A few Spotlighters have a night out...PICS!!!


New Member

Anjali and I were laughing at how the actual tangible photos are like 8 shades darker... wonder why they are so much lighter on CD. I don't have time to mess with them in photoshop however =)

Mind you how shocked I am that a few pics actually turned out OK. I was decently sloshed pretty much the entire time lol. Was planning on taking more of us dancing etc. More pics to come when bripmon comes down here. Hope you like!!

-xo PG. ps. Weedykins is my family nickname, for anyone wondering
On a side note though... first I see this -> http://public.fotki.com/Weedykins/spotlighters_night_out/rubber.html

...and then I remembered this ...

PachaGirl79 said:
rossi619 said:
Ya know my friends and I keep asking each other, are we gonna get laid and how easy is it gonna be. We are from the US, so this is either gonna work for us or agianst us, since we really dont know how euopean girls are. But the question is here, what is the sex scene like in ibiza and is it really a free for all as far as hooking up. somebody please inform me. thanks

If that is going to be your attitude/mission, then for the benefit of the island I suggest you stay home.

Nice representation of The States by the way :rolleyes:

See what I have to deal with out here ladies?!?!?!?!

I wonder why the words *double standard* comes to mind :D :D :D j/k
solask said:
On a side note though... first I see this -> http://public.fotki.com/Weedykins/spotlighters_night_out/rubber.html

...and then I remembered this ...

PachaGirl79 said:
rossi619 said:
Ya know my friends and I keep asking each other, are we gonna get laid and how easy is it gonna be. We are from the US, so this is either gonna work for us or agianst us, since we really dont know how euopean girls are. But the question is here, what is the sex scene like in ibiza and is it really a free for all as far as hooking up. somebody please inform me. thanks

If that is going to be your attitude/mission, then for the benefit of the island I suggest you stay home.

Nice representation of The States by the way :rolleyes:

See what I have to deal with out here ladies?!?!?!?!

I wonder why the words *double standard* comes to mind :D :D :D j/k

Hey hey hey now lol. :lol: I am not even gonna go there. See, I'm not a dried up ol' prude after all am I? ;) ;) :D
Great, now I want to leave work right now and get on a fookin plane!!!! It's going to be some serious fun when all of us get together next month 8) :p
Another wild photo essay...though I will make sure to put loads of self tanner on or something so I don't look like a ghost
mambobirdette said:
I want to come out with you and take pictures of bookcases :lol:

Nice to put names to faces, isnt Laguna a cutie :p

LOL I know... I bet I was trying to take a pic of someone sitting on my bed to the right, but missed and took a shot of my CD rack during my spins :eek: :lol:

Laguna is a cutie, and one of the sweetest people I know.
bripmon said:
Great, now I want to leave work right now and get on a fookin plane!!!! It's going to be some serious fun when all of us get together next month 8) :p

That one of the guy dressed as Wonka is amazing!!! I 'm gonna hunt down a wonka suit and go out dressed as him 8) :D :lol:
PG, was Wonka dressed like that at the club??? I was just wondering if the in thing in SD was to dress w/ a cane and a top hat ;)
The Comic-Con was going on in SD that weekend. Thats why he was dressed up... lots of people dressed up like characters in Sin City as well. Yep, his costume was fookin SWEET
Mr Wonka & his stick reminds me of that song a few years ago with the black dude & his stick "I like to move it move it", anyone recall?