what do guys wear


New Member
I would think in the main clubs you have to be smart ish long trousers and shirt but what do guys wear when out in the bars are smart shorts and tea shirts ok or what have looked at so many photos on Ibiza bar websites i am now confused has anyone just got back that could help one week to go for us so any help would be great.
I would think in the main clubs you have to be smart ish long trousers and shirt but what do guys wear when out in the bars are smart shorts and tea shirts ok or what have looked at so many photos on Ibiza bar websites i am now confused has anyone just got back that could help one week to go for us so any help would be great.

You can pretty much wear what you like in most bars. In the clubs I always wear smart /denim shorts with a vest, t -shirt or shirt.
I have seen plenty of people just wearing swim shorts. Depends on the club though.
there is only ONE item of clothing that should be worn in nightclubs around the world....

that is the leg covering legend known as....


other trousers are available although certainly will never be as cool
I am actually wearing Phat Shortz in my latest profile pic....not that you can see them!

(pics tend to change frequently)
But remember the new laws in San An (not sure if they're extended everywhere else yet or not)... you've got to be wearing a top (of some description) whether on the streets or in the bars, or there's a hefty fine!!!
I have no problem getting into clubs with shorts (denim or khaki). These were not cut off. I wear polo or dress shirts depending on where I'm going. I tend not to wear t-shirts unless I;m on the beach. When I really want to dance I go Phat pants.
Last two years in a row, I've worn sandals and shorts to the clubs.
Just got to be mindful of high heeled girls, and all is good. :lol:
The more I go to Ibiza, the more I dress down in the clubs. Seems pointless making yourself anymore uncomfortable than you have to be when the clubs will let you in wearing pretty much anything.

I also liked that last year I waltzed straight into Eden without being searched at all wearing my Charlie Sheen 'The Only Thing I'm Addicted To Is Winning' T-Shirt.