Am I getting old?

Congrats Olly mate, its is a truly amazing time !!

:spank: FFS don't say that :spank: I'm dreading the day she becomes a teenager :spank:

I can see myself being horrid with the lads she brings home. you've just got to hope you've educated them well and brought them up correctly.

Do you know what the next one is JJ :?:

(sorry for hijacking thread)

Tell me about it. I worry just as much for my son though as half the week he is led by his mother who don't know her arse from her elbow!
Congratulations Olly. Good luck and savour every moment fella

never a truer word said, I turned around the other day and realised that my baby is gone and I now have a little girl!!

Liam, don't know mate and keeoing it that way, although very tempting second time around, but we decided there are very few nice surprises in life and this is one of them, I will know around 14 Nov (or sooner if we go ahead with planned c section)

I think the thread is well and truly in the hands of the somalis now!! :oops::lol:
:spank: FFS don't say that :spank: I'm dreading the day she becomes a teenager :spank:

I can see myself being horrid with the lads she brings home. you've just got to hope you've educated them well and brought them up correctly.


haha, i know exactly what you mean..

Not looking forward to this bit at all. I plan to build myself up into a big meathead 50 year old over the next 15 years. And just growl a lot when my two girls start to bring boys to the door. :lol:

Congrats Olly BTW!
Congratulations Olly. Good luck and savour every moment fella

never a truer word said, I turned around the other day and realised that my baby is gone and I now have a little girl!!

Liam, don't know mate and keeoing it that way, although very tempting second time around, but we decided there are very few nice surprises in life and this is one of them, I will know around 14 Nov (or sooner if we go ahead with planned c section)

I think the thread is well and truly in the hands of the somalis now!! :oops::lol:

Watching the kids grow is heartbreaking.

Who else is going to laugh at my jokes?
ha! nah, it's all good - cheers for the shouts - I've been told it's gonna be a boy


The fact that this thread has turned into a moaning about today's music /mortgages/babies fest means YES you are officially all old.
The fact that this thread has turned into a moaning about today's music /mortgages/babies fest means YES you are officially all old.

it doesn't actually. as token old person on the forum i never open my mouth about any of those topics - they only affect much younger people than me.

(though i am of course generalising here morbyd and grego)
Don't be too down John, I bet your 21 year old self would look at your jet setting social life with envy - some things are better when you're older :lol:
Good point :lol:

Why couldn't I have all this back then when my knees were in better shape? :lol:
it doesn't actually. as token old person on the forum i never open my mouth about any of those topics - they only affect much younger people than me.

(though i am of course generalising here morbyd and grego)

That's because you are someone who has gracefully accepted that you are old and no longer needs to worry about it ;)