Weekend shenanigans


Well-Known Member
Mine have been scuppered. But I've got a tkt for Jaded @ Corsica Studios 7am - 4pm this Sunday if anyone wants it (free). Proper techno afterparty.

Roberto (Fachwerk, Affin) & Rødhåd (Dystopian, Berlin) - 3rd and 4th on the lineup. Rødhåd (Arena / Berghain) is playing a 3-hour set from round lunchtime and it's Krista's birthday sesh so should be a good one.


Hit me up if you want the tkt and I'll e-mail over.
Im broke at the mo so its not gona be anything exciting this weekend. Was supposed to meet an old friend last night but it turns out his dad passed away last night so that didnt happen. Today gona watch the rugby in a back alley irish pub and thats about it.
Did have more grandeuos thoughts of raving but it would leave too big a hole in me wallet
My weekend started with The Social Festival Charity launch on Thursday - the Fanciullis & Seth Troxler spinning disco in some swanky local basement venue below a restaurant. Great vibes, and the first time the venue had been used for a party. Worked really well. Hopefully some local promoters will do something there again in the future. Seth's a lad, isn't he! Overhead him propositioning a couple of ladies as he left. hahaha.

Quiet one last night, but Dirty Channels tonight. My mate is opening the main room so heading down early for a bit of support.

Booked Monday morning off work, so Fuse is getting done on Sunday. Potential to hit Lightbox for Dawn, go onto Jaded before Fuse and then WYS! after Fuse as well. Never gonna happen that we end up doing all 4, but squeezing in another party would be nice.

Though more than likely will head back to Kent after Fuse & watch the superbowl. Just chill with a few beers.
Quiet boring one for me too :(

Started a new job for the next few months on wednesday so we finished at 4 on Friday and went for a few drinks. Then went round my friends and I just dossed around eating pizza on the sofa whilst they played X Box. Today, ive just got home, nothing to do, may watch The Wolf of Wall Street later as I've been meaning to do so for weeks now...tomorrow, probabaly nothing again...I'm actually looking forward to going back to work on Monday!!!
My weekend started with The Social Festival Charity launch on Thursday - the Fanciullis & Seth Troxler spinning disco in some swanky local basement venue below a restaurant. Great vibes, and the first time the venue had been used for a party. Worked really well. Hopefully some local promoters will do something there again in the future. Seth's a lad, isn't he! Overhead him propositioning a couple of ladies as he left. hahaha.

Quiet one last night, but Dirty Channels tonight. My mate is opening the main room so heading down early for a bit of support.

Booked Monday morning off work, so Fuse is getting done on Sunday. Potential to hit Lightbox for Dawn, go onto Jaded before Fuse and then WYS! after Fuse as well. Never gonna happen that we end up doing all 4, but squeezing in another party would be nice.

Though more than likely will head back to Kent after Fuse & watch the superbowl. Just chill with a few beers.

theres an afterparty monday morning for WYS somewhere so i hear on the grapevine , for the troopers!
went to Martyn @ la cheetah on friday night...have to say, he was pretty average, bit disappointed by him...i'd say 6/10....came out to find it raining/hail storm..extremely misertable conditions for the bus then walk home.

tim sweeney for melting Pot@ The Admiral on the saturday night...he was excellent...i really should go to the Melting pot nights more often, really good crowd, music is always great and i like the admiral for a venue....anyway, tim sweeney played a great set..was a friends birthday night out as well, so much dancing & partying. good times.

not so good,was yesterday hearing about a 17 year old girl dieing after being at the arches...tragic....(death being linked to 'E' as other people ended up in hospital also..no word yet on what the pills they were taking actually were yet so best not to jump to conclusions (but of course many are).... ...sad times indeed...

her being underage is another issue for the venue as well to face....

.....just a pity that mdma isnt legal and youngsters are not better informed about what they are taking....perhaps eventually society will wake up to the fact people will always want to take recreational drugs..
went to Martyn @ la cheetah on friday night...have to say, he was pretty average, bit disappointed by him...i'd say 6/10....came out to find it raining/hail storm..extremely misertable conditions for the bus then walk home.

tim sweeney for melting Pot@ The Admiral on the saturday night...he was excellent...i really should go to the Melting pot nights more often, really good crowd, music is always great and i like the admiral for a venue....anyway, tim sweeney played a great set..was a friends birthday night out as well, so much dancing & partying. good times.

not so good,was yesterday hearing about a 17 year old girl dieing after being at the arches...tragic....(death being linked to 'E' as other people ended up in hospital also..no word yet on what the pills they were taking actually were yet so best not to jump to conclusions (but of course many are).... ...sad times indeed...
.....just a pity that mdma isnt legal and youngsters are not better informed about what they are taking....perhaps eventually society will wake up to the fact people will always want to take recreational drugs..

Indeed. Currently responding to friends' 'drugs are bad mmkay' FB posts with this old Guardian/David Nutt article: http://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2011/nov/28/clubbers-test-ecstasy-nightclub-deaths It strikes me that, for a lot of people, 'saying no to drugs' is still more important than young lives. :rolleyes:
I had a pretty good weekend. Subdued but boozy barhopping Friday and Saturday nights, shopping on Sunday afternoon and then made an incredible (if I can say so myself) roast beef dinner for 6 on Sunday night. Slept 2 hours then got up at 3:30am to watch the Seattle... ur... Super Bowl.

Still very tired :(
(not helped by attending a birthday party Monday night and then watching football until 2am)
I'm still struggling after my weekend..............had my 30th birthday party on Saturday night, which I booked a local bar out for - I ended up being carried home as I was in too much of a state to walk, passed out on my sofa where my friends kindly put a bucket on the floor for me. Thing was I had no idea it was there, and proceeded to ruin the living room carpet.............I'm convinced I can still smell sick even though I cleared it all up the next day.

You would think at my age I would know better!! However, the highlight of the evening was giving my mum a jagerbomb and her going "ooohhh that's quite drinkable!!"

I still don't agree with her lol.
not so good,was yesterday hearing about a 17 year old girl dieing after being at the arches...tragic....(death being linked to 'E' as other people ended up in hospital also..no word yet on what the pills they were taking actually were yet so best not to jump to conclusions (but of course many are).... ...sad times indeed...

Looks like The Arches are taking this seriously - no club nights for a couple of weeks and consultation with the police. I wonder whether this will change the 'vibe' long term? It's really sad the sort of things that need to be done to prevent these occasional deaths never will be done.
London tomorrow morning, meeting a friend from Ibiza during the day and then The Lion King show in the evening. Train up to Manc on Friday midday for a Sankeys session then whatever follows after that ;)
The problem with drugs is this. The people that can (a) Handle their gear responsibly and (b) have reliable sources are fine. Those that (a) can't or (b) don't know - they have a problem. If govt regulates and say Boots can now sell E, then a helluva lot of people are going to end up in hospital first before the pharmacy really gets an idea of what to stock & at what strength - one size fits all? - and what legislator is going to want that on his conscience? So that unfortunately is why it will always remain a closed, clandestine world. You go to people you know and trust and even then, get them to vouch for it first