What do you all look like?

chewie - i think he was a bit too happy if you know what i mean. we'd just been to pacha, subliminal sesh (funky room) and were still going the next evening on bora bora. ;)

ohhh my head.

The guy on the right is diego the ibiza fairy from uraguay. What a mad un he was. I had to go and hide in my room after 36 hours of it...........

bring on september..
want to put up more recent pic from face party. seen as the fringe makes so much difference. :rolleyes: :lol: do i have to just put the link in or can i get the pic to come up. help please?
thank u :D sorry i never got back to you. in response to your question i most certainly will be in ibiza! around the 7th sept i think for a week.