Babs' 10 Year Anniversary in Ibiza - Part 1


New Member
It was almost 10 years to the day since I first put my feet on the island as an innocent young puppess :lol: Fastforward 20ish trips and an older wiser more sensible Babs so here goes :lol:

Early morning flight from Stansted, I obviously got ushered thru cos I'm a law abiding citizen while they insisted on doing hooligan security checks on Tom (well if he insists on a toerag haircut :lol: ) so I hit Duty Free til they eventually declared him ok to go thru passport control :lol: Couple of quick roses and boarded and arrived in Ibiza for 9am - love that 6am Stansted flight cos you arrive and have a full day in front of you. Got to apartments, now I was a bit worried about apartments cos I'm a total HMW when it comes to accomodation in Ibiza, however our original private apartment in Talamanca had fallen thru and we didn't know where to stay but Becki told me to stop being such a HMW and remember my northern roots and stay in Playa Sol cos that's where lots of our friends were staying. The room was ridiculously cheap so I was expecting the worse but couldn't complain in the slightest - nice decent room on top floor with living area/fridge etc and balcony overlooking the front. So we quickly unpacked and were having our first rose/smoothies of the holiday in Passion by 10.30am. Spent a couple of hours in the afternoon at Bora Bora and then watched a bit of the football, we found a great little bar called The Tavern on the beach walking back to Figuretes with 2 big screens so we watched loads of the games there after a day on the beach. Got back to apartment and changed and then headed over to Khumaras for a sunset. Be warned for anyone going later in the season, the roads are a total mare with the new motorway being built and journeys take much longer than normal and that's in June so I dread to think what it will be like in August. Got to Khumaras and had a couple of jugs of sangria and watched the sunset. Then we had a table booked for dinner @ KM5, got there and had a few drinks in one of the tents - everywhere and I mean EVERYWHERE is showing the World Cup (much more than in previous years), even KM5 had a massive screen so Tom was in his element watching the game - who said romance is dead :rolleyes: :lol: Had a lovely meal of buffalo mozarella and the best seabass I've ever had washed down with some lovely wine. I love KM5 :D Headed back to apartments, we were going to wait up for Jon, Becki and co to arrive but having missed out on Weds night sleep and it was taking ages for them to get taxi from airport, we ended up hitting the sack.

Saturday we got up really early and got the boat to Formentera. Got a taxi to the Blue Bar where we were the only people on the beach for hours :D We'd had text from Jon and Becki (who incidentally had checked into Playa Sol last night and were demanding an upgrade to Playa Sol 2 cos they weren't happy with their room - now who's the HMW Bec :lol: ;) ) who said they were coming to join us in Formentera. By 2pm they still hadn't arrived so Tom said unless they're swimming over :lol: they must have changed their plans. We went up to Blue Bar for drinks and lunch and then out of nowhere those 2 appeared (they'd only got the wrong boat and ended up on the 'slow boat' which had taken them about 2 hours :lol: ) Had drinks and lunch with them (and even the Blue Bar was showing football on a massive screen) and did a bit more sunbathing in the afternoon while Tom and Jon pretended they were Ronaldo and Ronaldihno :lol: Our boats were both leaving at 5.30pm so we got on our nice air-conditioned boat which was showing the football while poor Jon and Bec got on their 'slow boat' and we said we'd see them for dinner that night if they got back in time :lol:

Got the pizza delivery sorted and met up for a few drinks (and watched more football - becoming a bit of a pattern for the holiday) and caught up with some other friends who were out there and then me, Tom, Jon and Becki went to El Ayoun for dinner. Had a lovely meal in gorgeous settings and then we had an early-ish night in preparation for the main event tomorrow.

After 2 days of doing 'grown-up nice' things we were up early ready and raring to go and hit Passion for the usual pre-Space breakfast/smoothies/bottles of roses. We got into Space about 2pm and it's still best to get in early afternoon imo (I know some of the new kids on the block prefer to get there later but you need to appreciate Space at its best by getting there early afternoon). It was perfect terrace music for happy people and all the residents impressed (special mention to Mr Ullyses obviously ;) ) So good to see everyone out there :D We left at 8pm to use our pass-out and lots of us headed to Tantra for a few drinks before heading back to Space at 10pm. Again the sunset terrace was at its best and DJ Oliver finished the night in style-eee :D Then we headed onto the new terrace where we were 'treated' to the biggest pile of durge I've heard in a long while :rolleyes: I don't know if Mr Hughes is being a bit too cool for school these days but Woolford and Facuilli are just NOT Space music :twisted: The new terrace, altho busy, was pretty flat and I even said at one point I'd rather have had Groove Armada Superstylin' round the place :oops: That's how bad it was :eek: And don't get me onto the VIP area in Space, anyone who was there last September will remember 'our' place on the new terrace, that is now taken over by tables and a VIP area :rolleyes:

We ended up leaving at 4am and loads of us went to Tantra where we sat drinking there til 9am (it's all a bit hazy, I remember hockey sticks, cuddly toys being won and internet wives :lol: ) and then everyone left and me, Tom, Robder and The Bear :lol: headed back to our apartments for a few drinks before DC10. Got to DC10 for 2pm and again I still think it's best to get to DC10 early, the terrace was just filling up nicely and the music was perfect - proper Secretsundaze style music (altho I hate to say it, I do think that since Charlie Chester and Circo Loco went their separate ways last year the music policy has improved). Had so much fun in DC10, me and Robder were totally OOC and Tom had his hands full trying to keep us under control :lol: We left at 7pm cos it was getting ridiculously busy (when we left there was a massive queue to get in) and took a walk back to PDB (after a bush and flyer incident :oops: :lol: ;) )

The plan was to finish the night off with a few drinks @ Bora Bora and then get some sleep. We met up with Jon, Becki and co who were all going to Cocoon and I'm in one of my showing off moods :rolleyes: and declare 'Me and Tom are coming to Cocoon' :rolleyes: :lol: Next thing I know tickets are bought and we're in a taxi to Amnesia with me thinking 'why can't I keep my big mouth shut and I'd be on my way to bed now' :rolleyes: :lol: Got into Cocoon and me and Tom were taking the pi$$ cos the music was shocking and as for the crowd, well it's just full of big fat Muntas :lol: Now I know some people say that Cocoon is the best night on the island, well I say that these people need to get out more and grow a tastebud :lol: ;) An hour later I look round and Tom is having the time of his life (but then again we know he's got no taste cos he likes Oakie ;) ) I thought Sven was completely rubbish, he doesn't even play decent techno, it was basically cheesey hard trance and as for his mixing, one of my pups could mix better :lol: The only highlight of the night was Jon flying thru the air in Amnesia :lol: At 5am Ash was like my guardian angel cos she thought it was rubbish too and we headed back to the apartment for a few wines and the rest of them got back about 6.30am, Tom was even going on about going to the Cocoon aftershow so I had to have words :lol: Carried on and before we know it it's Tuesday afternoon and realisation dawns - I haven't slept or eaten since Saturday night and not had a shower since before Space on Sunday skanky cow that I am :oops: :lol: We also had the small matter of a football match and I'd promised Tom we'd go to Gatecrasher Classics that night :eek: Went back to our apartment and had a little lie-down and must have nodded off for 2 hours, woke up, checked pulse and heart beat and realised we were alive so got back on it and everyone came round to our apartment before we headed over to San Antonio for the football. By this time people were dropping like flies and our gang kept getting reduced in size :lol: When we finally got to San An and get out our taxi, Jon and co are in the taxi behind and as he gets out he ends up lying flat out in the streets of San An (when in Rome and all that :lol: ;) ) Finally we manage to sort ourselves only to get to Coastline and they're not showing the football :oops: :lol: but a nice PR woman took us to an ok pub so we settled down there and watched England play (rubbishly again :rolleyes: ) After the match we went to Coastline where if you order food there (meals are about 8 euros) you get a ticket for Gatecrasher for 5 euros so we all ordered food but as my stomach had shrunk to the size of a pea I could only manage 5 chips but they must have worked cos I got a new lease of life and some of us headed to Eden while the lightweights ;) got taxis home with big smiles on their faces as us poor lot had to brave Eden :eek:

