Benzo Fury

I used to do a lot of mcat when that was legal, but haven't bothered with Benzo , I know a lot of people who have taken it, they seem to think its ok, no real complaints from them, but when the pills are so good at the moment I'd stick with that .
According to the rules, you can post information about drugs (including Dangers, etc)

No posts about how or where to get drugs
I think the title says it all. Sensible discussion about the dangers of drug use and informational posts are ok. Any posts about how or where to get drugs will not be tolerated.

Mods / Admins - If I've misunderstood, please let me know!
According to the rules, you can post information about drugs (including Dangers, etc)

Mods / Admins - If I've misunderstood, please let me know!

I've been guilty myself of making posts that got a bit too druggy and I get the feeling we're better just not talking about it at all on here (fair enough!).

Benzo Fury's chemical name is 6-apb - plenty of info/experience reports on the likes of Erowid and Bluelight. Surprised many people are just finding out about it given the hype around its release two years ago. Even more surprised that it's not yet in the sights for a ban.
I've not had it but know plenty of mates that have. They all said it is really good but most horrific comedown which I just can't be doing with.
As with anything some common sense and moderation is key. Some people seem to take huge amounts of these mystery powders and wonder why they feel so awful afterwards
News over the weekend... :cry:

I honestly don't think I've ever been to Vauxhall without seeing some poor mite being carried out on a stretcher.

London gayers are hardcore - generation e is's all about the crystal and g concoctions in these parts. :cry:


Gay club death sparks drugs warning

Clubbers have been warned after a man died in a suspected drug-related incident and two others were hospitalised at nightspots popular with the gay community.

A man in his mid-20s collapsed inside the Area Club, in Vauxhall, central London, in the early hours of Sunday morning.

He was pronounced dead at 5am.

A second man is being treated in hospital after he collapsed at the same club, on the same night.

Officers found a mystery white powder on each of them.

Scotland Yard said tests are continuing to ascertain the cause of death.

Meanwhile, a third man collapsed inside Barcode nightclub, located nearby in Albert Embankment.

A Metropolitan Police spokesman said: “Police urge any recreational drug users to be extremely careful if they are considering using drugs of any sort, in particular at venues in the Vauxhall area.

“Lambeth officers are appealing for anyone who can assist with enquiries to come forward as soon as possible. A quick response could help us prevent contaminated drugs circulating further and may save someone's life.”

Call Det Srg Janet Barracks on 020 8721 3597 with information.
My main warning with this one is that it can get unexpectedly trippy after the more pleasant buzz has worn off, and that can go on for a long time. Also very stingy arse on exit. :eek:

Must be a reason why I've only had it once.
My main warning with this one is that it can get unexpectedly trippy after the more pleasant buzz has worn off, and that can go on for a long time. Also very stingy arse on exit. :eek:

Must be a reason why I've only had it once.
are you talking about going on a night out to Vauxhall Johnny?:p:p
oof terrible stuff.
mephedrone i thought was excellent when it first came out & was legal, was cheap and really handy as could order it and it came next day in the post,8)
it did get the heart pumping a bit too fast sometimes though it must be said. sweaty times..
horrific stuff... like a nasty e with all the angst and edginess and none of the "get right on one matey!" euphoria.

makes you smell like a mouldy fish counter too.

horrific stuff... like a nasty e with all the angst and edginess and none of the "get right on one matey!" euphoria.

They're totally different things, although they seemed similar to start with. I think what stood out for most people eventually was its aphrodisiac qualities (:eek:), but it could also make you very paranoid and was insanely psychologically addictive.