A few Spotlighters have a night out...PICS!!!

nice to see LB left his glock at home.

on the subject, in fact, what has happened to our american brothers/sisters. i feel we need to reach out more, morbyd your job.

whilst we're on the subject, where have all the ladies gone? too much football talk?

i appreciate people come and go, and facebook hasn't helped, but how can we get the community, an international community to, well........to come together as one.

BegBy (just found out the correct spelling) was the guy in Trainspotting who just loved to aggravate an argument into a bloody fight. One of my very close friends is a Scott (he lives in Glasgow), and when we were at The Yard House in Costa Mesa, we almost ended up in a similar situation.

BTW, it was not his fault at all. I will tell you the story when we are together some time soon. If he comes over here, I will introduce you to him. Both him and his Mrs. are extremely hilarious, not to mention great folks.

Since, our Fergie is from Scotland, (Begby was a Scott) I was trying to yank his chain, even though I am sure that Fergmeister is a pretty decent chap.

Man, my responses are long winded :lol: .

still the wrong spelling