American Football

why, where are you from originally??

Ethnicity: Iranian/Persian
Passport: US
Birthplace: Dhahran, Saudi Arabia

Personal History:

Born Dhahran (Saudi Arabia). I was there till I was 8.
Moved to Karachi, Pakistan and lived there till I was 18.
Moved to Austin, TX and lived there till I was 24.
Moved to Southern CA and still living here for 7 years.

My mom and dad's families are all from Iran, but they also bounced around from Bangladesh to Burma to Germany to Pakistan for literally 100 years.

So as you can see, where I am from is a tough question to answer. Depends on whacha wanna know. I come from a really long line of gypsies. But, I can relate to soccer, football, cricket, pool, snooker, public holiday, bank holiday, apartment, flat, fish and chips, fish tacos, etc.
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That said, I'm always up for a Washington Redskins game or a good playoff matchup... and the SuperBowl of course.

Redskins!!!!! I thought I was the only one. WoW. I get rapped buy my buddies all the time about it :spank:.

BTW the CFL stands for the Canadian Fumble League. I know it is a canadian game but it's no where close to as good as the NFL, IMHO.

And last but not least I am extreamly supprised to see the european support of a predominatly north american sport.
And last but not least I am extreamly supprised to see the european support of a predominatly north american sport.
Hello fellow Skins fan!

I read somewhere yesterday that there have been more than twice as many applications from UK residents than there are available seats at this October's Miami v NY match at Wembley. And that's not taking into account that 10000 seats are supposed to be set aside for traveling fans from the US. In other words, there appears to be quite a lot of support for the NFL in England.
Sil, I think it depends on what you're used to. You're right when you say the European game is more team-based. But there is also a bit of showmanship when teams are built around one or two outstanding players who do amazing things, as you'll often find in the NBA. Both styles have there merits.

I must agree with Silvia here, I find the team game much more interesting thats why I only watch NCAA basketball and a litle bit of FIBA (european) if its on the tele. To each there own I guess. I just find that the players that where amazing team players in college end up blowing up there own ego's when they hit the NBA.
The ego thing is a bit problematic.

You must be getting excited about March Madness then. The NCAA tournament is the best basketball tournament on earth! :D Even someone like me who doesn't follow the sport THAT closely can get dragged in. George Mason's run to the final four last year was amazing! (that university is 3 miles from where I grew up).
You must be getting excited about March Madness then. The NCAA tournament is the best basketball tournament on earth! :D Even someone like me who doesn't follow the sport THAT closely can get dragged in. George Mason's run to the final four last year was amazing! (that university is 3 miles from where I grew up).

I was trying to figure out your background and how you new so much about North America but it all comes crashing to light. I am a Gonzaga Bulldogs fan and also followed George Mason's miraculous run last year. Good luck again this year but something tells me they will be a bubble team at best.
I was trying to figure out your background and how you new so much about North America but it all comes crashing to light. I am a Gonzaga Bulldogs fan and also followed George Mason's miraculous run last year. Good luck again this year but something tells me they will be a bubble team at best.
Bubble team is probably a good description. It would be hard for them to repeat last year's success. It is a team built solidly on the teamwork ethic, though. And for that reason (and the aforementioned geographical affinity), always good to see them do well.
One of the other bonuses to college ball is the hype before during and after the game. The NBA talks a better game, but college kids are just crazy about their schools. Like the first 20 or so rows in the duke gymnasium that jump up and down for a solid hour and a half. Makes for a good feel in the stadium. Much like the european football fans being so passionate for their sport.
Ethnicity: Iranian/Persian
Passport: US
Birthplace: Dhahran, Saudi Arabia

Personal History:

Born Dhahran (Saudi Arabia). I was there till I was 8.
Moved to Karachi, Pakistan and lived there till I was 18.
Moved to Austin, TX and lived there till I was 24.
Moved to Southern CA and still living here for 7 years.

My mom and dad's families are all from Iran, but they also bounced around from Bangladesh to Burma to Germany to Pakistan for literally 100 years.

So as you can see, where I am from is a tough question to answer. Depends on whacha wanna know. I come from a really long line of gypsies. But, I can relate to soccer, football, cricket, pool, snooker, public holiday, bank holiday, apartment, flat, fish and chips, fish tacos, etc.

wow!:eek: :D i just presumed you were some regular cali surfer dude!:oops: :lol: ;)
Blimey this has brought back memories. Back in '89 I had a game called "TV Sports Football " on the Amiga8)8)8)

Me and my mate used to bang on that for hours on end....used to watch it back then too...
Ugh, have to suffer through a TB super bowl win every twenty years I guess. Happy David and White won one, hope Brown, Suh, and Jensen choke on their rings.