Amy Winehouse... (again)

...and I have to read another 'quality' papers write up being a series of twitter quotes I will eat my own hand.

Observer, front page today, second quote on it was from Philip Schofield twitter - wtf!
Many of us choose to die in life - how many people are asleep, caught in a 9-5 groove of mundanity, contributing nothing and going about their daily business?

She certainly wasn't that.
Many of us choose to die in life - how many people are asleep, caught in a 9-5 groove of mundanity, contributing nothing and going about their daily business?

She certainly wasn't that.

pls expand. i want to , but im not totally getting what your saying robo
u honestly believe addiction is that simple??

No I don't - but at the end of the day, it IS free will that makes us take drugs, alcohol etc in the first place and if addiction is a by-product of this choice then you only really have yourself to blame.

Would you agree?
No I don't - but at the end of the day, it IS free will that makes us take drugs, alcohol etc in the first place and if addiction is a by-product of this choice then you only really have yourself to blame.

Would you agree?

i would agree that initally free will is with all of us when we try things. i would argue that free will is not so readilly available to someone suffering from addiction to various substances. you cant tell someone with depression to just 'cheer up' believe me
i would agree that initally free will is with all of us when we try things. i would argue that free will is not so readilly available to someone suffering from addiction to various substances. you cant tell someone with depression to just 'cheer up' believe me

Depression is not an addiction though. It's a chemical imblance in the brain. Although if it is caused by the choice of using too much ecstasy for example, then again, accountability should lie with the sufferer.
Whether you liked Amy's stuff or not, and whatever she may have chosen to do to squander it, the girl was definitely gifted with a stand-out talent. This having been recognised amongst all the other talent that goes unnoticed and unrecognized, it's indeed a shame that she didn't make more of it. But surely it was her talent to choose to do with (or not do with) what she wished ?

Addiction in its many and varied forms, is something that's frequently (tho' not exclusively) associated with creativity and artistic, musical or literary talent. Especially in a developed society where the luxury of a lack of a necessary preoccupation with day-to-day survival allows it to flourish.

Anyone who's ‘stared into the precipice' in their lives, whether as a result of self-inflicted harm or other causes, knows how easy it is to cross the line. In the end, the choice is always the individual's and I've little doubt that Amy would accept responsibility for the series of choices she made in life. The pain caused to her family and friends and the inevitable judgement of others being wrapped up in this.

Humanity is not naturally built to manage freedom, fame and indulgence. It distances a person from both nature itself and the natural order. The further you get from this the greater the emptiness that results. Given her personal disposition, maybe the best chance she'd have had of managing her ‘demons' would have been to withdraw from the life she knew, seek out decent and loving people and experience the value of making a contribution to the welfare of others in genuine need.

At the risk of upsetting anyone, have to ask whether judgmental comments about how much mind or forum space is taken up over a piece of news like this as compared to other pieces of news are a bit misplaced ? Cumulatively, the footy and keeping in shape columns will surely win over all others in the end and thoughts of both will, I'm sure, not be put aside for very long on account of a popstar death, bombing or a shooting spree ?

I'm sure a load of readers have thoughts about Norway that are echoed in what's already been contributed on that subject. Atrocities of this magnitude continue to go on in Africa, for the best part unreported due to ‘media fatigue' and the lack of political or economic prominence of the countries in which they are carried out. As a consequence with barely an acknowledgement. That's just as much of a tragedy ?
Whether you liked Amy's stuff or not, and whatever she may have chosen to do to squander it, the girl was definitely gifted with a stand-out talent. This having been recognised amongst all the other talent that goes unnoticed and unrecognized, it's indeed a shame that she didn't make more of it. But surely it was her talent to choose to do with (or not do with) what she wished ?

Addiction in its many and varied forms, is something that's frequently (tho' not exclusively) associated with creativity and artistic, musical or literary talent. Especially in a developed society where the luxury of a lack of a necessary preoccupation with day-to-day survival allows it to flourish.

Anyone who's ‘stared into the precipice' in their lives, whether as a result of self-inflicted harm or other causes, knows how easy it is to cross the line. In the end, the choice is always the individual's and I've little doubt that Amy would accept responsibility for the series of choices she made in life. The pain caused to her family and friends and the inevitable judgement of others being wrapped up in this.

