white stripes


New Member
whats the deal with groups of people humming seven nation army like a million times during a DJs set... this happened everywhere i went... i didnt get it, the funniest thing was i never even heard a dj play the actual song. just people humming it. loudly. EVERYWHERE.
binarycool said:
whats the deal with groups of people humming seven nation army like a million times during a DJs set... this happened everywhere i went... i didnt get it, the funniest thing was i never even heard a dj play the actual song. just people humming it. loudly. EVERYWHERE.

i heard this first at made in italy, and just thought that it was going to happen at that party....but i heard it EVERYWHERE. i have a ton of video of it. sanchez played the song for about 40 seconds, which shut it up for a minute, but it started again, very annoying. morillo also announced that "italy is in the house" after he heard it chanted.
I heard a load of Italians do it 2 years ago at carl cox. He finished his set on the old terrace and they all started chanting it.

I imagine its like that oooer ooo chav calll you get in ritzys here.
In a mather of fact the Itallians learnt thios song when they came over to Belgium and loved it... it's a typical football song for about 2 or 3 years now in Belgium...
this seven nation army song by the white stripes was shouted EVERYWHERE and ANYTIME. dc10, space, pacha..... i know the song's quite dated, but in a way it's definitely one of this years anthems....

when there's a song with a simple bassline, you can't wait for 5 seconds until someone begins to shout it...you really can't escape of it right now. and dj's play it as well (carl cox for example, also bodyrockers threw it and played live guitar with it last friday at pure pacha).
well, here's a bit of history than; In belgium their is a middle big football club callde Genk; the most of their supporters are girls (beautifull ones) ; they play with italian designed clothes and their club song is White stripes.

Last year all the other clubs (also my club who's Anderlecht) started to sing this song also.
for me, it's kind of pitty that a football athem is going to hit the major clubs but will check it out in 4 days and tell you about it afterwhilte:p
For those that didn't follow the link Grego posted above, here's the story of how it got from Belgium to Italy:
The Boston Phoenix said:
It started last February in Bruges, at the UEFA Cup match between Bruges and Roma. When Bruges went ahead, their fans started singing the White Stripes’ “Seven Nation Army.” Then Roma came back to win, and their fans sang it; they took it back home, and it became the Roma hymn. Roma and Italian national team member Francesco Totti sang it, off-key, at the San Remo Song Festival. (Whether he sang it to unnerve Australian goalkeeper Mark Schwarzer before taking the last-minute penalty that beat the Aussies is as much a mystery as what Marco Materazzi said to Zinedine Zidane before the fatal headbutt.) Now it’s been taken up as the symbolic song of the World Cup winners, and all Italy is singing it. Our only question: if in the wake of the current soccer scandals Italian magistrates order any of the top clubs to be relegated to Serie C, will fans change the lyrics to “Third Division Army”?

I assume this all got noticed in Boston (thus made it into the Phoenix) as the city has a huge population of people of Italian descent. I was there for the '94 World Cup and people were going wild until they lost to the Brazilians...
smiley said:
well, here's a bit of history than; In belgium their is a middle big football club callde Genk; the most of their supporters are girls (beautifull ones) ; they play with italian designed clothes and their club song is White stripes.

Last year all the other clubs (also my club who's Anderlecht) started to sing this song also.
for me, it's kind of pitty that a football athem is going to hit the major clubs but will check it out in 4 days and tell you about it afterwhilte:p

i support celtic, was over for our game against you a couple of years ago - much fun! :D
seven nation army.....

I support the idea that people like varied music but I dont like it when a song is a remix of a terrible annoying song. No matter how good it is if it is a remix of a piece then its not going to be very pleasing. Does anyone like seven nation army? I think its mainstream crap. Another example of a bad song from a bad remix is breath by Thin White Duke. Britney Spears? What was he thinking...?
geezamenchie said:
i support celtic, was over for our game against you a couple of years ago - much fun! :D

Im a Celtic man myself :D i was close to breaking point listening to that nightmare tune and these Italian f*****s singing it over and over again :spank:
Jonny68 said:
Im a Celtic man myself :D i was close to breaking point listening to that nightmare tune and these Italian f*****s singing it over and over again :spank:


It really reflects badly on the nation haha. They should hum something good.
i thought 7 nation army was a good tune the first few times i heard it, totally over played though even before the remixes!
Jonny68 said:
Im a Celtic man myself :D i was close to breaking point listening to that nightmare tune and these Italian f*****s singing it over and over again :spank:

I'm italian , I'm beautiful , I'm world champion and I sing what I want
Ole! :lol:

Seriously though... not sure why people get in such a huff. It's just people having a good time. A bit of jealousy, perhaps?
Morbyd said:
Ole! :lol:

Seriously though... not sure why people get in such a huff. It's just people having a good time. A bit of jealousy, perhaps?

Exactly. If we'd won the world cup we wouldn't even be close to stopping going on about it yet. :lol: