could be a abit hit n miss i found , quite a few rich / darker ones. I stuck to Berliner Pilsner for beer.

Berghain - Not sure how u got a guestlist I was pretty sure they simply dont do one but i may be totally wrong. I you have a stamp (ie you have been in earlier) you dont have to join the main queue but you will still have to wait for abit at the front while the bouncer does his thing. The biggest queue I saw was sunday afternoon so going around 9am there probs wont be one.
Having been turned away twice i cant comment on anything passed the front door :(:(

don't get pissed before if you can help it , think we mainly failed on that which didnt help in our escapades. Have a plan B and C
I know there is prob a million threads on this, but i am being lazy!

Off to Berlin for mates stag do next weekend (27-29)......

--Can someone recommend a few decent bars, with decent music (house)?? The location of them would be good also.

--Moneywise, whats the deal? Drinks prices in the bars etc?

--Berghain: Some of us are defo going and a guestlist is in place. So, for those who have been - 1) Does the list allow for no queueing? 2) If it doesn't, what is the best time to arrive to avoid the tales of 2 hour queues? 3) what time does it actually finish? I think our plan is to arrive breakfast time or slightly earlier on Sunday morning and then stay until late afternoon (the flight back being at 9pm). 4) Will that timescale let us see Panorama Bar in full effect?

Any other info and help will be appreciated.


anyone? Marc? Kimajy?

That's Luciano does Pano weekend :lol: !! Got to be honest, I don't bother too much with pre-clubbing in Berlin as club time is very good and parties go on for so long. 8pm - 1am is more of a handy restorative meal and 'disco nap' slot :lol:. I usually fly out Sat or Sun and come back on Monday rather than going out on Friday for the start of weekend stuff.

If you're with a small group, you could go to Revalerstraße, explore and keep the rowdiness and drinking under control. Some nice places there. Berlin isn't too expensive for alcohol (except in fancy bars and clubs, which are pricey in any city - and in tourist traps). The unemployment rate is so high, I doubt the population could afford to be out if it was .. :!:

Berghain - presume you're on the G/L of a DJ or someone who works there ? Their allocations are really small so you're pretty lucky if you are ;).

1. I haven't been via guestlist entry - only regular admission, but I wouldn't be at all surprised if a G/L allowed you to use the re-entry queue (RHS of the main line and crowd control as you face the door). Can't whoever put you on the list tell you the correct procedure ? .. also note these guys sent a certain A-lister Techno DJ and his friends packing due to a bad attitude at the door ... and if you turn up drunk I reckon you'll probably also be sent away whatever list you're on, so just be respectful, down-to-earth, and relatively sober, and you should be OK !

2. Otherwise drop by round midnight & just get a re-entry stamp to come back any time. Any of the rest of your party who aren't on the list can also take their chances then and get stamps without too bad a wait (or not - as the case may be - in which case they've plenty of time to make other plans :lol:). You'll probably will have little bother waiting in long lines and this way you'll be covered for faster entry if you want to go back in when it's busier. Otherwise after 10am Sunday there's rarely any queue to speak of (not sure about earlier, probably depends on the night). But as with everything if there are lots of G/L or re-entry people wanting to come in at the same time you might have a bit of a wait. The cloakroom wait both in and out can be quite long when it's busy, too.. it's more that which discourages me from going in and out too often than the door.

3. Berghain main floor will still be going well after your flight home takes off - usually goes on well into Monday early hours. 'Panorama Bar' on their timetable officially finishes round midday Sunday but then it just switches to 'Sonntags' lineup (a continuation in Panorama Bar, basically, which often carries on until Monday late morning or even midday). They'll still be partying when you wake up on Monday morning back in Blighty :lol:.

4. The timescale will definitely let you see Panorama Bar in full effect, tho' the lineup's arguably a bit "light" that weekend so might have a bearing on the mood.
thanks very much Marc and Kimajy, very much appreciated.

So Luciano is on in Panorama that Saturday? The line up i saw on RA didn't say that?? Bonus if he is. RA had PAul Woolford down as playing in there..?

Yeah the guestlist is through someone we know that plays there, i don't wanna name drop so i won't say who!!

Thanks very much.
thanks very much Marc and Kimajy, very much appreciated.

So Luciano is on in Panorama that Saturday? The line up i saw on RA didn't say that?? Bonus if he is. RA had PAul Woolford down as playing in there..?

Yeah the guestlist is through someone we know that plays there, i don't wanna name drop so i won't say who!!

Thanks very much.

Understood on the G/L. Should be sound then. I think they only get 4 places each or something like that .. which is not a lot !

Check the lineup here :

Paul Woolford will be on before midday Sunday. Luciano sometime after but before closing on Monday. The exact timetable will likely be out middle of next week on that page (running order listed right now will change for sure). Ryan Elliott on the main floor ? :!: Saw him play in Panorama Bar .. was really good actually :). Interesting mix - not very typical so be interested to hear back how it goes. Are you clubbing elsewhere on Fri / Sat nights ?
Understood on the G/L. Should be sound then. I think they only get 4 places each or something like that .. which is not a lot !

Check the lineup here :

Paul Woolford will be on before midday Sunday. Luciano sometime after but before closing on Monday. The exact timetable will likely be out middle of next week on that page (running order listed right now will change for sure). Ryan Elliott on the main floor ? :!: Saw him play in Panorama Bar .. was really good actually :). Interesting mix - not very typical so be interested to hear back how it goes. Are you clubbing elsewhere on Fri / Sat nights ?

Thanks man.

Not sure whats happening on the other nights to be honest, its a big stag do including the dad and uncles etc etc so unsure how it will pan out. A couple of us have said we may go to watergate friday night and then we are at the Hertha Berlin football match on the saturday daytime...
Quite useful having lots of people there .. you can get away with getting away more easily I guess.. Saturday match could be fun after a night on the tiles :?:lol: !

Try Dystopian @ Arena on Friday 27th for a real Berlin night. No contest against Watergate .. :) It's Rødhåd's gig that one (very high on my rated nights anywhere list !) - ace guy and local from Friedrichshain.

Would seriously love to go over for it myself, but been travelling this week again and don't think I can manage another trip so soon :?:(

Der Dritte Raum's live at Horst Krzbrg on Friday night too - blast from the past .. can't remember when I last saw on a lineup in UK :lol: !
^^.. he's not liked much there to be honest - Neither is Tom Clark. Dinky's one of the 'lightweights' & has been been hit & miss whenever I've seen her. It's not the best lineup to be honest, but that probably means it won't be packed either which is probably a good thing in Panorama Bar as it can get uncomfortably rammed up there.

Boris plays the Lab:Oratory men-only bit quite a lot I think and is very eclectic, so if he's playing the Berghain floor from noon, this might not be hard techno like it is when Klock and co are at the helm. So could be a good alternative if the music's not great upstairs. A load of the Panorama regulars will probably be in Berghain in the afternoon instead if they stay on.

Eduardo de la Calle is the DJ I'd single out most from that lineup as one not to miss, but he's on first from midnight. So if you're not going until round dawn, I'd try to catch Paul Woolford, and check on Ryan Elliott in Berghain (he was really good when I saw him in Panorama Bar in December but his style may be heavier or more stripped-down Detroit if he's playing the main floor, so depends on what you like / how he plays). Margaret Dygas could be OK. So it's not so bad after all .. as long as you're not craving a hard techno fix :lol:.
Haha - just about mate! I have been ill since i came back with some horrendous stomach bug though, hence the non-report!!

It was a cracking trip, though mostly a huge blur!!!!

Club wise - Watergate on the Friday was tremendous, a cracking venue and the floor to ceiling windows looking out onto the river is an amazing feature of the venue. Great crowd for the night we were there, really friendly and a good mix of locals and clued up tourists.