Walking thru the streets of San An was an eye opener, loads of BAs in England shirts singing 'We are f*cking England, we are f*cking England' - makes me so proud to be English :rolleyes: It got worse as we realised that most of these toerags were actually going into Eden and I'm thinking Tom is going to owe me bigtime for this one :lol: Well what can I say about Eden, I've never been since it turned into Eden and I didn't think much of the club as it seemed really small (altho I was told afterwards that not all the club was open so that might have been something to do with it :oops: ) The crowd was terrible - full of big fat sweaty BAs in football kits :eek: and big fat HATs (Hos About Town) :lol: One of the big fat BAs stood on my toe at one point and it was only when we left and the anaesthetic had worn off that I realised the heffer had ripped half my toenail off and was bleeding :evil: If you like old trance from the late 90s tho it's such a fun night and they brought out all the old classics. Watching Dave Pearce DJ is the funniest thing ever, he's stood in the DJ booth - he can't mix to save his life and just chooses to bosh out one classic after another as he's stood in the DJ booth thinking he's some DJ God demanding crowd worship :lol: Everyone had lightweighted out on us so me and Tom came to the conclusion the best thing to do is get ourselves in such a Hole we weren't aware of our surroundings and crowd and it worked :lol: Agnelli and Nelson finished the night off bringing out some proper classics and then the night came to all too sudden end at 6.45am :rolleyes: Now cos I'm unfamiliar with Eden it all got very confusing, they ushered everyone out to this other room and me and Tom were so confused we didn't have a clue where we were, we were looking at each other going 'Are we in another club??' 'Are we actually in San Antonio still??' :oops: :lol: From conversations with other people afterwards I think we were taken into the Eden Bar (is there one :confused: ). We stayed there for a bit but the music was rubbish and when we realised there was no Gatecrasher aftershow we headed back to Figuretes (Jon and Becki's poor friend having to guide me and Tom :oops: :lol: ). Got back to Figuretes and eventually found our apartment and me and Tom minxed about there til early Weds afternoon and then knocked ourselves out with Night Nurse and had some much needed sleep. Woke up Weds night and 8 of us headed to this lovely restaurant on the seafront in Figuretes (Marcos maybe :confused: ). Got some much needed food which tasted sooooo good (altho Tom did say maybe it was cos we were so hungry he'd have eaten a turd if you'd put it on his plate :lol: ) Lots of wines and shots and then bed.

Thursday thought it might be a good idea to see a bit of sunshine again so we had a couple of hours down @ Bora Bora and then watched more football. Thursday night we had a table booked for us all in the Pacha restaurant which kept getting bigger by the minute with extra additions so we all met up there at 10.30pm. Tbh I wasn't overly impressed by the meal @ Pacha this time but I think that was more to due with me not feeling 100% and I didn't appreciate it. After the meal we said bye to some friends who were leaving that night/early morning and we went on the terrace and downstairs. Me and Tom went for a bit of a boogie but due to combination of dodgy stomach and the music being WAY too proggy for my taste, I was just not getting Pacha. We were undecided whether to stay but then Tom said 'You don't like Hernan, you don't like Tiga so the only person you like is Yousef and you're seeing him in London in a couple of weeks so don't stay if you don't feel 100%' so we went back to our apartment and mixed about back there, eventually had a couple of hours sleep. Friday we hadn't any plans so we headed down to Bora Bora and caught up with Karen, Ben, Rob, Erin and Dan who were all going strong from the night before so we joined them and had a lovely day down @ Bora Bora on the beer talking random $hit. Friday night we said we might go to Underground but when we went back to apartment to get changed I did one of my Babs sleeping specialities so by the time Tom got out the shower I was in a coma on the bed, Tom says he tried to wake me but I think he just appreciated some peace and quiet as he sat on the balcony smoking joints, drinking Smoothies and reading his John Terry book :lol:

