What the HELL is going on with bora bora?


Active Member
Im in ibiza now, and you can no longer take drinks of any sort on to the beach of bora bora the place is dead no one is about at all. What as happened?
there is ropes around the beach, the secruity are out every 10 minutes chucking people off the beach.
i dont know about the day, i thought the beach was a public place? it used to be such a great a atmosphere there, now its dead. I refuse to pay 6 euros for a san miguel. you cant even buy form within bora and take outside. its a complete complete joke. btw next door is now blasting music to.
Are we talking about nighttime??

I think the beach does close at night... at least, I've seen cops doing sweeps in the middle of the night before. There's probably some point after which you're not supposed to be out there drinking.

If anything, Bora Bora are probably just covering their backsides. As for ropes, not sure how you mean but they used to put up a plastic tarp to separate the bar from the beach at night.
Sad to hear that mate. I havent been for 3 years in order to start a family but was thinking about doing next year in a big way....with all the moody crap going on with clubs getting shut down and staff being 2 bob merchants I might have to give Ibiza a body swerve and keep it as a sweet memory...:cry:
yeah there has been a plastic tarp there for a while, but yeah I remember before them stopping people from bringing drinks out on to the beach at night..

what else is new...
yeah there has been a plastic tarp there for a while, but yeah I remember before them stopping people from bringing drinks out on to the beach at night..

what else is new...
Exactly my point... this is nothing new! The hysteria people have gotten into this year because laws (new and old) are being enforced is getting comical! Learn, adapt, live with it, and have fun, I say! :spank:
Exactly my point... this is nothing new! The hysteria people have gotten into this year because laws (new and old) are being enforced is getting comical! Learn, adapt, live with it, and have fun, I say! :spank:

well this part especially... even waaaay back in 2004 :)lol:) the tarp went up you couldn't carry drinks on to the beach at night...back in the good ole' days :lol:

Will you be there at the end of September Morbyd? I still haven't booked yet, but will do... soon!
Got a text from a mate who's in Ibiza now and said he doesn't know what the fuss is about, he said it's full of posers standing around, and the security are way OTT regarding drinks and dancing on chairs!!!

I'm not surprised Gee Moore left Bora Bora as it appears it's a shadow of it's former self (Judging by comments read on various forums this included)
Isn't this going to be the new flyer for "Bora Bora"

Oh ffs :rolleyes:

You can drink on the beach until at least midnight, I was there myself last week doing exactly that. Its still a great party and I did not see any OTT security, people were still having a good time and the atmosphere was great. If you decide not to come it is your choice, it does my head in though all this complaining and speculating! :x
If you decide not to come it is your choice, it does my head in though all this complaining and speculating! :x
It's epedemic this year, really... it's driving me crazy. The forum has been one big festival of whining this season. :x People really need to relax and get over it.

This thread is even worse... compaining about things at Bora Bora that have been like that for years.... the same years when everyone raved about how great it is!

Admittedly, I'm not going until September so I haven't seen the changes this year first hand yet. But every sane person who's gone seems to have adapted and come back saying they had a great time as usual. :!:
Oh ffs :rolleyes:

You can drink on the beach until at least midnight, I was there myself last week doing exactly that. Its still a great party and I did not see any OTT security, people were still having a good time and the atmosphere was great. If you decide not to come it is your choice, it does my head in though all this complaining and speculating! :x

Not complaining mate, ive not been to Ibiza this year as of yet, just going on what ive been told and read online that's all.
The tarp went up for the first time in 2000 - much to my horror - I remember it well.

...I'm sure it's still great but make sure you behave. :lol:


Dance on tables.
Walk to the toilets in pairs.
Wait too long outside the cubicles.
Do anything suspicious in front of the GC because they'll search you.
Generally do anything that makes you look like you're enjoying yourself.

It's all a bit regimented these days eh? Let's hope they sort this out sooner or later and find another bandwagon to jump on.

Croatia anyone? :lol:

(sorry - had to add my whinge to the mix.)
I had a blast at BB a couple of weeks ago, the security was there but didnt stop people enjoying themselves IMO. There was some plain clothes guys too as well as GC. They had earpieces in (and not just an ipod before someone says it!)- not sure if this was a one off thing as they grabbed a few blokes and carted them off.
it has totally changed, i have been to bora bora many times. and it is only in these last few days they have put ropes aswell as the blue curtain thing up, which seperates the bar from the beach. you could always sit on the beach with beer before until when ever you pleased, yes the police came but didnt stop you just the odd check for drugs. now every 10 minutes the staff are outside checking for people drinking. The ropes go from the bora bora fench down to the water on both sides of the bar.