Humanity is not naturally built to manage freedom, fame and indulgence. It distances a person from both nature itself and the natural order. The further you get from this the greater the emptiness that results. Given her personal disposition, maybe the best chance she'd have had of managing her ‘demons' would have been to withdraw from the life she knew, seek out decent and loving people and experience the value of making a contribution to the welfare of others in genuine need.

At the risk of upsetting anyone, have to ask whether judgmental comments about how much mind or forum space is taken up over a piece of news like this as compared to other pieces of news are a bit misplaced ? Cumulatively, the footy and keeping in shape columns will surely win over all others in the end and thoughts of both will, I'm sure, not be put aside for very long on account of a popstar death, bombing or a shooting spree ?

I'm sure a load of readers have thoughts about Norway that are echoed in what's already been contributed on that subject. Atrocities of this magnitude continue to go on in Africa, for the best part unreported due to ‘media fatigue' and the lack of political or economic prominence of the countries in which they are carried out. As a consequence with barely an acknowledgement. That's just as much of a tragedy ?

When I first read through this post I was tempted to think it was copied and pasted from somewhere else due to the differing font style...maybe that was just my instinctual line of defence at being at a complete loss of words to such an eloquent and balanced argument.

Really, your post is gold.

You deserve a Vanilla Painkiller for that!


When I first read through this post I was tempted to think it was copied and pasted from somewhere else due to the differing font style...

It was - Microsoft Word .. don't get such reliable internet service from BT as I do in the middle of nowhere so tend to draft offline sometimes ;)

You deserve a Vanilla Painkiller for that!

Yes please ! 8):D
Well said, kimajy. I wasn't really a fan, but I can't be doing with some of the nasty, judgemental thinking that comes out at times like this. Some people turn to substances/booze because they have a hard time dealing with the world. Most of us like to think we're strong-willed but could encounter an obstacle in life which throws us. I've known a few people who've developed booze and (far less usual) drug problems later in life - and up until that point they probably expected they could handle whatever life threw at them.

Those who think they're morally superior in their concerns, why not donate this year's 'Ibiza money' to the homeless or hungry?
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Yeah, don't forget she was a young impressionable 20 year old too once who just happened to take the wrong path. Yes at the end of it all she was a junkie who chose to destroy her career and her health by taking drugs, but I think it could have happened to anyone who falls in with the wrong crowd.

I don't think people should be too quick to could be your sister, daughter, friend. The saddest thing for me is not her ultimate death, but the fact that a young person was allowed to slip further and further away from reality into the claws of addiction, and there's probably 10,000's of other teenagers going down the same sorry route :(
One of my FB pals posted something along the lines of 'why does everyone give a sh!t about a druggie when 90 odd people died not of their own choice in Norway?', as if you have to pick between one or the other! I should mention that this FB friend gives the impression of getting drunk on wine most nights and is a big unit. :lol:

Before judging, I always like to think of the phrase about walking a mile in someone's shoes and also how we should consider our own behaviour (let he who has not sinned, etc). There is a bit of an issue over false tears cried over celebs we hardly know, but most compassionate people will be able to spend a few seconds to wish this tortured soul RIP. :)
Yeah, particularly the most excessive of us should be thinking 'there for but the grace of luck'...
Yeah, particularly the most excessive of us should be thinking 'there for but the grace of luck'...

Through maturity and reading, I think you can become aware of how different drugs (and, in that, I include booze) affect the mind and one's ability to walk a 'good' path, but you may not always do so in time.
One of my FB pals posted something along the lines of 'why does everyone give a sh!t about a druggie when 90 odd people died not of their own choice in Norway?', as if you have to pick between one or the other!
Agreed. I saw quite a few similar status updates on Facebook. Just a bunch of twats thinking they are intelligent because they got the idea off somebody else's FB status update or noticed that Sky News put the item about Norway after the item about Amy Winehouse. I suppose to some people it makes them look oh so compassionate but to me they just look like a copy cat without an original thought in their head.
Amy Winehouse is one subject. Norway etc is another. There's plenty of room on the internet to talk about either.