Woke up Saturday morning feeling like a new woman and had a veggie breakfast and smoothies @ Passion and then a few hours on the beach. Watched more football and then as it was mine and Tom's last proper night (Space didn't count as that was just going to be a long day and night blurring into one :lol: ) so we went for a lovely romantic meal @ Sa Punta. Got a table at the front and spent 2 hours eating good food and drinking cocktails :D

Sunday morning we were up early and did our packing as we realised there was going to be no way we'd be in any state to do it after Space :eek: :lol: and then we got to Passion early and had breakfast and roses and then got into Space for midday as we knew we were on a very busy schedule having to fit the football in :lol: Again the terrace was perfect for a Sunday afternoon and I did have second thoughts about leaving for the football as I didn't want to drag myself away but we used our pass-outs at 4.30pm with the aim of going to Tantra cos it's always quiet and full of like-minded toerags :lol: Tanta was heaving tho with 'normal' people and families :eek: so we carried on walking and then Karen spotted a decent bar with big screens and a few seats. Well I wished we hadn't bothered leaving, what a rubbish excuse for a game of football :rolleyes: We actually ended up missing the goal cos we were having an intellectual chat about Posh Spice and Cheryl Tweedie :oops: :lol: Took advantage tho of lots of cheap spritzers and then as soon as the game finished headed back to Space at 7pm. We'd seen the DJ times as we went in and Sneak was playing at 2am (Sneak was the only DJ I was really looking forward to seeing this holiday so the day was planned to precision), however at 10pm Buckley went to the toilet and comes back saying 'Sneak has just got into the DJ booth in the new terrace', now cos it was Buckley no-one believed him :lol: so Ben was sent to verify this :lol: And yes it was true Sneak was playing at 10pm, all I can do is thank god that Buckley went to the toilet at that point or I'd have ended up missing my beloved Sneak :eek: Sneak was the highlight of my holiday, I was in boompety boomp heaven :D After Sneak Howells came on, I was unsure of what to expect cos Howells has either really impressed me or really bored me but he was on top form, the new terrace was properly going off, such a contrast from the week before and Howells blatantly wanted me and Bec :lol: After Howells Woolford came on and killed the terrace again :rolleyes: so we went inside for a bit and then upstairs. An hour later the new terrace still hadn't picked up so we all left and went to Tantra for some final holiday drinks. Drank Tanta dry of Baileys and spent the last few hours of our holiday with Jon, Becki, Ben, Karen, Rob and Erin talking rubbish and knocking back the Baileys :lol: Eventually we realise it's 7am and our flight is in 3 hours so take a final walk back to our apartment :cry:

Now as anyone knows me night-time flights home from Ibiza just don't agree with me :oops: as I end up falling off tables on the last night, losing 100s of euros, losing car park tickets, you name it :oops: :lol: so this year I'd had the brainwave of booking the morning Stansted flight so we'd leave Ibiza on a high instead of that long painful last day. So we got changed, and went to reception to book a taxi, however the phone at reception was broken, so the woman says she'll give us the number but both mine and Tom's phones had broken and the chances of us a) finding a phone box and b) having any braincells to use it were pretty slim :lol: So poor Tom is dragging our 2 massive suitcases round the streets of Figuretes, a funny sight in itself, even funnier cos my suitcase is bright pink :lol: Eventually a taxi driver saw us and took pity on us, never have I been so glad to see a taxi and we got to the airport. Now cos I've never flown on a Monday morning I had this vision that the airport would be pretty dead and just full of a few fellow reprobates :lol: The airport was absolutely heaving and full of 'normal' scary people :eek: We look on the board trying to find our flight and after 10 minutes me and Tom cannot find our flight :confused: :oops: It's only when we ask someone that we realised we were looking for a flight to Ibiza and not Stansted :oops: :oops: :oops: Oh dear this isn't boding well :lol: Eventually check in, a couple of final wines (btw the whole of Ibiza airport is no-smoking now :evil: ) and then boarded fortunately on a flight that was 95% full of people in a similar state to ourselves :lol: Arrived back in good time to a cold, miserable and wet England :evil:

