Working a 7 day week


Well-Known Member
Hello fellow spotlighters...

I find myself in need of some working advice.

I've just applied for a second job, to work Saturdays and Sunday (16 hours), alongside my full time, flexitime monday - friday job.

Am I nuts? Has anyone had experience with doing this before?

The reason i'm doing it, is that it'll bring in about an extra £300 after tax, which will help no end to my travelling around the world fund.
I would say its do able for about 3 weeks then it will certainly take its toll. If you plan to have zero social life (going out late , boozing , clubbing) that will help. Ive done 3 weeks (4weekends) before and could only do it because I knew it was gona end (and got some days off in lieu). i dont see it being an option long time but then i might just be a work shy southerner!
The weekend job would be until Christmas.

I'd get Ibiza off... and then that would be it for six months. :confused:
i think its doable if the weekend job is like evenings in a bar or something but full working days back to back if your on ya feet too will kill you. Is it possible to do a few hours in the evening straight after your other job? i honestly think that would be better and get at least 1 full day off than doing 7 straight
I think you will be fine, you have a pretty good goal to aim towards, give it a try atleast and if it's too much then quit the second job :)
I think your mad. The only break between now and xmas will be a trip to Ibiza?
Obv i dont know your personal finances, but you must be in the mire to embark on either making yourself ill, or being sacked for chucking sickies.

I assume its an amazingly stimulating job?

Not a chance of it coming off in my opinion! sorry to be negative.
I think your mad. The only break between now and xmas will be a trip to Ibiza?
Obv i dont know your personal finances, but you must be in the mire to embark on either making yourself ill, or being sacked for chucking sickies.

I assume its an amazingly stimulating job?

Not a chance of it coming off in my opinion! sorry to be negative.

I did 2 jobs for a whole year a while back, I was fine, I worked in a club till 3 am and started my office job at 8am haha I got used to it.
but did u work 7 days straight? I think a night then a day job is more realistic than 7 days straight. my gf used to work in a bar as well as her normal job and she was knackerd but was ok cos she still had days off
Yeah but I was out those nights making up for working the weekends so didnt have a night in for well over a year, depends how badly you want/need the cash !!
well maybe thats an idea. If you really wana save money , and you've said u want to keep in shape too , why not see if u can get a job workin nights friday n saturday? That way you wont be out spending money and you wont be out drinking loads. You still have saturday and sunday day to chill. it means no clubbing for a long time but that'll save u money
Surprised anyone thinks it's not a goer. How old are you Ikoda? A young man should be able to p1ss it. My set up post Uni was 5 days 7-5 in the office, prolly one in evening in two filling on for labourers who didn't want the overtime, Sat and Sun labouring 7-5, sometimes with overtime. Get on with it.​

(And we got 'ome, our Dad would slice us in two with a breadknife and it never did me no 'arm!:lol:)​
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Surprised anyone thinks it's not a goer. How old are you Ikoda? A young man should be able to p1ss it. My set up post Uni was 5 days 7-5 in the office, prolly one in evening in two filling on for labourers who didn't want the overtime, Sat and Sun labouring 7-5, sometimes with overtime. Get on with it.​

(And we got 'ome, our Dad would slice us in two with a breadknife and it never did me no 'arm!:lol:)​

Agreed, if you're young, no kids. Get on with it!!

I worked 7 days a week for over a year when i left university too. **** daytime job + bar job. And I used to go clubbing 3/4 nights a week!

I ****ing enjoyed it too. What's the matter with you lot?

What you going to do instead? read a book?
Buckley: I'm 21.

My weekday work is flexitime start between 8 and 10, then work for 8 hours.
The weekend work would be Saturday 13-21, Sunday 08-16.

Still get a lie in on Saturday. Which is good by me, I don't tend to do much with my weekends at the moment. Causes a problem for travelling around to go to DJ gigs... but I can sacrifice that for 9 months
Agreed, if you're young, no kids. Get on with it!!

I worked 7 days a week for over a year when i left university too. **** daytime job + bar job. And I used to go clubbing 3/4 nights a week!

I ****ing enjoyed it too. What's the matter with you lot?

What you going to do instead? read a book?

And we thought we were lucky! But you tell kids today that.......
I still think a bar job is a better way to go but its def a good move doing the later shift on the saturday . If its gona get you what you really want and your determined then you'll be able to do it but it is gona pish u off no end after a while
Yup! Worst case scenario, I think, is that I just have to quit Sainsbury's yet again. (that's the second job). Bar jobs seem fairly hard to come by at the moment.
And we thought we were lucky! But you tell kids today that.......


Haha, I read back my post and it would appear that I have finally turned into my ex-Shipyard Worker Father.

"we didn't need hard hats in those days, we just remembered to duck!"
Yup been there done it, nearly killed me :lol: lol

Lost a stone in weight tho, not that i needed to, went from a size 8 to 6 :eek: lol

Mon to fri - day job, then saturday and sunday waitressing, and the place i worked is a mega busy restaurant....didnt think i would do it for a year but did because the money was wise (one night made 70quid 8)), was probs on min wage for the hours i did...

work sat day time, so would go out on the piss saturday night and not have to be back in work till sunday at 4 so was enough to recover....then get in at midnight and then up for mon to fri all again, all when it was bank holidays, finish work at 11 ish, home get ready then hit the town and not get in till the early hours because bank hols were my only days off :eek:

But do it if you need the money 8)
Get a few quid earned and then strike out on your own.

Don't end up being a slave to the rat race, unless of course both jobs are something you absolutely love? I suspect if they were jobs you woke up and relished each day you wouldn't have started this thread.