white stripes

white s...

this song has been kicking about in ibiza for years... first time I heard it was in manumssion 2003 - has it really been over played this year??? - tho I dont think you could overplay any of the white s... stuff... next time just tell the DJ to spin hotel yoba... that will get you all going!!!!
mcleos said:
this song has been kicking about in ibiza for years... first time I heard it was in manumssion 2003 - has it really been over played this year??? - tho I dont think you could overplay any of the white s... stuff... next time just tell the DJ to spin hotel yoba... that will get you all going!!!!

have you read this thread??:lol:
there is nothing more ridiciulous then an itaker on the e-train who lost completly the direction and his only radar-system is this foreign song, why don't they chant "gente di mare" or "azzuro" 8)

Is it the end of islands spirit, when the threads main issue is about football!?

The only sets i did not hear white stripes during my stay (last two july weeks) were wooly and tiefschwarz sundays at space, and carl cox tuesdays who antizipated with a clubversion of the song..
matteo said:
I'm italian , I'm beautiful , I'm world champion and I sing what I want

I'm hoping that's ironic otherwise it's confirming some prejudices I'm struggling not to hold about Italians.

I have to say it was f****** annoying the way the Seven Nation Army riff kept getting shouted over tunes, from Bora Bora to Space and even at Circo Loco, for f***'s sake.

Shut. The. F***. Up.
mcleos said:
this song has been kicking about in ibiza for years... first time I heard it was in manumssion 2003 - has it really been over played this year??? - tho I dont think you could overplay any of the white s... stuff... next time just tell the DJ to spin hotel yoba... that will get you all going!!!!

What the **** is hotel yoba??!!
oh my god; where is the world going to ??
Borra Borra with the White Stripes; next year maybe 20 botles of beer on the wall; 20 bottles of beer; if one fals down...
mcleos said:
this song has been kicking about in ibiza for years... first time I heard it was in manumssion 2003 - has it really been over played this year??? - tho I dont think you could overplay any of the white s... stuff... next time just tell the DJ to spin hotel yoba... that will get you all going!!!!

What the **** is hotel yoba??!...
Digger said:
I'm hoping that's ironic otherwise it's confirming some prejudices I'm struggling not to hold about Italians.

I have to say it was f****** annoying the way the Seven Nation Army riff kept getting shouted over tunes, from Bora Bora to Space and even at Circo Loco, for f***'s sake.

Shut. The. F***. Up.
hear hear in El Divino and Space all i heard was this stupid song :roll: there are many other people from other countries who are there for the music and do not want to hear the music drowned out with this silly chanting,im Irish but i don't go around singing the fields of athenrye all the time...
Ya, but if you'd won the World Cup (or even qualified!), then you probably would!

I think you all need to relax, live and let live.

I thought it was great that when I was there in June, everyone (and I mean practically everyone) was able to enjoy the World Cup and still keep the Ibiza spirit. One of the greatest sights we saw was the Brazilian parties at Pago Pago (two doors down from Bora Bora) after any Brazil game. Afterwards, you'd see some of them dancing on tables at Bora Bora.

If you've got a problem with Italians, fine, your ignorance. If it's about a few people having a chant together in a disco, get over yourselves!
I have nothing against people being happy about their country winning the world cup, but could you at least choose a better song to celebrate with?
It's like if a nation started to hum without you by dirty vegas. One of those songs that isnt bad enough to be funny, just a really lame track. God I hate the white stripes. I wonder if Jack White goes on these forums...
Morbyd said:
If you've got a problem with Italians, fine, your ignorance. If it's about a few people having a chant together in a disco, get over yourselves!

If it was a bunch of English beerboys shouting Ingerland, Ingerland, Ingerland over music other people were trying to listen to, that would attract the derision of every other nationality that posts on this board, and rightly so.
Jonny68 said:
hear hear in El Divino and Space all i heard was this stupid song :roll: there are many other people from other countries who are there for the music and do not want to hear the music drowned out with this silly chanting,im Irish but i don't go around singing the fields of athenrye all the time...

but i go round singing fields of anfield road all the time ;)
I don't know about you.. But it realy disturbed me.
Every party I went I heard that italian humming. really took the pleasure out of the song that was currently playing.
In Edinburgh the Hearts fans sing 'Oh the Hibees are gay' to the White Stripes. Started at the Hearts V Hibs semi final against Hibs in the Scottish cup. Very childish and immature, but funny.

You can hear it on the You Tube Roger Sanchez set at Pacha a couple of weeks back.
hotel yoba is another great white stripes track that ablums is by far the best.... I once heard a remix of it in a club it reminded me of something 2manydjs would do... you should heard the white stripes version its very upbeat sounds a bit country but v.good! esp when its mixed!!1