who lives in ibiza??

cago'n l'hòstia, ara que no tenc un puta duro!!
Mmmeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeemmmm Mac quin llenguatge es aquest!!!! aquí esta ple de senyoretes innocents i menors d'edat !!!!!

Ahhh per cert jo també vull q me convidin a una llesca de pà amb sobrassada i un bon tassó de vi negre, memmmm on sa vist mai q no convidis a nes teus companys de foro i de comunitat , que jo som veinada teva!!!!
mikkak said:
que jo som veinada teva!!!!
collonut, jo em duc molt bé amb les meves veïnes!! :P

---> coo-coo!!

per cert, sabies que el dj biffu parla català en l'intimitat? meeeeem!! :lol:
collonut, jo em duc molt bé amb les meves veïnes!!

8O 8O 8O 8O 8O ajajajjjjjjjjjjjjaaaaaaaaaa jo q me sentia observada!!!! 8) 8) te ses seves desavantatges sempre estic constipada, sobre tot aquests darrers dies!!!!!
per cert, sabies que el dj biffu parla català en l'intimitat? meeeeem!!
8O 8O 8O Estic contenta per ell, ho tendré em compte si el coneg qualque dia, :D :D :D :D :D :D
silvia said:
Beckiboo said:
Hola! Buenas Noches 8) Soy Becki, Como Esta?

My Spanish cd and book arrived today ;) :lol:

Becki, you know next step is talking arabs in the spanish forum ;) :lol:

Hmmm I don't even know Spanish for "talking" let alone "arabs"!!!

I did have a peek in the Spanish forum, I think I'm a looonnnggg way off that yet! ;)
becki, just have a peek in the english forum and see how many examples of bad spelling, grammar, colloquialisms and the dreaded txt spk there are. it's the same in the spanish forum.
stephen said:
becki, just have a peek in the english forum and see how many examples of bad spelling, grammar, colloquialisms and the dreaded txt spk there are. it's the same in the spanish forum.

Heh, well when (and if) I ever join the Spanish forum I'll have to ask everyone to write in baby language, no slang, no bad grammar and DEFINATELY not txt spk otherwise I'll never understand! :roll: :lol:
Beckiboo said:
Heh, well when (and if) I ever join the Spanish forum I'll have to ask everyone to write in baby language, no slang, no bad grammar and DEFINATELY not txt spk otherwise I'll never understand! :roll: :lol:

Teletubbie language is the way forward ;) :lol: :lol:
Ive got 8 teach yourself Spanish CD's i collected free with the Daily Mail but have only completed 1 of them with the world cup being on and all that :oops::lol: but that's over soon so ill go over that first CD again and then move onto CD2 and so on,im determined to speak some Spanish,i also want to learn our national language Irish even though only 2% of Ireland speaks it :?
sexylady said:
im going 2 live over there 4 the summer shud b mint :)

Thats interesting...........working or party all night??

I will be there next week. Any suggestions where to go?

Ruben - Malta
im looking to move out to ibiza but only looking to rent at first. anyone know where i can get accomodation that is good value? all the sites ive checked quote rediculous prices. maybe someone who lives on the island knows places?

also looking for work. anyone know where i can find work? i dj, design websites but would be willing to work at anything starting off.

djbk said:
im looking to move out to ibiza but only looking to rent at first. anyone know where i can get accomodation that is good value? all the sites ive checked quote rediculous prices. maybe someone who lives on the island knows places?

also looking for work. anyone know where i can find work? i dj, design websites but would be willing to work at anything starting off.


This site is amazing, you can find really cheap places to stay on here.
