BARS & CLUBS - winter 09/10

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taboo opens on may 15th :!:

· january 30th @ es paradis - nit retro


Estimados amigos:
Tenemos el gusto de comunicarles que patrocinada por el ayuntamiento de Sant Antoni de Portmany y organizada por la asociacion musico-cultural retro, la tercera edicion de la nit retro sera el dia 30 de enero,fiesta homenaje a los No, The Rocking Boys,los Canarios,Mi Generacion, Fusioon e Iceberg en la discoteca Es Paradis a partir de las 21 h.
Empezará con una exposición de motos y coches antiguos delante de la discoteca y despues las actuaciones en directo de Mi Generacion, Max Sunyer, de Iceberg y Fusioon.
A los No ,Canarios y Rocking se les hara una coreografia con alguno de sus grandes éxitos acompañado de imágenes y fotografias a cargo de Show Design.
Tambien actuarán de invitados los grupos ibicencos más representativos de los 60-70 los Diana, Es Amics y Es Trons.
La entrada-donativo sera de 8 euros.
La recaudación más las rifas que se hagan iran destinadas a dos asociaciones de disminuidos físicos y psíquicos locales,los Olvidados y Disparate.
Hi everyone,

Thanks to all the people that came down to La Cava for Sarah Main's birthday party and making it such a big success we have been asked back to host a weekly party during the winter months.

We are going to be hitting you with our little mid-week soiree every Wednesday called LaNu, Ibiza's 1st Nu Disco party on the island - 70s and early 80s disco with Italo house, Balearic, space funk and tripped out slo-mo beats....a concoction that tends to generate a rather large amount of fun!

So come down early to check out La Cava's wonderful selection of Tapas and wines.....then maybe grab a mojito or two and boogie on down to our resident dj Sarah Main's 1st ever Nu Disco set....mixing Cosmic and Psychedelic disco.

We really hope you can make it out for our mid-week disco-tastic knees up...

Besos....Lhea, Sarah & La Cava Ibiza xx
cafe del mar opens on april 1st :!:

and it closes, as usual, on november 1st.....


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koppas opens on thursday with rickzor+rumme+sergi villalta :!:

for now only thu/fri/sat/sun.....


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International Christmas Market @ Boutique Hostal Salinas 18th-20th Dec
A total of 781.05€ was raised at the first edition of the ‘International Christmas Market’, organized by the Boutique Hostal Salinas in December.

Ibiza, 28 February-
In the first event of its kind on the island, the Boutique Hostal Salinas’ ‘International Christmas Market’ had only one mission- to raise much- needed funds for the Association of Children with Special Needs of Ibiza and Formentera-APNEEF.
The total of 781.05€ donated was raised at the Market’s raffle, which included a multitude of prizes donated by businesses and individuals from the island.
APNEEF president, Carmen Boned, when presented with the cheque at the Plataforma Sociosanitaria on Friday 26th February, acknowledged the ‘hard work and effort’ made by the hotel’s owners, Anita Dey, Dusi Wolfmeir and David Phillips. Thanks were also given to the event’s principal collaborator, Judith Bermudez.
Funds raised, according to Boned, will go towards the purchase of various essential materials for the special needs children within the association. ‘We never thought we would receive such a large sum,’ said Boned, ‘This is a fortune for us!’
Anita Dey, who represented the Boutique Hostal Salinas on the day of the handover, explained that they were delighted to support APNEEF as it was ‘a local cause for local children’. She reiterated the intention to repeat the fundraising for APNEEF in the next ‘International Christmas Market’.

Boutique Hostal Salinas

luna wolfmeir dey and carmen boned:


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