Weekend Tales


I liked Olly's variation on the weekend plans thread title so I've followed suit. So let's hear it... what did you get up to?

Thursday - Long dinner with a bunch of art world people. Home to pack. Then out to meet some friends at the nightclub Opera for a couple of hours. Back home for a 1-hour nap then...

Friday - ...flew to London. Went shopping. Attended a colleague's big birthday bash at a house out in the suburbs, a 1970s disco-themed affair. Quite entertaining. Cried at taxi price to get back to the city.

Saturday - Got together with some friends to watch Wigan v Chelsea :cry: Went for a nice walk through Chelsea. Sat down with a friend at Frankie's in Fulham to watch the 2nd half of Fulham FC being robbed by Arsenal. Ended up sitting there drinking and snacking for 6 hours. Went to the West End to meet some other friends for a drink. Then to Ministry of Sound for Sasha and Nick Warren :D Stood in line for an hour to get in :evil: but once inside, Sasha was in good form. The Sasha-Warren back-2-back was ok as well, but Sasha's set was the highlight. Left at 7 and hopped the tube back to my hotel to...

Sunday - ...grab my bags and head to the airport. Figured out at this point my flight was at 11am not noon :oops: Got there about 10 minutes before the end of registration :lol: Back to Moscow, shopping at the big Auchan supermarket on the way home from the airport. Made dinner. Passed out.

footnote: I am very glad that I sleep well on airplanes :lol:
ugh - shattering weekend. I'm past all this.. seriously :(

friday - after a pitstop at the horse & groom, went to the City Media & Arts Project on City Road, which is a converted restaurant near old st tube, complete with shop windows leaving you feeling quite exposed but it just about came off. Guest was a young fellow who goes by the name of floating points (tunes a bit too broken beat/soulful for my tastes, although roy davis jnr - gabriel always sounds nice) then the late night audio rezzies took over - very good indeed as anyone whose been to the 54 or Visions parties will testify. Then (bizarrely) after a lockin at the charterhouse near fabric, (some gimp in a Hackett shirt spilling a drink over my priceless jacket - :roll:) ran into some of Lisa Loud's friends at an after party nearby, hoovered up what was left and er fell asleep on the least comfortable settee known to man.

....and on to Saturday - down to Brixton for a friend's 39th at a warehouse in loughborough junction. WOW. Classic vibe - the single interchanging light and strobe illuminating the room through the mist, a very good, friendly crowd, uncomfortably sweaty at times, but a very decent room with padded walls and curved roof, a very relaxed attitude to smoking and some fierce tunes - acid, stoner rock, rare disco, vintage techno all thrown in the mix c/o idjut boys and foolish felix - the inevitable WTF conversations in the garden whilst waiting to enter the worst toilet in scotland then on to streatham to afters at a very nice flat, more overflowing ashtrays and then somehow keeping it together on the train back. the longest sunday in bed - 5 hours? 10 hours? who knows? Abigail's Party was inside the observer so watched some of that but my mind was on previous party.

today Roman ruins... next stop: boy's own on saturday and then I'm most likely taking off to an igloo for the winter
Friday had friends hen do.....was very good....nice dinner and dance type thing and then the Take That tribute came on. Was a cheesy night but so much fun. The Take Thats looked nothing like the real Take That but they sounded wicked especially the Gary. Was funny seeing them being molested by the drunk old women too :lol:
I ended the night with my head in the toilet so wasnt a great end to what was a good night! :oops::lol:

Saturday felt so ill I could hardly move......went to shops for some comfort food, ate it, sat in the garden, layed about, couldnt shift the headache until about 5pm when I felt so much better. Got curry for dinner and was asleep by 10pm 8O

Sunday had a nice day out in the sunshine, just generally mooching about then back to boyfriends for dinner with his family including the 2 little ones (ages 3 and 18 months) - I am afraid to say there was only so much of their screaming I could take so I went home at 9 with earache :oops:8O:lol:

Good weekend but we so need to move out....all this living at home malark is driving me cuckoo.

Nottingham this weekend for Hen Do Part 2!
:lol: @ Emma with her head down the loo......

Mainly kept myself as busy as possible this weekend and kept off anything that may have been liable to cause mood swings.....

not a bad weekend, due to good friends, cuddles and lots of things to do.....

Oh and watched Fast and Furious ..... I heart Vin Diesel.... :oops::lol::lol::lol:
went to the City Media & Arts Project on City Road, which is a converted restaurant near old st tube, complete with shop windows leaving you feeling quite exposed but it just about came off.

So did I! 8O

I thought the venue was just 'OK' but the music was fantastic. 8)

Secretsundaze was set up on the DIY ethos and the guy appears to have sold out, now to be found charging £20 to get into his parties and swanning around wearing a suit in his bar full of nu-yuppie Shoreditch types. :roll: (lovely as I'm sure he is and I don't deny him the success he probably deserves etc)

It's a long time since I've been to a bar like this because I've been spending lots of time with tree hugger types. (:oops: :lol:) London appears to have gone back to the 80s - lots of people trying really hard to be 'trendy', believing their own hype and competing with one another. It's nauseating. :roll:

The squat scene is definitely where it's at. Fcuk status and class.

That said, I'm quite happy with the direction music is heading at the mo - DJs aren't afraid to be eclectic and mix all sorts of styles together. I was getting a bit bored of the minimal/house divide for a while so it's nice to be inspired again!

Olly said:
ran into some of Lisa Loud's friends at an after party nearby, hoovered up what was left and er fell asleep on the least comfortable settee known to man.

