Weekend razzmatazz 8th sept

Ha ha... I guess I should have stuck around!

I was so unbelievably wasted after drinking all afternoon/evening that, a little after 6 when Hawtin was supposed to finish, I wandered out into the street, lost track of my friend who was probably somewhere a few meters away, hopped in a taxi home (we were meant to share one as my mate lives 3 blocks away), and promptly passed out.

It was a great party though. The club was packed and loads of atmosphere.
Ha ha... I guess I should have stuck around!

I was so unbelievably wasted after drinking all afternoon/evening that, a little after 6 when Hawtin was supposed to finish, I wandered out into the street, lost track of my friend who was probably somewhere a few meters away, hopped in a taxi home (we were meant to share one as my mate lives 3 blocks away), and promptly passed out.

It was a great party though. The club was packed and loads of atmosphere.

Wow, so he must have played a 14 hour set or something?!