Your views on strip clubs


Well-Known Member
this topic came up on another forum whilst talking about the 'Slutwalk' demonstration taking place on the 15th June.
The Playboy club is re opening in london after 30 years amidst protests that it was pornographic and sexist.

This article was quite interesting as are the comments.

so what are peoples views on the whole subject???

heres what i wrote on another forum:

I dont have a problem with lap dancing clubs at all. Being attracted to and wanting to look at members of the opposite (or same) sex is surely the most natural thing in the world?? If someone can make money from it and they are in a safe controlled environment and its their choice whats the problem? Obviously i dont condone shady managers trying to con their employees and theres a valid point to be made about how strip clubs might contribute to an area becoming or appearing run down.

I think the main argument is that it is wrong to objectify a person. But what if that person accepts that it is happening, has a choice and can make money from it?? It is wrong for men to objectify all women but is it so wrong for it to happen for a few minutes within a code of conduct where the performer is getting paid?
I don't think strip clubs are a problem at all...nor do I think sex workers are lesser human beings.

They provide a service that should be respected.

The real problem is not found in these establishments, it's in the churches where all sexual guilt and objectification of the female originates.

Why can't a woman be sexual and powerful? Is it not ok for women to enjoy sex? Why isn't the archetypal female as a sex Goddess honoured in our culture? These are the questions we should be asking.

If people disrespect these women it has nothing to do with the establishment and everything to do with the perpetrator.

You wouldn't shut down a restaurant because someone was demeaning to the waiter and complained about the food.
hmmm i dont think you can class strippers as sex workers really .

I agree sexuality can be a beautiful and powerful thing , to say its 'dirty' is just fundamentily wrong.
Lets be honest ,I enjoy looking at naked girls yet when we have gone to these places we feel like we are doing something wrong. Where is this guilt/wrongness coming from??
You say the church presumeably rob?
strip clubs have a reputation as bad places , particularly in films they are always the place where gangs hangout and criminal empire's are ruled from. If this is based on fact then maybe its the people in charge who are into some dodgy stuff which has tainted peoples view of erotic dancing?
I think strippers and lap dancers are sex workers.

Fantasy can be sex too and the intensity of a dance can invoke more sexual energy than full intercourse if it's done in the right way.

Saying 'I don't think you can class them as sex workers' alleges that there's something wrong with being a sex worker. There isn't.

...and yeah it's everything to do with the church. Religion uses fear as a means to control and it does that by instilling guilt into people. It all spirals outwards from the bible.

The word 'evil' originates from 'Eve' in the bible because she submitted to Adam and showed him the path towards sexual freedom. The snake in this story was the good guy. ;)
Saying 'I don't think you can class them as sex workers' alleges that there's something wrong with being a sex worker. There isn't.

No your quite right , it wasnt meant to sound like that and especially after watching that video you posted!
My point was that I would bet that many strippers would not class themselves as sex workers but rather erotic dancers etc but that is up to them. I agree the line gets blurry when talking about lap dances and i guess its up to those in the industry to decide if they can be catagorised as sex workers. Not that people should really have to justify themselves as being x y or z as that would imply that some jobs/industries are inherently 'better' than others
No your quite right , it wasnt meant to sound like that and especially after watching that video you posted!
My point was that I would bet that many strippers would not class themselves as sex workers but rather erotic dancers etc but that is up to them. I agree the line gets blurry when talking about lap dances and i guess its up to those in the industry to decide if they can be catagorised as sex workers. Not that people should really have to justify themselves as being x y or z as that would imply that some jobs/industries are inherently 'better' than others

Yeah, it's an interesting one.

Legally they wouldn't want to class themselves as sex workers because the laws are so archaic.

You only have to look at what the uptight, repressed, no-fun police have done to stamp out creativity in the Burlesque scene:
ridiculous. Ive only seen 1 burlesque performance and there was nothing 'sexy' about it. It was playful , theatrical , dramatic and enchanting but it wasnt sexy in a way that strippers are.
I think it's ridiculously sexual but in a very different and more interesting way.

Conventional strippers tend to appeal to that quick fix, primal sexual urge.

Burlesque performers take this to a new level. Combining the above with an element of fantasy takes us into a different zone.

Men aren't trained to use their heads as well as their groins. ;) :lol:
Surely if a guy wish's for seeing naked Women than perhaps he'd be better off spending a day on a mixed/ nudist beach around Ibiza & Formentera:). Not forgetting also the view you get is free and you're sunbathing at the same time whilst possibly drinking a cool beer though what he does with himself afterwards is upto him. :oops:

NB: On my last visit to Es Cana in 2010 their was a very small nudist area along Cala Nova beach aswell as also an area which is popular at the back of the Punta Arabi holiday village/ Camping Florida although it's mostly large slabs of rocks nudists were bathing on.
well theres a difference in going somewhere where its agreed by both parties that you are going to look at the other person who will be naked and going to a beach and leering on unsuspecting people without consent surely. If you go to a nudist beach purely to stare at naked females you could very quickly make people feel uncomfortable

my point is that in a weird way if you want to stare at naked bodies in some ways its more appriate to do so in an organised venue where it is expected rather than doing so in a public place where some people may not want to be stared at. although society tells us that going to somewhere like a strip club is a bad thing to do. if that makes sense
well theres a difference in going somewhere where its agreed by both parties that you are going to look at the other person who will be naked and going to a beach and leering on unsuspecting people without consent surely. If you go to a nudist beach purely to stare at naked females you could very quickly make people feel uncomfortable

my point is that in a weird way if you want to stare at naked bodies in some ways its more appriate to do so in an organised venue where it is expected rather than doing so in a public place where some people may not want to be stared at. although society tells us that going to somewhere like a strip club is a bad thing to do. if that makes sense

I get your point in that a Strip Club is a place the male punter pays for leering at the ladies on show ofwhich myself along with male friends have visited such venues just for a laugh which i personally have never felt any guilt as for why i was in their given i'm happily married with a very loving Wife & 3 adult children.

At the other end of the scale my Wife has been a nudist for some fifteen years (after a holiday spent in Maspalomas) as are now our two grown up daughters and thus feel no shame when nude on a beach. However it must be said that i've never done such bathing as i prefer keeping my kegs on though niether myself nor family feel embarassed in each other's company when such a occasion happens.
Strip clubs male or female are fine I would classify the people who perform as sex workers. I see nothing wrong with being a sex worker or people enjoying their work. It is nothing to be ashamed of doing or enjoying. Free your mind I say
If we had an open discussion on sex as a society and no one was co-erced into doing it, perhaps i'd have no problem at all with it all. But when it is all suppressed and teenagers go from watching porn & strippers to finding out its not quite like that (unless you win the jackpot and pull me), it can't be good.

Kind of but not quite like me thinking drugs should be legalised, but not in the third world coz they won't be able to deal with the impacts as well.

However being pragmatic, they should legalise it all - brothels and the rest & at least have a mature discussion & set of laws. The illegality creates the majority of problems.

Not convinced a discussion about the female as a sex goddess in the context of the bible will get anyone forced into working in a cheetham hill brothel out of there.
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The crime associated with the sex industry and drugs only takes place because they are illegal. IF they were legal the vast majority of crime would go away. Alcohol which is legal does more harm than drugs or sex. The third world would not be more affected than any other countries IMO.
I have! :lol:

Keep getting dragged to sunset strip by a female work colleague.

The business tycoons buying into their own status and lone married men sitting forward to conceal their excitement make some hilarious scenes.

It was interesting to note that I didn't feel the women were exploited - it really looked like a mutual and money are both equally strong power sources.

Anyone who hasn't been should go for the hideousness.

Torture Garden is much classier though. 8)
ugghh have been to sunset strip a few years ago whilst skiving from work (the one in soho i assume?)

Was quite funny they have a cinema style bit downstairs with individual chairs and basically had 4 or 5 old guys sitting in the front row spending their pensions having a ball!