Whats on at a club near you on NYE?

I emailed the end and they replied to me that classic records will be there, they just dont have the line up yet..

Hopefully it will be a good line up, as i went last saturday and loved every minute, I think 8O

I must get back to the end soon, even tho im still paying for saturday it was well worth it ;)

yeah thats the problem with turnmills, you do good saturday nighst tho that completly go off :lol:
lynch said:
I emailed the end and they replied to me that classic records will be there, they just dont have the line up yet..

Hopefully it will be a good line up, as i went last saturday and loved every minute, I think 8O

I must get back to the end soon, even tho im still paying for saturday it was well worth it ;)

yeah thats the problem with turnmills, you do good saturday nighst tho that completly go off :lol:

Fingers xd it's Delboy :D Between us matey we will do our damnest to find out who's playing. It's a good club to go to on NYE cos even when it's rammed you can always find bit of room to dance and it can get a really late licence, last year it was open til midday on 1st Jan 8O :D ;)
Mid day :D that it's self would swing it for me..

Yeah I love the room to the right when you walk in, there is so many sofas to mash out on.

If I hear whos on i'll let you know straight away, always like to get a ticket sorted by the start of december so I know whats happening..
Just been doing my homework and here’s what I’ve found out.

Dan, a promoter for classic records can’t afford Derek Cater on NYE, But had managed to get the following dj’s so far, with more still to add.

current line up is Tiefschwarz, Luke Solomon, Chris Duckenfield, Justin
Harris, Jon Marsh plus special guests...

Looks good to me, will have to see what “space” at the cross come up with..
lynch said:
Just been doing my homework and here’s what I’ve found out.

Dan, a promoter for classic records can’t afford Derek Cater on NYE, But had managed to get the following dj’s so far, with more still to add.

current line up is Tiefschwarz, Luke Solomon, Chris Duckenfield, Justin
Harris, Jon Marsh plus special guests...

Looks good to me, will have to see what “space” at the cross come up with..

You're a * Lynch :D ;)
:D :D :D

I'll hopefully know what i'm doing by the end of Nov, just have to discuss what else is going on with my mates, once i do ill let you know..Also Keep us informed on other nights that you hear about.
lynch said:
:D :D :D

I'll hopefully know what i'm doing by the end of Nov, just have to discuss what else is going on with my mates, once i do ill let you know..Also Keep us informed on other nights that you hear about.

I have got my ears to the ground :P ;)
Just got this e-mail, confirmation from The End:

The End NYE 2003 - 3 rooms of music - 2100/0600 - Advance tickets (£27.50) available from: www.the-end.co.uk  www.ticketweb.co.uk or call 08700 600 100.

AKA & The End present: A Classic NYE 2003
Main Room: Tiefschwarz, Luke Solomon (Freaks), Chris Duckenfield (SWAG)
Lounge: Justin Harris (Freaks), Jon Marsh (The Beloved), Johnny Rock, L'il Dan plus special guests
AKA: Society Heights featuring Jay Hannan & Friends
Chibuku @ The Masque, Liverpool New Years Eve Party!!!
The Beat Monkeys
Leo Belchetz
Dom Chung
Luke Carr
Real Elements
Dirty Sanchez
Ben Morgan
Phil Charnock
Sarah Sweeney

Anyone know if any of these are any good??
Just had atext from Pushca to say they are at Egg on new years eve. theme is 18 century wigs, masks and make up.
Scoobie said:
Just had atext from Pushca to say they are at Egg on new years eve. theme is 18 century wigs, masks and make up.

As much as I like Pushca dos I can't be doing with themes and all that, esp on NYE when you just want to wear your nice shiny new clothes and not fanny round with masks and costumes :roll:
yeah - i thought that. Particularly know 18 century stuff. I frighten myself enough when i look in the mirror when im funked. I'd have a heart attack! 8O
Scoobie said:
yeah - i thought that. Particularly know 18 century stuff. I frighten myself enough when i look in the mirror when im funked. I'd have a heart attack! 8O

Altho maybe an 18th century wig would sort out all my problems and tame my 'fro lol :P :lol: ;)
Scoobie said:
Just had atext from Pushca to say they are at Egg on new years eve. theme is 18 century wigs, masks and make up.

On the Pushca website it says that their NYE party lasts for 24 hours 8O :D Pushca is definitely looking more and more appealing, how where's that wig of mine :P :lol: ;)
> For more info and tickets contact 020 8989 6712
> Space at The Cross NYE 2003-4
> 9pm - 6am

> This NYE there is only one destination for the most
> glamorous clubbers
> - The club that dreams are made of and the centre of
> London's party
> culture... We're talking about The Cross. London's
> most popular club
> plays host to the best nights in the UK and on New
> Years Eve there will
> be no exception. We are very proud to announce Space
> has been invited to
> host the Cross's  NEW YEARS EVE celebrations 2003-4

> For £45 you're going to have the night of your life
> and if you have any
> doubts just CHECK THIS LINE-UP

> Room One "I'll House You"
> Copyright (Exclusive Midnight Set)
> Raymundo Rodruguez
> Eddy Kruger
> Lloyd Cornish
> Max Latino

> Room Two "1993 The Year The Cross Was Born"
> Jazzy M (Midnight Set)
> Will Grant (Melonphunk)
> Lee Davey
> Andy Cruickshank
> Rae Chic
> Totally Tone

> Room Three "Space's Soul Funk & Gospel Grooves"
> Dempsey & Buckley
> Andy Meston
> Jason Slater
> Mark Bagnall

my mate really wants to do the cross for new years but i prefer the lineup at turnmills,dont know a lot about these dj's :( only thing is im getting a bit scared of turnmills if its gonna be well well rammed-whats a guy to do
That line-up is pretty damn good for NYE, The Cross does my head in tho cos people are always wandering around when I want to goddamn dance :D

Is Room 2 going to be a Classics type room do you know with it being called 1993 The Year The Cross Was Born?? Me likes the sound of that on NYE ;)