Name dropping! :p

While we're on the LL subject - she is such a nose hose ain't she? I spent some time with her in Thailand when I was jet setting and crikey. 8O

Saturday - moving home - I've left the bunker and have moved in with the Pilchard...big life event! 8O

Sunday - surrounded by boxes, all quite stressful and worked at Horse Meat Disco last night - great party! 8)
:lol: @ Emma with her head down the loo......

Mainly kept myself as busy as possible this weekend and kept off anything that may have been liable to cause mood swings.....

not a bad weekend, due to good friends, cuddles and lots of things to do.....

Oh and watched Fast and Furious ..... I heart Vin Diesel.... :oops::lol::lol::lol:

Lennie wasnt impressed. He told me I stunk the next day :oops::lol:

Shameful at my age.
So did I! 8O

I thought the venue was just 'OK' but the music was fantastic. 8)

Secretsundaze was set up on the DIY ethos and the guy appears to have sold out, now to be found charging £20 to get into his parties and swanning around wearing a suit in his bar full of nu-yuppie Shoreditch types. :roll: (lovely as I'm sure he is and I don't deny him the success he probably deserves etc)

It's a long time since I've been to a bar like this because I've been spending lots of time with tree hugger types. (:oops: :lol:) London appears to have gone back to the 80s - lots of people trying really hard to be 'trendy', believing their own hype and competing with one another. It's nauseating. :roll:

you didn't pay £20 to get in surely?? 8O it was free entry all night!

I agree with your general point but the real problem is the council; people are being driven into bars, galleries, taxi repair units, wherever, through lack of clubs/licences..

we left around 4ish. we were on the elevated section - but my friend perched on the fence bit trying to impress someone and fell off acrobatically and injured himself, which wasn't a strong look really...
you didn't pay £20 to get in surely?? 8O it was free entry all night!

No I'm talking about the secretsundaze ones (which used to be free and were pushed up to a fiver!) :lol:

Yes the council are being prats but I'm talking about the general outlook and behaviour of people that frequent these places...this has nothing to do with whether it's in a launderette, video bar, "secret" location, squat, brothel or posh hotel frankly. ;)

Bring on the collapse of the banks - when their money ain't worth $hit that'll learn 'em. :D

Nice one on the fall - just what the place needed! :lol: ;)

(hmmm - we were on the raised bit too...)
Never mind the Bunker - where will all the babies be thrown from.. and where should people go if there is a Prawn Alert again......:?:?

Thanks all - and don't worry - I'm in the block next door (aka the Pilchpad) which is on the 11th floor so plenty of scope for throwing games. :lol:
Thanks all - and don't worry - I'm in the block next door (aka the Pilchpad) which is on the 11th floor so plenty of scope for throwing games. :lol:

Panic over then!!

I hope he knows your going til fill his pad with cow teasmades and strange paraphenalia :lol::lol:

Good Luck to you both and I wish you every happiness.. x
Then to Ministry of Sound for Sasha and Nick Warren :D Stood in line for an hour to get in :evil: but once inside, Sasha was in good form. The Sasha-Warren back-2-back was ok as well, but Sasha's set was the highlight.

Good stuff, id imagine those two b2b would make a great combination.

i'll be including my ibiza trip in this weekend post.

Armada / RY closing: Not very busy, but good music. Sanchez played a blinder in the terrace, but he left before the night was over which was odd. Was a blessing in disguise because we caught the end of Markus Schulz in the main room which was fun, he was playing a few trance classics by that stage like Energy 52. That room and those ice cannons are made for that tune 8)

Pure Pacha: Nice dinner, decent set from Kleinenberg and better one from Darren Emerson, but yet again, poor atmosphere and annoying punters who like standing still for hours on end. Wasnt expecting anything else so wasn't too disappointed.

WLS: Best night of the lot. Alfredo + MYNC started the night off nicely in the sunset terrace, followed by Lawler who i felt was back to his best in the new terrace and then the Housecat who played the set of the holidays inside. His usual tough yet melodic tech / housey number.

Tiesto: Short visit to his closing. Musically so-so, more like a selection of tunes put together than a structured set with any direction... but it was great show, really good visuals and overall effort put in.

Cream Closing: Was very very busy, a bit too busy for my liking. Muscially was good, but nt spectacular. But i think the fact it was so busy meant I couldnt get into it as much. Sasha sounded good the bits i heard, as did Halliwell. PvD had his singer come on half way through which always annoys me.

Bits in between: visited more beaches than ever including aguas blancas, Cala moli, Comte, Bassa, Jondal and es canar. all lovely in their own way.

Last thing. try the food at Sands.. its stunning. Thanks for the tip Grego ;)
I had an overdose this weekend. Of orientalness that is.

Fri - met a friend in Amsterdam to talk business over a Chinese meal and went silk shopping afterwards, also for business. Somehow I came across some cool ostrich-feather thingys which are going to be my outfit in Ibiza next year :)

Later on fri met an ex-colleague and went for thai meal and then for some mojitos-I LOVE those!!!! Somehow I managed to drag myself off from the bar before I made a complete fool out of myself and made it home safely.

Sun - worked, lied on the sofa, worked, and bf wanted some chinese takeaway so who was I to say no?! So chinese it was, and we had the leftovers tonight so for the near future, I'm going to say no to chinese. I could be tempted to eat thai at any day though :lol:
Rob, all this time I thought you'd been living with the pilchard!!

Naah the bunker was me doing my batchelor pad effort, hating sharing and wanting to be grown-up for a while.

I got bored, needed change, almost left the country but decided to stay in London and made some dramatic changes to my life 'just because I can'. Routine is boooooooooooring so I'm experimenting with loads of different stuff I've never done before. 8)