x to AV


Well-Known Member
So, for all you lovely people who wish to share what you voted...

What did you vote?
yep (obviously).

It's good enough for the Tory c***s to use in their own internal elections yet they don't want this happening elsewhere.

Says it all really.

it ain't PR but it'll do for now.
As a personal thing, I'd love it if the referendum would of been about the single transferable vote. Which was what was originally in the lib dem manifesto, I believe.
I'm actually boycotting this vote

it's a false choice and has no legitimacy whatsoever

the fact we are not allowed to vote for real PR STINKS and I don't see why I should vote for some imperfect "compromise" which throws up its own set of problems. Loads of people I know are voting YES to stick one on the Tories but I think the best way to do that is to let the coalition crumble and force through new elections which would hopefully bring about new electoral reforms.
I'm actually boycotting this vote

it's a false choice and has no legitimacy whatsoever

the fact we are not allowed to vote for real PR STINKS and I don't see why I should vote for some imperfect "compromise" which throws up its own set of problems. Loads of people I know are voting YES to stick one on the Tories but I think the best way to do that is to let the coalition crumble and force through new elections which would hopefully bring about new electoral reforms.

Can't say I disagree with this - but I am voting.

The paradox is that I know I'm going to spoil my paper in the next general election anyway because that's where the sham is.
it's immaterial what you do though. the tories and most of labour stitched this up from the start to ensure it was throttled at birth. The NO campaign has virtually the entire political and media establishment behind it. how they can possibly lose? The masses don't understand arcane constitutional details. they'll just vote for which way the tabloids instruct them.
Think I'll be voting yes. Two other votes to cast here in Scotland, which will probably go to the SNP and greens.
..... I don't see why I should vote for some imperfect "compromise" which throws up its own set of problems...


But I don't want to waste my vote either. I'm a bit of a fence sitter still, even this close to me walking into the polling station later on.

We've got local elections tonight as well - did anyone get the Daily Express's (propaganda) 'newspaper' their door the other day about getting the UK out of the EU? I can just see my parents reading it and getting more and more fired up until they're ready to march on parliament and demand the heads of EU MP's :lol: It was a very clever bit of spin I think.

But I don't want to waste my vote either. I'm a bit of a fence sitter still, even this close to me walking into the polling station later on.

We've got local elections tonight as well - did anyone get the Daily Express's (propaganda) 'newspaper' their door the other day about getting the UK out of the EU? I can just see my parents reading it and getting more and more fired up until they're ready to march on parliament and demand the heads of EU MP's :lol: It was a very clever bit of spin I think.

the express and the mail are just horrendous publications!
The problem is that if we vote no to this, we may not see another referendum on the voting system for years, if not decades, because it's 'obvious' we want first past the post.

Which we don't, we want PR.

But if we vote yes, we are stuck with a system that, generally speaking, isn't that much better. It is, however, a stepping stone in the right direction towards PR... and we may be more likely to get a second referendum down the line.

That's the way I see this...
The problem is that if we vote no to this, we may not see another referendum on the voting system for years, if not decades, because it's 'obvious' we want first past the post.

Which we don't, we want PR.

But if we vote yes, we are stuck with a system that, generally speaking, isn't that much better. It is, however, a stepping stone in the right direction towards PR... and we may be more likely to get a second referendum down the line.

That's the way I see this...

you're absolutely right but the YES vote doesn't have a hope in hell.

Electoral reform sadly simply isn't sexy
i would have voted yes. but i cant be arsed.


...a few years ago this would've angered me but increasingly I'm thinking this stance is the only sane option.

The best government is no government at all.

False man made laws only increase the allure of misbehaving and fudged figures constantly fu(k us over while benefiting the rich. We're completely corrupt as a country and brainwashed so most of us can't even see (see royal wedding hysteria).

We all die, that's the only certainty, impermanence is everywhere and anarchy is ours to have fun with during the time we have and it's the only route to truth.

Politics sits behind of an illusion of importance - totally driven by fear.

No idea where that splurge came from :)lol:) but am sharing the "MEH" sentiment.
I mentioned this in another thread somewhere, but this AV system sounds very much like what we had for student government in my university. I've actually tallied votes for those elections.. it's a nightmare.

Proportional representation is better, but then you won't have anyone looking out for your village. (they have the PR system in Russia and it's pretty rotten.. they pack party lists with ministers, governors, celebrities, etc. who have no intent on taking up the seat!)

Why not a split system? Half single-mandate and half PR?
why do people preach to others about their voting choice?
Why is one choice better than another? It's a personal fundamental right.

The important thing should be that you voted, not what you voted for.

I would never publicly state what I vote for - it's my opinion and my decision and it's no more right or wrong than your choice.