Working a 7 day week

you may make some extra money - but at great risk to your health, mental wellbeing, social/sex life, personality and general happiness

you're 21 - you should be interrailing instead. Burnout at 21 is not a strong look..

as someone who used to work nightshifts in a warehouse for 7, sometimes 14 nights on the go, I would say only do it if you have the bailiffs knocking - otherwise, I would advise against
Don't do it, you need some kind of work/life balance and working 7 days is not it.

Surely there must be things you can cut out or save on rather than flogging yourself 7 days a week.
I would advise against also - I thought about it once, getting a bar/restaurant job at weekends for extra money

My friend did the office 9-5 mon to fri then worked behind the bar at a nightclub Fri & Sat nights - she only stuck it for a month and for her personally I dont think it worked out a whole lot more money. She used to lay in bed until lunchtime at the weekends to catch up on sleep so her social life/relationship suffered a tiny bit.

I just think you need time to chill out and have breaks otherwise life can get very monotous
Can you do the whole rolling the cocktail shaker up your arm spin it on your head etc?

I have this longstanding hatred of the kind of bars in London where you get super-smooth and super-smug barmen, usually French or Italians in their early 20s who think that they are incredible human beings simply because they know how to make a cocktail. It's that unbelievably self-satisfied smirk that crosses their face whenever a woman walks up to the bar. I far prefer fat old bartenders who just scowl at you whilst serving your pint.
:lol: Agree on the bartender thing - but I kinda like the fact that shmoozing in a low wage job can give you more charisma than an investment banker if you work it in the right way.

For this reason they deserve to bask in their glory.

(...and I was that slimy barman when I worked at the Eagle. :lol:)
those types are unbearable - they bring out a similar rage in me to people who wear baseball caps back to front
you may make some extra money - but at great risk to your health, mental wellbeing, social/sex life, personality and general happiness

you're 21 - you should be interrailing instead. Burnout at 21 is not a strong look..

as someone who used to work nightshifts in a warehouse for 7, sometimes 14 nights on the go, I would say only do it if you have the bailiffs knocking - otherwise, I would advise against

Olly, I know... I want to be off travelling. But surviving at Uni ate up all my savings (and this included working), so I need to build them back. But my current job isn't putting much in the kitty... maybe £300 pcm if I only go out twice in the month, and don't drink on one of those nights. And there is a lot of the world to see.

Overtime isn't really an option... there isn't any in my 9 - 5 job. Theres very little I can do to cut back further. I don't smoke, my food budget is already tiny. And I don't have that much of a social life in Leeds... my nights out tend to be a Friday, so that wouldn't change.

The only thing I can cut out further is something like the gym, which I'm not willing to do...
Olly, I know... I want to be off travelling. But surviving at Uni ate up all my savings (and this included working), so I need to build them back. But my current job isn't putting much in the kitty... maybe £300 pcm if I only go out twice in the month, and don't drink on one of those nights. And there is a lot of the world to see.

Overtime isn't really an option... there isn't any in my 9 - 5 job. Theres very little I can do to cut back further. I don't smoke, my food budget is already tiny. And I don't have that much of a social life in Leeds... my nights out tend to be a Friday, so that wouldn't change.

The only thing I can cut out further is something like the gym, which I'm not willing to do...

Yeah dont cut things like the gym out, you need to have a good balance between working and looking after yourself.

Sounds like you are living within your means, can you not just get a job for one day at the weekend which will at least give you one day to yourself to live?

Either that or turn to crime.
Yeah dont cut things like the gym out, you need to have a good balance between working and looking after yourself.

Sounds like you are living within your means, can you not just get a job for one day at the weekend which will at least give you one day to yourself to live?

Either that or turn to crime.[/QUOTE]

those types are unbearable - they bring out a similar rage in me to people who wear baseball caps back to front

I tend to get all internally twisted up and rageful about people that wear low slung jeans with their boxers on show.

...also have issues with really girly girls with orange skin, fluoro white teeth and ridiculously long claws with bits painted on them which render them incapable of doing anything outside of their subservient gender stereotype.

People that can't socialise without being completely off their t!ts and introduce k into every occasion.



Smug religious (unts (including those that angrily worship science).

People who talk about how much they earn and beleive in the illusion of status - only socialising with people from the same demographic.

:lol: This is a great release. Any more?
I tend to get all internally twisted up and rageful about people that wear low slung jeans with their boxers on show.

...also have issues with really girly girls with orange skin, fluoro white teeth and ridiculously long claws with bits painted on them which render them incapable of doing anything outside of their subservient gender stereotype.

People that can't socialise without being completely off their t!ts and introduce k into every occasion.



Smug religious (unts (including those that angrily worship science).

People who talk about how much they earn and beleive in the illusion of status - only socialising with people from the same demographic.

:lol: This is a great release. Any more?

Migrating this to a new thread as there's clearly loads of cathartic potential.
Hello fellow spotlighters...

I find myself in need of some working advice.

I've just applied for a second job, to work Saturdays and Sunday (16 hours), alongside my full time, flexitime monday - friday job.

Am I nuts? Has anyone had experience with doing this before?

The reason i'm doing it, is that it'll bring in about an extra £300 after tax, which will help no end to my travelling around the world fund.

Go for it - its a short term thing and your getting time off for Ibiza and its for a travelling round the world fund - your going to get plenty of R&R then my friend ...

I would do it if i really wanted something at the end of it ...... 8)
the other angle is , how much are you trying to put away for your 6months? Can plans be alterd according to actual funds? does it have to be 6 months? The worst thing would be to set unrealistic goals , work your arse off and then not have enough and end up doing nothing.
Or just get a better paid job ?! :lol:

I can totally see where you are coming from though as i was in the same boat, but i also was desperate to go to thailand - another reason why i worked 7 days a week and tbh it was the best thing i ever done, if anything its improved my life, i have a better social life now and have met the bestest friend in the world, as sad as that sounds....

Its all the simple things that will save you money.....

Car sharing - If you can pick up someone on the way to work or drive to them and they drive, it helps 2 people out, esp coz of the way petrol prices are atm...

Food - Some people are sooooo ignorant when it comes to this, dont be eating more than one take out a week, its alot of money wasted, bulk buy / make food and use for lunch the next day etc

E-bay - i have earnt just over 300 quid on what, i think is generally crap, so try and see if you got bits you can sell

Savings - Each month i have a standing order of money which i send over to another account, use to it going now so i have learnt to adjust to what i have left after all my outgoings have gone out

But as someone said, dont be sacrifing things like the gym if the spend per month is worth it in your opinion....

All the small savings add up 8)
Get it done, if you ever feel like you're missing out on a social event because of the work just pull a sicky.

I worked at Sainsburys whilst at uni and a few years ago all my mates booked Ibiza, couldnt get the time off so wasn't going to go.
Someone dropped out with 2 weeks to go and i took their place. Didn't tell work and just went. The boss rang me up not long after i'd landed asking where i was...told him and said i'd definitely booked it off.

Got back to a final written warning and that was that :D
You don't know know until you try it :) if it becomes too much you can sack it.

For such a short time, the pay off seems worth it, but if it's not you chuck it and find another route to save the money, or just wait a little longer :)
I worked a year and a half 7 days a week 0700-1600. You will get use to it. After a while I would even go out. I would pay by being tired for 3 to 4 days. I would take a nap after work and before dinner. You can do it if you want.