what do guys wear

It's all about the confidence :lol:

True. I think its nice to come in from the beach/boat etc and change into something a bit smarter, bit of music, a few vodka's and stuff. bit of a fuss pot when it comes to clothes, cant stand creased stuff so a travel iron is a must for T shirts and alike. Maybe I'm getting old but like to make an effort if going to a decent restaurant, shows a bit of respect and looks like you've actually planned to go there and not just stumbled off the beach. for clubbing I like to wear shorts or combats that have loads of pockets in for everything a boy needs, fags, water, wallet, more fags, etc.
daytime - basic t-shirt with shorts + some flip floppity sandal thing

nighttime - nicer t-shirt with jeans + trainers

i ain't cool and i ain't hip :lol:

wtf???? :)
Usually in the day baggy shorts, basketball jersey DC's. Fairly standard.

The evening really depends on what club / bar I'm at. Nothing better than turning up to We Love in pretty much the same as the above.

Pacha for example I would make more effort, either smarter shorts or chinos and likely another basketball jersey or sleeveless top.
for clubbing I like to wear shorts or combats that have loads of pockets in for everything a boy needs, fags, water, wallet, more fags, etc.

Very sound advice .. I do exactly the same. Jeans are a no-no for me - given up on them as being impossibly short on pocket space and blooming uncomfortable in the heat. So it's cargo pants or shorts (usually) with loads of pockets ..
Depends where you're going to be honest.

Day time for me is swimming shorts, vest and flip flops.

If I'm off to Ushuia I'll wear smart denim type shorts with a nice fitted shirt or smart tshirt. Same applies for Pacha. I'd usually with these with a smart pair of boat shoes.

If it's Space I usually wear just casual tshirt, shorts and trainees. Mainly due to me being on bora bora all day previously. Amnesia I also dress casual.
jeezo....over the years it was my missus looking for female threads like this...or pics from the clubs before we went :lol:

i dont see one for the ladies going so i better not tell her im sorted for heading over Monday :lol::lol::lol:

wear what u want guys..... 8)
wear what u want guys..... 8)

Exactly. One of the many beauties of Ibiza is that it's one of the few places left in the world where you can go out wearing pretty much anything and not get hassle, looks or feel out of place. Show your colours, I say.
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