Age & its effect on our clubbing & partying

I never cared much of the 'club', I was there for the spectacle and always out on the pull. As soon as I married I stopped going, unless we were in Ibiza and then it was only a couple of nights out of the week.

Honestly hate staying out until sunrise anyway, it makes me feel dirty and sick the next day. It does not matter if I am clubbing or enjoying the balcony. I would rather get up at 5am to see the sun than go to sleep then.
Just go with the flow. This is my missus and I, we very rarely feel out of place.
I still enjoy clubbing, but don't really do it in the UK any more for a number of reasons - but mainly because clubs seem a bit more sensitive nowadays to people getting on the md. I wrote here recently that I came close to getting thrown out for doing half a bean (not even at once, but in two bits!). Bollocks to that. I'll save my clubbing money for Ibiza. Still go to gigs..

It’s the crowds (mainly) that put me off going out in uk. Been a year and a half for me

That said i have got tickets for a few events coming up Nov/Dec....
I rarely go out locally these days as the crowd is rubbish - it goes from pretentious snooty nosed people to chav - there is just nowhere with anything in between. If I do go out in Swansea these days I'm happier going out for a nice lunch somewhere and some afternoon drinking, then being home by 10pm!

I'm definitely more willing to travel to events these days and have a few things booked in for the next few months which should be good (I hope!) - I'd rather stay in and save my money (and liver/sanity) for weeks than head out to town for the sake of it.

It's probably an age thing :lol:
You can list a number of reason's why people go clubbing and stop clubbing. Some for the ladies, some for the men, some for the drugs, some because it's cool, some to be seen, I am firm believer that if your reason for clubbing was the love of good music then longevity will exist.

After all the other reason's have 'reason' to fade whereas you just simply can't stop enjoying good music.

No one would question me going to a Foo Fighters gig earlier this year so why should i be questioned enjoying tech house in Ibiza. Age 47 or not. Simple as that really.
I get exactly the same I’ve also seen foo fighters, chillis, the cure recentl and like to go to the odd reading featival,No one questions. Go to Ibiza listen to a bit of dance music, and all get is grow up!
I can’t do it back home though as to much responsibility with work life and family life would suffer. But give me a couple of trips to Ibiza every year and I’m happy as Larry. Can see another ten years left in me easily.
I still enjoy clubbing, but don't really do it in the UK any more for a number of reasons - but mainly because clubs seem a bit more sensitive nowadays to people getting on the md. I wrote here recently that I came close to getting thrown out for doing half a bean (not even at once, but in two bits!). Bollocks to that. I'll save my clubbing money for Ibiza. Still go to gigs..
Me too! Bit disappointing tho I save myself for months to go clubbing in ibiza and then the night I go to is shit vibe or not great music ha
I get exactly the same I’ve also seen foo fighters, chillis, the cure recentl and like to go to the odd reading featival,No one questions. Go to Ibiza listen to a bit of dance music, and all get is grow up!
I can’t do it back home though as to much responsibility with work life and family life would suffer. But give me a couple of trips to Ibiza every year and I’m happy as Larry. Can see another ten years left in me easily.

with you on that brother. ;) And yes back home its a no no for me just like yourself. Feel alive cutting one loose on the island and see no reason to change that until the day i say otherwise.
this is my question.

is it or are times & our preferences & demands changing??
Good question! I think a bit of both... People like me and a few of us don't really go out that much where we live, so when we go ibiza we expect the club nights we go to, to be amazing and have very high expectations,

also there is so much more than just good music to have a good night, (music plays a big part) it's the people, the vibe, drugs, if you are not too f***ed and have a nice buzz, what frame of mind you are in,

sometimes music is good but whatever reason just cannot get into it!
Good question! I think a bit of both... People like me and a few of us don't really go out that much where we live, so when we go ibiza we expect the club nights we go to, to be amazing and have very high expectations,

also there is so much more than just good music to have a good night, (music plays a big part) it's the people, the vibe, drugs, if you are not too f***ed and have a nice buzz, what frame of mind you are in,

sometimes music is good but whatever reason just cannot get into it!

exactly its a package & a mixture of things as u mentioned above.

i was at richie all night long at ADE a couple of days back, and my friend & i we finished the night with out even getting a buzz of highness!!

and this was so disappointing for us, and we were sure after this that our mindset changed.

first of all, at this age -- were 30 & 31, we cannot do 3 week ends in a row -- ben klock at fuse brussels, then connect at dusseldorf then ADE.

this is too much & too boring for us doing 3 weekends in a row.

2nd doing two nights in a row is not good & boring -- reaktor DVS 1 & marcell dettmann @ warehouse on thursday $ richie all night long on friday.

although a year back we could do this easily, in one year lots of things change.

3rd the crowd & the dance floor was so bad compared to connect so we couldnt get into the night.

in conclusion, we now believe that age changes everything, and there is an end to everything.

so in order not to get bored of this activity, we have decided to choose a few festivals in a year.. and just go & have fun there.
exactly its a package & a mixture of things as u mentioned above.

i was at richie all night long at ADE a couple of days back, and my friend & i we finished the night with out even getting a buzz of highness!!

and this was so disappointing for us, and we were sure after this that our mindset changed.

first of all, at this age -- were 30 & 31, we cannot do 3 week ends in a row -- ben klock at fuse brussels, then connect at dusseldorf then ADE.

this is too much & too boring for us doing 3 weekends in a row.

2nd doing two nights in a row is not good & boring -- reaktor DVS 1 & marcell dettmann @ warehouse on thursday $ richie all night long on friday.

although a year back we could do this easily, in one year lots of things change.

3rd the crowd & the dance floor was so bad compared to connect so we couldnt get into the night.

in conclusion, we now believe that age changes everything, and there is an end to everything.

so in order not to get bored of this activity, we have decided to choose a few festivals in a year.. and just go & have fun there.
I think that's a good idea! Pick and choose good festivals you want to go to, have rest in between! Two nights in a row now kills me, I have to have one day break at least in between

Also if you are tired that can put a dampener on your night!

When I was younger I think if the music was good and people were OK I could dance the night away without a care in the world and have a really good night, nowadays takes so much more!
For me personally I find it is more what you experience/expect over age

For me now the big killer and is putting me off going out is over crowding it just seems worse than ever to me this year. Once you have had nights in the past where it wasn't an issue and you could get lost in your own space to the music. Every event that does not provide that just kills my mood, vibe and enthusiasm. I have expectations now
For me personally I find it is more what you experience/expect over age

For me now the big killer and is putting me off going out is over crowding it just seems worse than ever to me this year. Once you have had nights in the past where it wasn't an issue and you could get lost in your own space to the music. Every event that does not provide that just kills my mood, vibe and enthusiasm. I have expectations now
Sometimes it’s just your luck as well. You can head along to any of the so called “bigger” nights in Ibiza and it can be chocca, other nights there’s loads of space. I’ve stopped trying to predict how busy an event will be :confused:
For me personally I find it is more what you experience/expect over age

For me now the big killer and is putting me off going out is over crowding it just seems worse than ever to me this year. Once you have had nights in the past where it wasn't an issue and you could get lost in your own space to the music. Every event that does not provide that just kills my mood, vibe and enthusiasm. I have expectations now
Maybe try June or September if you didn't already?
For me personally I find it is more what you experience/expect over age

For me now the big killer and is putting me off going out is over crowding it just seems worse than ever to me this year. Once you have had nights in the past where it wasn't an issue and you could get lost in your own space to the music. Every event that does not provide that just kills my mood, vibe and enthusiasm. I have expectations now

thats what i like about time warp & recently connect -- perfect space.