Alcohol - totally over rated!

Weirdly, I find the less I drink the worse my hangovers are - I went out for a birthday meal a few weeks ago - had 4 halves and a vodka and diet coke, and felt terrible the next day. The next weekend I went away with my mates, had an 18 hour session on the Saturday and was absolutely fine the next day! So much so I was back in the pub having a Beck's by 11.30am on the Sunday. So now, I tend to not drink unless its a big night out planned.
Sounds corny, but you really can't beat the buzz after a good run, those natural endorphins take some beating:D:D

(Hark at me, a newbie runner of a few months:oops:)

This :D:D:D

That feeling after a few drinks vs that feeling after a 20 mile run - I know which one wins hands down any day of the week 8)
Weirdly, I find the less I drink the worse my hangovers are - I went out for a birthday meal a few weeks ago - had 4 halves and a vodka and diet coke, and felt terrible the next day. The next weekend I went away with my mates, had an 18 hour session on the Saturday and was absolutely fine the next day! So much so I was back in the pub having a Beck's by 11.30am on the Sunday. So now, I tend to not drink unless its a big night out planned.

Easy to avoid a hangover by not sobering up before you drink again;)
I'm at the stage of life right now where a couple of beers is a more attractive proposition than 6 hours in the pub getting leathered.

But even the small amounts of alcohol make a difference. I don't know about other people, but even one beer can impact my sleeping patterns massively. If I ever go t-total for a couple of weeks I feel fantastic, even if I've had a few late nights.

Plus, I think people are more addicted to it than they realise. Alcohol isn't just evil stuff, it's deceptive as well.
I think people are more addicted to it than they realise.


It's easy to see why governments favour socially regressive, ego enhancing drugs. Brainwashing the masses is much simpler when they're blinded from truth. Psychedelics are a threat to them.
That feeling after a few drinks vs that feeling after a 20 mile run - I know which one wins hands down any day of the week 8)
Sorry... I just don't buy it!

Although I do feel good after a good long bike ride... but I typically stop off for a beer and snack mid-way and pop another brew open as soon as I get home :lol:
This is totally subjective.

Fitness addiction can be a distraction from life just like alcohol can.

...all depends where you're coming from with both.
I feel good after a weights session but it's not exactly ecstasy. ;)

Exactly :lol:

A run will make you feel amazing - as will a dirty pill (esp one circa 1995 :eek:). :lol:

It's all about where you're at when the endorphines wear off - chemically induced or otherwise.
Running is bad for your knees but alcohol isn't. Just sayin

Shocking for the lower back too. I know at least half a dozen people who became so hooked on running they've either shagged their knees/back up in a big way.

My advice to anyone wanting to get the most from keeping fit would be to mix up circuit training, kettle bells, resistance, moderate cardio (running/cross trainer/bike) and frequent short walks .... but that's just me who finds running infinitely boring :rolleyes:

Re: drinking ..... myself and wife used to enjoy a drink after work most evening with often considerably more on a weekend - especially during summer but eventually it became a bit of a chore and somewhat boring. My wife has all but stopped now but I still look forward to a bottle or two of vino over a weekend as a kind of reward for surviving the daily grind 8) I very rarely crave it during the week though now as I just end up feeling tired.

I do find it really odd how some people can just switch from one extreme to the other without finding a middle ground, it's almost like they're afraid to have a drink or two in case they slip into alcoholism or lose their marbles?
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