Berghain was an experience!!! i have been clubbing a long time and i cannot remember the last time i was nervous walking into a venue, but in the cab down there i had nervous butterflies in my stomach!!! we got dropped off at the end of the street and walked down towards the very very imposing building. This was 10am on the Sunday morning and there was no queue whatsoever. Then, as we got about 10metres from the open door, it suddenly slammed shut and remained like that for another 5 minutes. Me and my mate were just standing there wondering what to do!! then the door reopened and a doorman stuck his out and looked at us enquringly, we explained that we were on the guestlist and they took us in and gave us a few blunt questions about who's list?, who was playing there today etc etc. we must have passed cos they let us through and we then spoke to the promoter dude behind the desk who was really pleasant, straight through, coat checked in and went to investigate.....The main floor itself was huge with a cracking system, the view across that room from staring out from the booth is an unbelievable site! We said our thanks for the list and then headed upstairs to Panorama where we stayed until 5ish before we had to leave to meet everyone else to head back to airport. Panorama was so so good.......a mad mix of people all at various stages of messiness makes for a cracking atmosphere.
Well messy then ! Watergate glazing is pretty impressive.

Then, as we got about 10metres from the open door, it suddenly slammed shut and remained like that for another 5 minutes. Me and my mate were just standing there wondering what to do!!

They do that quite a bit. Probably watching you from behind the door seeing if you'd give up, get agitated or bugger off. Bless 'em ;). Love Berghain main floor and the big bar there more than upstairs tho' tbh.. if you go in to the big main floor bar, just to the right is a stairwell up to the mezzanine Eisbar, where you can get fresh and frozen fruit smoothies (real fruit) & ice cream/sorbets (very refreshing !), breakfast espressos and a lie down on a bed when it all gets too much ! In-club detox/pretox boost. How thoughtful :p.

Shame you had to leave early .. you missed witnessing Luciano doing his trademark flamenco around the P-bar .. much to the chagrain of the Berlin massive :lol::lol::lol:.
Aaah Berlin...

Just back from another jaunt and rekindled my love with the place. Berghain is full of tourists these days (like myself :oops:) but the democratic door policy makes this kinda ok. Flouncing around Panorama bar in rubber pants with hipsters, confused tourists and trussed up bears = only in Berlin. 8) :lol:

Ron Trent was brilliant - expected a moody deep house set (which would've done me nicely) but it was jackin' waaaaay ahead of the curb from start to finish. 8) Ben Klock stole the show though - glad to hear lots of acid noiseyness and less of the stripped back minimal. Very 90s sounding.

Especially inspired by the street art and relaxed freedom of the place. I love London but it really does feel like a dictatorship in comparison. Street art is perceived as a nuisance here and the increase in security cams is starting to reek of the Stasi.

Most inspiring of all was the squat scene - raw creativity of the kind they've all but managed to stamp out here (well almost - namely RampART and Ratstar :cry: ). This is how we should all be living. 8) Sadly with the gentrification of Berlin happening at such a rate I don't think it'll last there either.

I've done all the museums over there to death so having studied the WW2 and Stasi eras, we thought we'd go modern and learn more about 90s Berlin (also fascinating but bizarre hearing kids talk about this decade as retro :oops:).

Managed to tear back the layers and discover a really interesting polysexual punk scene. It felt really progressive as for the most part, London is all about forced gender roles and rigid boundaries between gay and straight. It all feels so archaic, especially when we notice the misogyny and sexual stereotyping within these communities - it's quite rare to chance upon a scene so fluid and (quite literally) 'anything goes'. :lol: It's how I imagine the 70s would've been when glam rock, sexual ambiguity and gender bending became the norm for everyone.

Am feeling quite indignant about removing my crusty black nail polish to demonstrate 'gender appropriate' behaviour in the workplace tomorrow. :lol: Might have to move.

Anyone wanting a hotel recommendation - stay's bloody amazing and you won't be disappointed -
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