It was a perfect holiday again, there was lots of carnage and mayhem and I'm pleased to see that the old bint can still hack the pace :lol: but lots of time for nice stuff as well, the company was great so thankyou to everyone who made the holiday it was :D

The only negatives I'd say is some of the music @ WLS now, Woolford and Facuilli do not deserve peak-time terrace slots, shove them on at 10am in the morning or something :lol:

Now roll on 10 weeks in September :D
Barbie said:
It And don't get me onto the VIP area in Space, anyone who was there last September will remember 'our' place on the new terrace, that is now taken over by tables and a VIP area :rolleyes:

Don't like that at all!!! That was a great place to be. :x :x

Sounds like you had a brill time as always.
Can't wait till september.
cool review
and nice to meet up with you guys again.

seems a bit too sedate for you tho'

(i do remember some OOC moments in DC10 tho' - Tom was giving it the :rolleyes: )

That's quite a conservative 10 days for you Barbie....:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

no injuries
no kidnappings
no lost days
you mentioned sleep more times than you usually do
several "sensible" days.....

What's going on??:eek:
macdonsj said:
cool review
and nice to meet up with you guys again.

seems a bit too sedate for you tho'

(i do remember some OOC moments in DC10 tho' - Tom was giving it the :rolleyes: )


Fab to see you too, you certainly did you stag wkend in style-eeeee :lol: ;)

Our June hols are always the more civilised ones cos some of the nights we always go to like Matinee and Manumission Carry On haven't started.

Hehe Tom def had his hands full in DC10, he kept losing me and Rob and found us crawling round the floor :oops: :lol:
Robo said:
Don't like that at all!!! That was a great place to be. :x :x

Sounds like you had a brill time as always.
Can't wait till september.

And to make matters worse the stupid VIP area was empty cept for about 2 people poncing round with bottles of champagne :rolleyes: :twisted:

Apart from that tho no complaints at all :D
Barbie said:
Fab to see you too, you certainly did you stag wkend in style-eeeee :lol: ;)

Our June hols are always the more civilised ones cos some of the nights we always go to like Matinee and Manumission Carry On haven't started.

Hehe Tom def had his hands full in DC10, he kept losing me and Rob and found us crawling round the floor :oops: :lol:

it certainly was carnage my weekend. :eek: i've worked out that i got roughly 10ish hours of sleep from the friday morning till the tuesday morning.

re: DC10 - lol - yeah, it was a you and Rob sitting down moment that had Tom in a flurry! :p
blasphemy about cocoon !
:p :p :p
Sven can't mix when he wasted - although I find that all the more fun, rather than another dj taking himself too seriously.

We didn't make it to Gatecrasher, one of the guys had a bad stomach bug and no-one else was up for it - gutted !
I'd forgotten all about Ben's missus' violent tendencies !
Stu Hirst said:
blasphemy about cocoon !
:p :p :p
Sven can't mix when he wasted - although I find that all the more fun, rather than another dj taking himself too seriously.

We didn't make it to Gatecrasher, one of the guys had a bad stomach bug and no-one else was up for it - gutted !
I'd forgotten all about Ben's missus' violent tendencies !

Sorry for taking Sven's name in vein :lol: ;)

Shame you missed Gatecrasher, it was lots of fun :D

Good to see you again :D
Sirens said:
Great review, disappointing to hear about WLS music :cry:

As long as there are good guests on it will be fine - the second week with Sneak and Howells was amazing, I just don't think the likes of Woolford, Facuilli and Smokin' Jo are worthy of new terrace peaktime slots :confused:
russ said:

And a 8) to you too :D Great to see you both, had so much fun :D I broke my phone out there so only got a text from you when I got home yesterday asking if we were going to Gatecrasher but obviously it's a bit late to reply now :lol: ;)

Same time same place in September ;)
I copy-pasted your review into word cos it's easier for me to read it printed and it's a 5 pages file :eek: :lol: :lol:
If I don't say anything in a couple of days then it means I'm still reading it :lol: :lol: ;)