x to AV

Forums mean you never have to say sorry for anything you post

everyone is always right on the internet. the nearest you'll get to an admission that they were wrong is when they start a whole new thread. Mourinho-esque diversion tactics.
If anyone wants to explain it all in one sentence I might reconsider :D

I've just spent 5 minutes playing with full stops to try and achieve this and failed!

Re the 'anarchy is the way forward' argument, it seems to me to only work if everyone is completely un selfish, un ego'ed, un agressive, un self centered & our DNA to have survived as packs for this long means most humans are simply not like this.

Without some kind of controlling force we would tear each other apart, not live in wonderous harmony dancing around with flowers in our hair...

I wonder if, in places where reources are scarce and there is a need to organise to survive, if anarchy is in demand?

Or have i missed the point of anarchy?!
And i voted yes, in the vain hope of thumbing my nose to cameron.

However strategically, a massive NO vote may finish clegg, then the coalition, then maybe maybe if the timing is right Labour back in.

Worst case would be a close call No vote.
I've just spent 5 minutes playing with full stops to try and achieve this and failed!

Re the 'anarchy is the way forward' argument, it seems to me to only work if everyone is completely un selfish, un ego'ed, un agressive, un self centered & our DNA to have survived as packs for this long means most humans are simply not like this.

Without some kind of controlling force we would tear each other apart, not live in wonderous harmony dancing around with flowers in our hair...

I wonder if, in places where reources are scarce and there is a need to organise to survive, if anarchy is in demand?

Or have i missed the point of anarchy?!
Spike the water with a substance and everyone will get along just fine
I've just spent 5 minutes playing with full stops to try and achieve this and failed!

Re the 'anarchy is the way forward' argument, it seems to me to only work if everyone is completely un selfish, un ego'ed, un agressive, un self centered & our DNA to have survived as packs for this long means most humans are simply not like this.

Without some kind of controlling force we would tear each other apart, not live in wonderous harmony dancing around with flowers in our hair...

I wonder if, in places where reources are scarce and there is a need to organise to survive, if anarchy is in demand?

Or have i missed the point of anarchy?!

ok what does AV stand for?
ok what does AV stand for?

Alternative vote, basically instead of voting for one person you rank each candidate in order of preference.

Basically it will remove the excitement of election night as it will take about six months to figure out who has won what.
Ironically Clegg has ensured that his party would probably be totally obliterated under an AV type voting system as his party has been exposed as the biggest sleaze balls in the history of British politics.
Last night was the first time we haven't popped to the pub after voting to celebrate exercising our democratic rights. Times must be tight....:(

And last night was about the 8th time Mr BG has asked me as we walk in the door of the polling station "who should I vote for" :spank: