Alcohol - totally over rated!

And yes that is very unfortunate for your cousin, but on the other hand you get 1000s and 1000s of people who run all through their life without any injury whatsoever.

As I keep saying, different things work for different people - for me personally I couldn't think of anything more boring than being in a gym, whereas there is nothing more that I love than a long run which bores lots of people senseless...but each to their own and what works for them. I'm sure you could go online and find detramental and conflicting side effects to every form of exercise going.

Maybe we're all on the wrong track and we should be drinking and chuffing away on the fags with Morbyd :lol:

I agree (on all points :lol:)

I can completely see how gym's bore people but each day I go I do something different and usually do the circuits with say 8/10 other people so makes it a little competitive too. We've met some really good friends through it too which is an added bonus - we all go out and get smashed every weekend (joke!)

Drew, a girl called Fiona Oakes ran 250km across the Sahara in the Marathon des Sables back in April. She holds numerous British records, can run 3:00 marathon. What is different about her is she has had knee replacement surgery as a teen.

Presumably the knee replacement option is not open to people ver a certain age, or not possible for the injury of your cousin?

I'm not sure. If it were available, I'm sure he would have had it done. I don't see him very often but will mention it - thanks.
What are they about a tenner a packet these days?

Pack of fags £10, six pints £24, kebab, taxi home and no change from a nifty!
I pay the equivalent of £1.50 for a pack here 8)

£24 for 6 pints? Those are Moscow prices! Surely it's cheaper in Leeds?

Moderate your alcohol, fags and running*!

Everyones a winner:)

(*I personally prefer a fast uphill walk, less impact)
Running is bad for your knees but alcohol isn't. Just sayin

running is bad for the knees with the wrong footwear and inefficient stride.

run with a proper stride, using the muscle groups built for propelling humans forward, then chances of injury lessen.
An hour running yourself into a panting sweaty mess or an hour in a beer garden? Hmmmm let me see 8)

Big downside about beer gardens is wasps, a phobia I have no control over, many a pint has bitten the dust as a result of my turrets like behavior when a wasp comes within six feet!

Typically, as these things go, wifey has invited a dozen or so friends round for a bbq in June, thinking half would decline, all accepted:rolleyes: Might have to try and find a race somewhere on said date:D
Recently after moving back to Ibiza I have been going out, not running but kind of mixing running, walking and climbing.....A bit like the way Bear Grylls moves in his program.
Have been managing to do this every day without getting bored. Seems to work quite a few bits of the body without any constant duress on any one thing.
This is the view I get as a reward halfway through my little circuit.

I feel totally knackered after my weights session last night; tough as f***. I put it down to not giving myself enough time to recover and sleep after the weekend's antics. Consequently, I feel like have an extra comedown day. :rolleyes: :lol:

Some gentle gardening tonight for physical activity, 10pm bed time, then hopefully be a bit more on it for the weights on thursday. :twisted:
Started running earlier this year consequently have done several stints 'on the wagon', one of the net effects is my tolerance to ale has dropped dramatically! Had a few impromptu wines and beers last night, today feel like death.

I have come to the conclusion, drinking alcohol is the most overrated pastime ever, to the extent I cannot see any good reason for not becoming tee total (although I could make a small exception to champagne)....

Thanks to Mr PL and his lightweight ways - I am now virtually a tee totaller (or as my Dr refers to it - a binge drinker!!! :spank: apparently if you only drink on occassion but still get hammered you are doing your body no good at all - you should half your weekly allowance) allegedly! :lol::lol::lol:

However, having said that - I went out last Thursday night and drank my yearly amount of Gin in one night and felt fresh as a daisy on the Friday - although by mid afternoon I was craving a dirty KFC - but I resisted...

I am a smoker not a drinker - its official..... 8)
Recently after moving back to Ibiza I have been going out, not running but kind of mixing running, walking and climbing.....A bit like the way Bear Grylls moves in his program.
Have been managing to do this every day without getting bored. Seems to work quite a few bits of the body without any constant duress on any one thing.
This is the view I get as a reward halfway through my little circuit.


Lucky lucky you!!!!!!!