Alcohol - totally over rated!


Active Member
Started running earlier this year consequently have done several stints 'on the wagon', one of the net effects is my tolerance to ale has dropped dramatically! Had a few impromptu wines and beers last night, today feel like death.

I have come to the conclusion, drinking alcohol is the most overrated pastime ever, to the extent I cannot see any good reason for not becoming tee total (although I could make a small exception to champagne)....
I usually have at least 2 months off the beer a year but this year I have been unable. Too much stress in life and bad luck this year has seen me fail every time I even think of trying to quit for any length of time. I am fast approaching 30 though and think that it is about time I knocked the excessive drinking and recreational drug use on the head. Really got in to my gym time the last 2 months to all to undo all my hard work and good dieting at a weekend with large volumes of beer or vodka :D
I would agree that it is a nasty drug, and I loath it and it's control over me as much as I enjoy opening that cold can on a hot day and getting that nice relaxing feeling after the first....and second etc.
Good luck to anyone to who wants to go tee total, I am sure my liver would love me to go tee total after the overtime it has been working these last 12 years of my life.
I genuinely find life a lot more relaxed without it when I don't drink but can be soo much more fun when I do drink. So all in all I don't think I will ever live without it. But good luck :p
I have come to the conclusion, drinking alcohol is the most overrated pastime ever


Head spinning, a day in bed afterwards, puking, and making a complete arse of oneself is enough to put me off.

A beer here and there in good company is 8). A scrum to a packed bar waiting to get served with rabid alcohol monsters isn't my idea of a good night out.
Started running earlier this year consequently have done several stints 'on the wagon', one of the net effects is my tolerance to ale has dropped dramatically! Had a few impromptu wines and beers last night, today feel like death.

I have come to the conclusion, drinking alcohol is the most overrated pastime ever, to the extent I cannot see any good reason for not becoming tee total (although I could make a small exception to champagne)....

I agree. It has lost all the appeal it held 10 years ago, when as a 20 something I was going out every Friday, Saturday and Sunday. Now I would rather wake up on Sunday hangover free and go out for sushi!
I completely and entirely disagree :!:

Aside from about 2 sips of water and 4 glasses of juice for breakfast, I consumed no beverages besides beer over this past weekend and I feel great :D
I completely and entirely disagree :!:

Aside from about 2 sips of water and 4 glasses of juice for breakfast, I consumed no beverages besides beer over this past weekend and I feel great :D

I think you have vodka or something running through your viens, Morbs! You are in a different league to us mere mortals, that's for sure:D
That's because he doesn't have a bloodstream, he has an alcohol stream where blood is occasionally permitted to flow ;)
All about moderation and nothing to do with age.

I'm not about to wear white robes and join an ashram just because I'm 33.

Alcohol can be vile and substance use definitely gets in the way of conscious living - but I still don't see a compelling reason to stop.

Anyone questioning their dependency (which is a different matter entirely) should go to an allnighter alone and dance till closing on nothing but tap water. It's a really great experience (so long as the music's not dire).
I have come to the conclusion, drinking alcohol is the most overrated pastime ever, to the extent I cannot see any good reason for not becoming tee total (although I could make a small exception to champagne)....

Totally agree and im 24 going on 25 :spank: wtf is that about!!!

I started with the severe hangovers from 21 onwards and have started to enjoy not needed to get off my head and suffer chronically the next day because its just not worth it, in every sense - not to mention the espense of it.

Jeez people must think i am 50 odd on here the way i go on sometimes :lol:
It is not how often you drink but how much. I enjoy wine and almost everyday, but don't visit the hangover club too often. If you don't get fooked you will be alright. The plus side I'm a happy drunk "I love you man".:lol:
I guess Stone Roses in June will be my next beer, wifey and friends would think I was ill if I didn't indulge at a concert!
I loath it and love it in equal measure.

Life would be joyless without celebrating and cutting loose once in a while.

But actually i don't loath it, I loath the tit I occasionally make of myself when i've had too much. I am seriosuly considering employing someone to follow me around and then say "stop talking! shut up and go home" at key points in the night.

Particularly on work nights out :lol:
I loath it and love it in equal measure.

Life would be joyless without celebrating and cutting loose once in a while.

But actually i don't loath it, I loath the tit I occasionally make of myself when i've had too much. I am seriosuly considering employing someone to follow me around and then say "stop talking! shut up and go home" at key points in the night.

Particularly on work nights out :lol:

ditto that.

It switches my brain off temporarily and then in the morning gives me palpatations and endless amounts of worry:(.
Drink is fine. Just depends on how far you go when you do drink. It's a great social lubricant, yet its great at social destruction.

A lot of my social life has revolved around alcohol from 18 onwards, I'm now slowing down at 24. I have a 2 beer threshold, if I go over that I will keep going all night ending up at some random night in LDN.

I've had great times on drink. And some terrible times. I will never give up drinking, but I will move away from the binge culture with the lads. Much more fulfilling things to be done with my life now. A terrible time will ultimately lead to a new high in my life, by making me review my life and actions, and come out more positive and stronger.

I don't like the lack of consciousness that comes with drinking and the imbalances it then leaves your body with for the next few days. It is mindless, and ultimately heavy drinking is an escape from some sort of trouble in your life. Sure you can escape for a few hours, but it will amplify that problem in the coming days.

I'd rather train hard 4x a week, chill with one or two beers over a night and feel fresh Sunday/Monday.

I've also realised how boring some people and places are without drink. I've cut ties with these people/places, and see myself moving on and progressing in life whilst they are stuck in there bubble - same bars, same people same days same times.

Still, nothing better than cracking open a cold one on a nice Summer day.
drink is fine. Just depends on how far you go when you do drink. It's a great social lubricant, yet its great at social destruction.

A lot of my social life has revolved around alcohol from 18 onwards, i'm now slowing down at 24. I have a 2 beer threshold, if i go over that i will keep going all night ending up at some random night in ldn.

I've had great times on drink. And some terrible times. I will never give up drinking, but i will move away from the binge culture with the lads. Much more fulfilling things to be done with my life now. A terrible time will ultimately lead to a new high in my life, by making me review my life and actions, and come out more positive and stronger.

I don't like the lack of consciousness that comes with drinking and the imbalances it then leaves your body with for the next few days. It is mindless, and ultimately heavy drinking is an escape from some sort of trouble in your life. Sure you can escape for a few hours, but it will amplify that problem in the coming days.

I'd rather train hard 4x a week, chill with one or two beers over a night and feel fresh sunday/monday.

I've also realised how boring some people and places are without drink. I've cut ties with these people/places, and see myself moving on and progressing in life whilst they are stuck in there bubble - same bars, same people same days same times.

Still, nothing better than cracking open a cold one on a nice summer day.
