x to AV

why do people preach to others about their voting choice?
Why is one choice better than another? It's a personal fundamental right.

The important thing should be that you voted, not what you voted for.

I would never publicly state what I vote for - it's my opinion and my decision and it's no more right or wrong than your choice.

I think healthy debate is a great thing.

Etiquette is boring - beliefs and values should always be questioned (whether anyone chooses to go as public as this is another matter).

I don't care who knows who I vote for and expect to be ripped to shreds in return.

...and isn't that what the web is for? Having gnarly debates and posting reactionary comments to strangers? ;)
...and isn't that what the web is for? Having gnarly debates and posting reactionary comments to strangers? ;)

Indeed. It's not like telling people who you voted for is like announcing you have an STD. Unless you voted Tory, of course.
Do we?

Do you speak for us all?

No, I don't speak for all of us. No where have I said I did. If you took it that way, then apologies... But the people who I have spoken to who know about voting systems, would prefer a PR system over AV.

And of course, there is no need to share your opinion. However, not everyone has an issue with sharing information, and it's always interesting to see what people voted and why they voted that way.
No, I don't speak for all of us. No where have I said I did. If you took it that way, then apologies... But the people who I have spoken to who know about voting systems, would prefer a PR system over AV.

And of course, there is no need to share your opinion. However, not everyone has an issue with sharing information, and it's always interesting to see what people voted and why they voted that way.

I hate how politicians claim to speak for the people all the ****ing time. "My constituents want x" which always happens to reflect their personal views. Ed Milliband is especially bad at this (yes I'm biased), at PMQ's yesterday he was churning out how the people wanted AV, Clegg does it as well. Well we shall see what the people want. I hope I don't regret not voting though.
We'll know for sure tomorrow morning. Should be interesting. But won't be staying up to watch this like I do with the general election
...and isn't that what the web is for? Having gnarly debates and posting reactionary comments to strangers? ;)

it ought to be.

sadly, far too many people clam up in terror whenever anything "controversial" comes up.
it ought to be.

sadly, far too many people clam up in terror whenever anything "controversial" comes up.

I'd of said it's the point of forums. After all, a forum is defined as 'a public meeting or assembly for open discussion'
Being careful to not tell you what to do but...


If you're angry or apathetic then register that feeling by spoiling the paper.

Lol I did it. First time a random on the internet has persuaded me to do something. Thanks though.
open discussion all well and good - but i've read a lot of nonsense today (albeit not here) preaching about their vote and why anyone who doesn't agree is some kind of imbecile.
It is quite amusing, many of the local councils currently under lib dem control have banned Clegg from coming anywhere near their patch!

(Not av related but there was no local elections thread!)
open discussion all well and good - but i've read a lot of nonsense today (albeit not here) preaching about their vote and why anyone who doesn't agree is some kind of imbecile.

Yeah - it's easy to get really passionate and blinkered about stuff. I'm guilty of that most of the time. :lol:

But why would someone vote 'no'?

I'd genuinely like to understand this viewpoint (forgetting the PR compromise issue for a moment).
I voted no. Our current system usually yields effective government. AV would more frequently result in coalitions due to the more proportional nature of the system. Coalition governments are less able to take decisive action when required and fulfil manifesto obligations due to the need to compromise. Also because of the nature of our politics Lab/Lib coalitions would probably dominate for years to come. No thanks. Oh and tactical voting is part of AV, which is something we could do without. Also this system has served us well, why change it.

+ it's easier to vote governments out with FPTP.
ideally you would separate the intellectual case for each system from your own partisan allegiances but when voting I don't think anyone is capable of doing that. Everyone has a self-interest in how they vote, which is why all tories will vote no, all libs/greens/minorities will vote yes and labour will be split down the middle depending on where in the country they are. It's a laughable referendum - the electoral system should really be decided by a neutral body, (eg academics, civil servants, electoral commission, a judge etc) and not left to the people to decide. The spin that follows the result will be unbearable and will in no way reflect the reality for the simple reason that we were never allowed a proper choice!
I voted no. Our current system usually yields effective government. AV would more frequently result in coalitions due to the more proportional nature of the system. Coalition governments are less able to take decisive action when required and fulfil manifesto obligations due to the need to compromise. Also because of the nature of our politics Lab/Lib coalitions would probably dominate for years to come. No thanks. Oh and tactical voting is part of AV, which is something we could do without. Also this system has served THE TORIES well, why change it.

+ it's easier to vote governments out with FPTP.

FPTP served both Labour and the tories well over the last 100 years and gave them inflated majorities at the expense of the liberals and greens whose popular vote was never reflected in parliament. totally unfair, totally undemocratic and increasingly totally unrepresentative of the increasingly diverse nature of UK society. I don't want to be on one side or the other. Britain isn't just two tribes anymore and politics needs to reflect everyone not just old class interests or blocs of regional votes. Sadly the dinosaurs will win because they still got da power..
effective government

When has there ever been an effective government in the current political system?

The closest we ever got to that was the D-Ream haze of Tony Blair's appointment which was bolloxed up by the small issue of Iraq.

They are all crooks.

Surely anything that is going to mean less Tory bums on seats is a good thing but ultimately, the entire system is screwed.
I'm not voting because I don't know what it is!

And this thread looks really boring so I can't possibly try and educate myself with it!

If anyone wants to explain it all in one sentence I might reconsider :D