
I think it's hilarious.

I don't think there's any thing wrong with expecting people to put clothes on when they go shopping :lol: slobs!
there is a block of flats that I have to pass on the way home, not a towerblock, more a 50's style 5 story development, and I **** you not once I saw a woman crossing the road to go to the shops opposite in her nightie and barefoot 8O

a few months later I got talking to the geezer who runs the barbers a few doors down and told him about it and he says its not uncommon, apparently shes a brass who shares with about 2 others and they regularly dodge the rush hour traffic like characters from a risque version of the arcade game "Frogger" :lol:
See it in Asda up my way a fair bit, total minks, can't say I ever really saw it in Sainrbury's when I worked there though.

Robder - have a word with yourself, you mad PJ wearing shamanic beast.
there is a block of flats that I have to pass on the way home, not a towerblock, more a 50's style 5 story development, and I **** you not once I saw a woman crossing the road to go to the shops opposite in her nightie and barefoot 8O

a few months later I got talking to the geezer who runs the barbers a few doors down and told him about it and he says its not uncommon, apparently shes a brass who shares with about 2 others and they regularly dodge the rush hour traffic like characters from a risque version of the arcade game "Frogger" :lol:

a woman who used to live near us used to walk to the shops backwards
there is a block of flats that I have to pass on the way home, not a towerblock, more a 50's style 5 story development, and I **** you not once I saw a woman crossing the road to go to the shops opposite in her nightie and barefoot 8O

a few months later I got talking to the geezer who runs the barbers a few doors down and told him about it and he says its not uncommon, apparently shes a brass who shares with about 2 others and they regularly dodge the rush hour traffic like characters from a risque version of the arcade game "Frogger" :lol:

regular thing around my way as a kid to see the mum in dressing gown and slippers walking the kids to school.

i agree with mark. just put some fcukin clothes on!!
I was up seeing the folks in Lidderpool a few weeks back and on a Saturday afternoon it seems to now be acceptable for young-ish women to be out in the town with their rollers in (ready for the night I guess).

I mean why go to the effort of slapping up in the evnening if you've already made an appearance as Hilda Ogden only hours before???8O
Our Tesco is getting worse and worse for chavvos........I put it down to Tesco doing cheap deals....not seen anyone in PJs yet though :lol: