What the heck is a lookie lookie?

ED CASE i guess your right! nobody wants to be given pig ignorant treatment at any time never mind when they are grafting and trying to put bread on the table. I try to be polite and tell them no, usually they take heed and realise that if we say no from the start we wont change our mind and they go elsewhere to sell.
well the ones with the drugs schould piss off....
well the piccie McRackin is great! that street is the one where I always meet the lookie lookie´s - that street schould be renamed lookie lookie str. haha!
Ahh, lookie lookie men. Dont people realise how important it is to get hold of one of those pens that has a disappering swim suit to reveal a naked lady, at 4 in the morning. How could we live without the lookie lookie. :p