What are the names of those Lizards?


New Member
I have a question for any of you Ibiza residents. Do you know the species name of the lizards on the island? There were two in particular that I remember seeing. One would mostly come out during the day and it was kind of a green color with long skiny little toes on it's feet. The other was more like a gecko (with the suction cup type feet) and it mostly came out at night. Those cute little things were all over my villa in San Rafael last time I was on the island. I spent most of the time out by my pool trying to catch those little critters. I never caught one though! :cry: My friends thought that I was insane, but I really like reptiles. I think they are soooooo cute! :D
Susie in Cala LLenya there are tons of them they even try to eat ur food, in Mallorquin they r called Sargantanas.
Susie said:
One would mostly come out during the day and it was kind of a green color with long skiny little toes on it's feet

lagartijas (spanish) - sargantanes (ibicenco)

Susie said:
The other was more like a gecko (with the suction cup type feet) and it mostly came out at night

dragones (spanish) - dragons (ibicenco)



Scientific name: Tarentola mauritanica

Common name:
Spanish -> Salamanquesa, dragón
Catalán, valenciano, mallorquín -> dragó


Scientific name: Psammodromus hispanicus

Common name:
Spanish -> lagartija
Cat., val., mall. -> sargantana


Sci.: Psammodromus algirus
called lagartija; sargantana too


Sci.: Lacerta lepida
lagarto in Spanish; fardatxo in Catalan, Valenciano or Mallorquin
These ones are bigger (they can grow more than 60-70 cms. long)

There are a few more species. But perhaps some of these fit to what you saw.
try this then.
I actually have a lagartija tattoo on my chest and whenever I show it to my 'young friends' they say 'is it real?' and i say, 'no it's a tattoo, a real one would run about!'

boom boom

Thank you for the fabulous pictures and info guys. I knew you would come up with some fabulous pictures for me McRackin you always do! TigerVlc thanks for the nice pics as well. Hee! Hee! Dj Biff thanks to you for your sillyness! I can't wait to see my little lizard friends when I go back to Ibiza. I hope I can catch one this time. Hopefully it won't bite my finger off or something! :D
Susie said:
I can't wait to see my little lizard friends when I go back to Ibiza

how about your little mosquito friends? 8O

where is susie - where is susie? susiiiiieeeee - come here!! --->

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
I think they like to hide in your luggage too. I remember i almost took two geckos home with me as souvenirs last time i was in Italy! :lol:
Darn you McRackin!!! Why do you torment me so with those stupid damn mosquitos. No! I don't want to get a visit from my mosquito friends. They are not cute and fun like my lizard friends. They are nasty pests from hell! Hee! Hee! :lol: But, seriously I do enjoy our rants back and fourth about the mosquitos and I really do enjoy the little pics you always put up on the site. Oh, and dance4life I hope some geckos sneak into my luggage so I can take them home and keep them as pets! Hee! Hee! :D :lol:
DJ Biff said:
try this then.
I actually have a lagartija tattoo on my chest and whenever I show it to my 'young friends' they say 'is it real?' and i say, 'no it's a tattoo, a real one would run about!'

boom boom


:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

damn, this man rocks!!!
DJ Biff said:
I actually have a lagartija tattoo on my chest and whenever I show it to my 'young friends'
they say 'is it real?' and i say, 'no it's a tattoo, a real one would run about!'

boom boom
:lol: :lol: :lol:

Lizards freak me the f*** out man 8O

Not as much as spiders :evil: (of course) but theyre still creeeeppyyy