Angello playing with a pre-recorded cd

"I just reviewed the clip everyone is talking about . so let me explain , when i do some festivals i have a team there that does all my pyro , fx and co2´s , + most of them have a synced "fireworks show" that is synced to the music so nothing goes wrong for the fireworks show since timing everything is extremely hard for them , so i have a medley mix i close with so they can have everything synced , most big festivals have that and its nothing new , as soon as your closing under a big finale you have that going on.. does that explain it ? i know some of you will still hate cause of the fact that hating if your game but i have now explained it and take it or leave it . i don't have to prove myself that i´m able to mix i´ve done that my whole life and spend more time mixing then with my daughter so thats it . hope some of you understand , if you don't sorry about that .. S A"

Kanye? Is that you?

*****COCK ALERT******
**Deadmaus, Mark Doyle... I'm sure we've all got "top" DJs we've seen screwing around like this :(

Really ? Im a fan of Deadmau5 (Shoot me down) but they way he has his setup is that he plays the parts of tracks in order to create his show rather than mix. Im a bit unsure how you could actualy fake that ?
Really ? Im a fan of Deadmau5 (Shoot me down) but they way he has his setup is that he plays the parts of tracks in order to create his show rather than mix. Im a bit unsure how you could actualy fake that ?

Ableton mate!

As for Angello he is up there with Guetta as the Anti Christ of house.
Really ? Im a fan of Deadmau5 (Shoot me down) but they way he has his setup is that he plays the parts of tracks in order to create his show rather than mix. Im a bit unsure how you could actualy fake that ?
First time I saw him, he basically plugged in his laptop and did a little bit of ritual knob twiddling. Not sure what software he was using but he certainly wasn't controlling anything other than the EQ!
Update from angello.

"Can't believe you guys are still going for it . don't you have better things to do then make up bull**** to write about me faking a whole set when i just explained that it was the last 11 mins of my set so they could fire of the special fx and all the fireworks , stop with your bull**** and get on with your lives , if it would be up to you guys we would all be stuck in cells without electricity and banging on a floor without a big show so you would feel better for yourselves not being there , i would never fake a whole set in my entire life and those 10 mins are part of the show . if you don't wanna see fireworks and a massive finale stop buying tickets to events where that happens and stay home instead . i hate when people make up a big story and feed on it like sugar to ants . make something better of your time instead of wasting mine !! if you would put as much time on your own careers as you do talking **** maybe a thing like this wouldn't affect you , i know who my real fans are and you haters are not my real fans , cause if you would be you would get what i´m saying after seeing the shows we do , you probably haven't even been to any of my shows and won't ever come so drop it , get on with your lives ! - SA"
it is possible to mix without headphones....
And seeing as though the 1st song had pretty much faded out it wasn't difficult
the rant looks like something you'd witness spilling out of a celeb after they've had too much nose candy.. :rolleyes:

just cannot believe how rubbish the stuff on those vids was - even Angello himself seems to have lost respect for the fans who are falling over themselves to go to hear it. I'm open-minded about a lot of different styles of music but that's just p!ss poor twaddle. Pre-recorded at that. What a disgrace !! :eek:
Some of their songs they mix together in to a single track, could that be what this is?