Weekend Reports


Well-Known Member
Do we still do these?


Friday - White Lies gig at Shepherd's Bush Empire. Most entertaining but probably shouldn't have drunk so much with a footy game the next day.

Saturday - hideously hungover, was almost late for football, but had a bit of a touch when I was asked to play centre-back instead of my normal centre midfield. No way could I have gone box to box for 90mins! 2-1 win making it 14 out of 14 in all competitions. The treble is on.:p

Saturday night - went for a few beers locally with the missus. Ended up in a pub Harrow Road where were there was a DJ playing reggae with a chap toasting over it. We may have looked a little out of place:lol:

Sunday - went to QPR (where I was sat behind onetime Spotlighter Fronty!) and also ran into to some Ibiza workers I knew, plus a friend I've been to Ibiza with before. Is there some Ibiza/QPR connection I'm missing?:lol:
Well i might aswell follow on, but wont be able to better the above really...seeing im off the source after last weekends discusting hangovers...

Friday - After work went indoor rock climbing, brilliant fun and it felt like my arms were gona fall off after and i broke a nail, bad times lol :lol: then deleted a plate of thai food and drank the only alcohol beverage i had all week, one measely peroni :eek:

Saturday - Didnt see daylight till about 1 o clock :lol: then hit the gym hard and had a film night in with the sister...Burlesque - aint all that but the sister loves it :rolleyes:

Sunday - 12 hours sleep 8) god was that needed after the sleepless weekend last week....went for a 4 mile run that nearly f**king killed me, watched expendables and death race 2 which were both wicked, curry and top gear = perfect sunday night :D

Now its time for the dreaded 5 days of slavery, eughhh...someone shoot me now lol
my Saturday morning was spent at the mothercare in Edmonton with my baby son and his total witch of a mother, biiiiiig mistake - turned into the kind of nightmarish shopping trip (blazing rows, getting lost in car, continuous spiteful comments, trying to fleece me for money etc) I hope never to repeat in my lifetime. Relations are now so bad with her, I will probably have to go to court to sort out child access in the future.

the evening on the other hand was rather great - went to a party in whitechapel where the Lisbon DJ Tiago was playing and then hotfooted down to lowlife to catch Rocky. awesome music played by both, then afters, 'all back to mine', 'who's going to the offie?', talking rubbish till the afternoon, 'I don't know you but I think you're great' etc etc
hahaha love those nights, everyone becomes your best friend...even funnier when you have only just met them that night, then the classic of tellin people you have known a fair while what you actually thought of them when you first met...

'Matt when i first met you, i thought you were a right douche bag...oh no wait, you still are :lol:'
my Saturday morning was spent at the mothercare in Edmonton with my baby son and his total witch of a mother, biiiiiig mistake - turned into the kind of nightmarish shopping trip (blazing rows, getting lost in car, continuous spiteful comments, trying to fleece me for money etc) I hope never to repeat in my lifetime. Relations are now so bad with her, I will probably have to go to court to sort out child access in the future.

Sorry to hear that last bit mate, I hope you'll forgive me a chuckle imagining you having a meltdown in Mothercare:lol:
i was talking to a QPR fan the other night. Needless to say, he seemed quite happy

Sorry to hear that last bit mate, I hope you'll forgive me a chuckle imagining you having a meltdown in Mothercare:lol:


basically, I had hoped it might be a chance to play with him and the toys, I didn't think it was going to be a 'look at THAT cot, I think YOU should pay for it' kind of standoff

the tension on the drive back was so bad you could cut through it with one of sharon stone's ice picks.
Extremely righteous weekend here... :lol:

Friday - 5 rhythms class - bonkers but always gets me in 'the zone'...feet covered in blood blisters the following day. Ouch.

Saturday - Picked up an ace Pure Evil Ltd edition print on Columbia Rd. Then went to a party off Mare St run by the same people and sound set-up as the Loft. Danced all night till closing stone cold sober. :eek:

Was treated to live jazz, reggae, dubstep, house, techno and loads of delicious foreign disco edits all in the same night. Really thankful to these people for reigniting something I thought I'd lost (in my post minimal 'ughhhh' phase of 2007-2008). Haven't danced like that since I don't know when. THIS is what going out should be about. Analogue sound, no genre faddists, non pretentious, lovely crowd, no drunks, totally not for profit. 8) 8) 8)

Never want to go to a cattle market 'ticketweb' venue again. Even reconsidering the planet e anniversary bash (but who am I kidding. :lol:)

Bloody amazing.

...and WHAT ON EARTH IS THIS ALL ABOUT? :eek: :confused: :confused: :confused:

Hey Buckers was good to see ya !

Also good to see ya supporting your new local team, hope you enjoyed the game. I try to go up quite a bit but im kind of a 2.5 hour drive away so can be an expensive habbit. Shame we didnt win, thought we played ok (not our best) but feel we where the better team ( i might be biased).

