Why oh why the mental torture....

Was that you on the beach in late September wearing a bikini that says "Florida" on the ass?

If so, what the hell are you doing dating a guy that works in a pizza joint.

No offense to the working class but your marrying material for at least the well off if not the rich.

Haha....yeah that was definitley *not* me wearing that bikini....I've never found clothes with words printed across the butt *classy*....

I never wanted to judge him for what he did or for not having the same career ambitions/higher intelligence :twisted: as I do.....but looking back now what a freakin LOSER! It's a good thing he never met my mom.
Oh lord...another update

So guess what I get in my e-mail this morning??

"hi, I just wanted to say hi and tell you that I miss talking to you"

I guess my no response tactic really did get to him! God, now it's back on my mind again..... UGH!! :x
So guess what I get in my e-mail this morning??

"hi, I just wanted to say hi and tell you that I miss talking to you"

I guess my no response tactic really did get to him! God, now it's back on my mind again..... UGH!! :x

change ya email!

stick to yr guns. i know the feeling you mean tho. you spend ages ignoring someone and up they pop, making you all *insert wtf smiley* - and then off they pop again!

one big game, dont get sucked in, and go meet someone where theres none of that, and you will be a lot happier!

Yeah how did you guess?


Well a few months ago you were having a moan about the credit crunch and how hopes of moving out of your mum and dads were fading because of it.. So enjoying a wind up I thought of this as angle for some good fun banter..

You'll love it over there.. I took the family over a couple of years ago, although it was the parks and stuff that I was there for so I'm sure I didnt see the real Orlando/Florida..

Well a few months ago you were having a moan about the credit crunch and how hopes of moving out of your mum and dads were fading because of it.. So enjoying a wind up I thought of this as angle for some good fun banter..

You'll love it over there.. I took the family over a couple of years ago, although it was the parks and stuff that I was there for so I'm sure I didnt see the real Orlando/Florida..


Hey Emma, if you come for a visit let me know! And yes, there is more here than just Disney World and the Big Cheese. 8)