Weekend razzmatazz 8th sept

Fri - England game, pub
Sat- Gaming day marathon. Bowling, arcades and then a gaming lounge in Manchester p'ssed and very high.
Sun - must make a return to Sunday League
of course i iron my t-shirts:lol: i'm not shaggy from scooby doo or on a gap year before uni:p :lol:...different strokes for differenr folks my friend....(interesetingly i just posed the ironing question to folk in my work...survey says...everyone else in here irons their t-shirts as well:)...and yes i am doing **** all work again today!!

i'm not moaning about the weather, 'bad weather' :)(* and note i do live in glasgow so its all relative:lol:) is actually good for me as it means the rest of our group wont want to piss about sitting on loungers by the pool all day which i will find boring as ****.

Not long to go now ;) ... looks like next week may be a scorcher :lol:

Time for some arm twisting.

There is going to be an ice cream van I think too if that helps :p ... BBQ is early hours only. Venue is released (I presume you have seen :twisted:).
of course i iron my t-shirts

Only time I ever iron is for going on holiday. I have a big pile to do tonight actually.I had to buy a new iron the other day as my housemate has never owned one in her life and my old housemate nicked the last one I had when we moved (last December). It's all about buying clothes that don't really crease. Just wash, hang up and go :)
Only time I ever iron is for going on holiday. I have a big pile to do tonight actually.I had to buy a new iron the other day as my housemate has never owned one in her life and my old housemate nicked the last one I had when we moved (last December). It's all about buying clothes that don't really crease. Just wash, hang up and go :)
do you think this is a particular scottish going on holiday trait?...been discussing this wih the women i work with...all seem horrified by the notion of going on holiday without tshirts/tops being ironed...mortified was a word that came up:lol::lol:
do you think this is a particular scottish going on holiday trait?...been discussing this wih the women i work with...all seem horrified by the notion of going on holiday without tshirts/tops being ironed...mortified was a word that came up:lol::lol:

But would they iron on a regular everyday basis? I'm sure nobody would go on holiday without ironing the lot would they?
Not Scottish
But I do take a travel iron wherever I go.
Must be my packing style but everything always gets horribly wrinkled in transit!
Likewise, handy little things they are. Probably the most useful £10 I'll spend this year.

I'll be coming to borrow it then if my clothes get creased as I have no room in my case for such items. Not when I've already got hairdryers and straightners to think about!
But would they iron on a regular everyday basis? I'm sure nobody would go on holiday without ironing the lot would they?
in our office you kinda have to iron shirts , skirts, trousers etc.

dont see anyone without stuff ironed on dress down friday either...would look well out of place. big :oops:

i've not space for a travel iron either:)...the last thing i'd want to do on holiday would be to iron....although going on my bag packing style, i probably should:)

this is sounding very much like a peter kay sketch now.....:)
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I have a confession to make...Did my packing last night and didn't iron approx 60% of my clothes :eek:

In fairness it was very late and these were things that were either new or not creased.
I have a confession to make...Did my packing last night and didn't iron approx 60% of my clothes :eek:

In fairness it was very late and these were things that were either new or not creased.
:lol::lol: shocking...i think you should cancel the trip ...:p

i attempted my ironing, was aprrox 70% successful, 20% ok / passable and 10% ****ing disaster..tshirts heading for the bin or a very dark club / festival.:spank:
I'll be coming to borrow it then if my clothes get creased as I have no room in my case for such items. Not when I've already got hairdryers and straightners to think about!

I'm gonna give this bad boy a test run today. Just washed a few things that will certainly need a good iron before packing.
Finally finished work , home to pack then Ibiza tomorrow .8)

Hopefully bump into some folk off here over there , space Sunday / dc10 Monday / enter Thursday for definite ...if you see a still very pale :pskinny scottish guy in his 30s dancing a bit too much (no doubt with ill advised red raybans on) , mostly like be me:)

Take it easy , have a great weekend:)
I did exactly as planned. Spent far too much time at the beach and swimming in the glorious British sunshine Friday and Saturday ... and didn't get nearly enough gardening done.

Yesterday the cloud returned so it was tip runs and an 80-mile round trip to collect some compost .... seeing as everywhere more local seems to have graduated to overpriced cr*p and I can't get the stuff I want for my shrubs any closer these days :rolleyes: back to reality ...
Friday - t.b.d. Will probably stop by the opening party of Maradona Bar as a friend is organizing.

Saturday - Put my car in for service. Attend friends' wedding. Depending on how late that goes and how drunk I get, I might go to Arma17's fall season opener with Ritchie Hawtin, et.al.
Did this plus a visit to Solyanka for Michael Mayer on Friday after the bar opening.

Sunday picked up my car from service and went to dinner with a friend visiting from out of town.

The wedding was OK... boring at parts. Drank a lot of wine.

Hawtin was surprisingly good (not been his biggest fan in the past) so now looking forward to Enter @ Space next week.
Did this plus a visit to Solyanka for Michael Mayer on Friday after the bar opening.

Sunday picked up my car from service and went to dinner with a friend visiting from out of town.

The wedding was OK... boring at parts. Drank a lot of wine.

Hawtin was surprisingly good (not been his biggest fan in the past) so now looking forward to Enter @ Space next week.

Morbyd...just seen this post from Hawtin himself:

It was only supposed to be an easy 2 hour set.... but forgot to stop playing at Arma 17 and then suddenly it was 6pm in the afternoon... Missed our take off time by 9 hours, missed our meetings at the Plasa show in London, ordered what must have been the most expensive bottle of Vodka ever made and woke up this morning hearing all the stories that I don't remember! I guess it's good that I only play Moscow once every five or so years... Officially destroyed!