Im thinking of going to the palace and leeds game. If your about let me know and ill shout you a beer !
good stuff Rob - where was that? the big office building around the corner from the cat & mutton? I'm in 2 minds about discreet, word-of-mouth, paypal parties in semi-legit venues. I kinda like the family feel, the set up, the assured musical excellence and the fact you get no idiots in off the street asking for Rihanna records, but at the same time, it's invariably the same people who turn up every time and as much as I know and like them, that can get a bit stale, when you like meeting new people. I like having other options, and am looking forward to partying in Glasgow again in March.

tune of weekend for me, this old beaut:


from 1988! :eek:
Hey Buckers was good to see ya !

Also good to see ya supporting your new local team, hope you enjoyed the game. I try to go up quite a bit but im kind of a 2.5 hour drive away so can be an expensive habbit. Shame we didnt win, thought we played ok (not our best) but feel we where the better team ( i might be biased).

Im thinking of going to the palace and leeds game. If your about let me know and ill shout you a beer !

And you mate.

It's under a tenner in a cab for us, plus we sometimes get free tickets, so I'll go when I can, but because I play Saturday, I won't make the Palace game. Think I'm away for the Leeds one - is it last game of the season?

I thought they were pretty poor on Sunday. Failed to make any use of the extra man by stretching Forest by going wide. Mainly went through the middle with either the centrebacks or the keeper hoofing long.

I'll drop you a message, next time I'm going.
Ooh, I'll play

Friday - flew to Berlin. Settled into our friends' place. Ended up in some pub in Mitte

Saturday - Took a long walk around the Mitte part of the city, then grocery shopping, then I cooked dinner for 15 of our friends' friends (my gift for their 1st anniversary and housewarming, and also my thanks for them taking the missus off of my hands all this week :lol:).

The dinner party went until 4am after which I was drunk & exhausted so grand plans for Berghain/Panorama Bar went out the window :( Next time, I guess :confused:

Sunday - walked around the professional markets at the Berlin Film Festival (our friends are in the business). Quite interesting how that whole film production/sales/distribution system works. Dinner at some Italian place on Potsdamer Platz and then flight back to Moscow.
Abit of a case of Not being the Messiah but a very naughty boy this weekend.

Having done a week of nightshifts we cracked into the booze on the thursday night till 6am friday morning which set up the weekend.

Friday pulled myself out of bed and went to the Porterhouse in Covent Gdn , then over to Brixton for mates gig. Then back to friends house into the early morning untill they started falling asleep which was my cue to leave.

Saturday straight from their house I went in search of an iphone charger in brixton which ended me up in the weatherspoons of all places talking to the old boys whilst another gent lent me said phone charger. After an extended debate with a hari krishna by the tube I headed up to Angel to meet mates. Everyone was quite thirsty so many pints coupled with no sleep at all renderd me a sleeping beauty in the pub by about 7pm. "Taaxiii!"
Abit of a case of Not being the Messiah but a very naughty boy this weekend.

Having done a week of nightshifts we cracked into the booze on the thursday night till 6am friday morning which set up the weekend.

Friday pulled myself out of bed and went to the Porterhouse in Covent Gdn , then over to Brixton for mates gig. Then back to friends house into the early morning untill they started falling asleep which was my cue to leave.

Saturday straight from their house I went in search of an iphone charger in brixton which ended me up in the weatherspoons of all places talking to the old boys whilst another gent lent me said phone charger. After an extended debate with a hari krishna by the tube I headed up to Angel to meet mates. Everyone was quite thirsty so many pints coupled with no sleep at all renderd me a sleeping beauty in the pub by about 7pm. "Taaxiii!"

Saturday: Culture day to make up for the messiness of last weekend. Took in a couple of art exhibitions, had lunch out, phil cooked a chinese banquet and then chilled with a DVD after finding Napoleon Dynamite on Film4 - never get sick of that film!!

Sunday: **** weather so papers and sunday lunch then listened to Phil scream at the TV for the match - awesome!! NOT!
Saturday: Culture day to make up for the messiness of last weekend. Took in a couple of art exhibitions, had lunch out, phil cooked a chinese banquet and then chilled with a DVD after finding Napoleon Dynamite on Film4 - never get sick of that film!!

Sunday: **** weather so papers and sunday lunch then listened to Phil scream at the TV for the match - awesome!! NOT!

When match of the day came on, that was my cue to swiftly leave to go home :lol:
Went to Munich, great city.

Cool buildings, so well organised & loads of beer.

Got REALLY drunk, but no hangover as beer so damn clean.

Great stuff 8)
And you mate.

It's under a tenner in a cab for us, plus we sometimes get free tickets, so I'll go when I can, but because I play Saturday, I won't make the Palace game. Think I'm away for the Leeds one - is it last game of the season?

I thought they were pretty poor on Sunday. Failed to make any use of the extra man by stretching Forest by going wide. Mainly went through the middle with either the centrebacks or the keeper hoofing long.

I'll drop you a message, next time I'm going.

haha - "you're only here, to watch the Leeds" !
haha - "you're only here, to watch the Leeds" !

Funny enough, you came up in half-time despatches. Remember Chris (Strong, I think) who knocked about with Bruce in Ibiza? Ran into him and his mate (also recognised from Ibiza but his name escapes me) and they mentioned Bruce and your goodself.

Small world, eh? Then again there was loads of people I'd never met before too. Big world, eh?