As long I didn't snore I'm fine
It was my 7th day partying in a row with 4hours sleep 1 time in the car and other day 30mn 1hour max while average hard rave 1 week and need days off once back home

That day I didn't have slept even 30mn while main people had slept at least 6hours i guess ,as we ended Km5 very early such at 1h30pm with Francisco ,hippy n°1 while it was raining at the beginning..
Now I know Sven will take decks around 4h30pm..
Ibz, Spartan way 18days without sleeping in a bed ..Can people here do it?

then straight to Office after 1 good night of sleep

GUYZ,Push ur body to limits

(People like their drug ,mine is different

)then we 'll talk

(the bed at Pikes hotel along Hyte closing Afterparty didn't count

This Closing I'm becoming "spoilt child" in booking some hotels

So no more excuses to felt asleep on the dancefloor
Thanks for the address Jimmyz I will experience some ibz "old fart way when in Portinax

in order to be used to it

for ibz 19