Winter 2024-25 photos & videos


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Yesterday morning...




:arrow: Winter 2023-24 photos & videos
The single best thing about the whole Christmas palava, making and then tasting the salsa de nadal. So many fond memories of my grandmum stirring the pot on the wood fire and me running around the kitchen, filled with that mouth-watering smell. Nowadays, to see the new generations enjoying the process is such a joy!

Enjoy the holiday season :-)

The single best thing about the whole Christmas palava, making and then tasting the salsa de nadal. So many fond memories of my grandmum stirring the pot on the wood fire and me running around the kitchen, filled with that mouth-watering smell. Nowadays, to see the new generations enjoying the process is such a joy!

Enjoy the holiday season :)

Apart from your home 😉 where is the best place in Ibiza (ciudad) to try the salsa?
No idea, to be honest... but you could try it here:

No idea, to be honest... but you could try it here:

Gracias. I remember seeing something similar happening at the beginning the month in Vara de Rey, not un concurso but something involving the salsa anyway, sadly I missed that tho.
I should check this one out.