who's here? august 2006

2. August to 13. August,

Hi - I'm a guy from Denmark / Copenhagen going on my own

2. August to 13. August,
Be landing in 12 hours time.

Must be ****ing heaving this season as most places are fully booked! 8O I can't get a room anywhere :(
Good luck Nish!!

Good luck finding somewhere Nish... if not you could always try just partying right through :)

I'll be over there between 5th - 15th August, going to meet up with a few of you already.

Should be absolutely great this year, everyone is really up for it.

See you all soon....
6-15th August,
6Th Space....the terrace will be waring a shirt Puta Madre 'Es mejor un gram de coca que 1kg de Merdas....Those who find me get a drink:lol:

I'm off to the airport in a few to have yet once again the time of my life !

See you tomorow at Cream and/or 2 more weeks on this very forum...

samjane said:
:) i'll be like that friday 4pm, waving to my boss

2 days for me. Not looking forward to getting there though..will literally be planes, trains and automobiles.
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I'll be going again... 11-20th.

Anyone going the same dates, or sometime inbetween and not got accommo sorted yet? PM me.

anyone going out between 23 - 31 august?

Also does anyone know whether there are definate confirmed dates for ibiza rocks, after 12th Aug
4-9 August

Hi there,

I'm going tomorrow to Ibiza (4-9 August) and will probably go alone as my friend is too sick to come:cry:
I'm looking for people to party with...