Weekend Plans

I know this post doesn’t really belong in this thread but it probably gets more views than the footy thread!

Desperate times call for desperate measures - there’s only a slim chance i’ll be able to get a ticket to our cup final end of this month but from what i gather theres such things as ‘club wembley’ tickets which basically gives said ticket holder access to all games at wembley for that year? If anyones knows anyone with said tickets and have no interest in the efl cup final please put them in contact with me…obvs willing to pay over the odds but not as much as the £1500 per ticket currently being quoted on reselling websites (and thats without the huge booking fee!)🤣

Long shot i know but im literally trying EVERYTHING!
Brighton Saturday night, which won't be tame by any stretch of the imagination, but first post NYE/NYD test for no drinking, no smoking/vaping, coke-free me

Other substances are fair game, but those are currently off-menu. Will report back Monday
Ah, you'll be fine. All completely out of your hands now, so not even worth worrying about. I really should start my next essay this weekend, it's due in two weeks....
If I can impart any advice it’s start it this weekend 😂 I wasted way too many annual leave days doing assignments over the course of my MSc
I know this post doesn’t really belong in this thread but it probably gets more views than the footy thread!

Desperate times call for desperate measures - there’s only a slim chance i’ll be able to get a ticket to our cup final end of this month but from what i gather theres such things as ‘club wembley’ tickets which basically gives said ticket holder access to all games at wembley for that year? If anyones knows anyone with said tickets and have no interest in the efl cup final please put them in contact with me…obvs willing to pay over the odds but not as much as the £1500 per ticket currently being quoted on reselling
I know this post doesn’t really belong in this thread but it probably gets more views than the footy thread!

Desperate times call for desperate measures - there’s only a slim chance i’ll be able to get a ticket to our cup final end of this month but from what i gather theres such things as ‘club wembley’ tickets which basically gives said ticket holder access to all games at wembley for that year? If anyones knows anyone with said tickets and have no interest in the efl cup final please put them in contact with me…obvs willing to pay over the odds but not as much as the £1500 per ticket currently being quoted on reselling websites (and thats without the huge booking fee!)🤣

Long shot i know but im literally trying EVERYTHING!

I have just asked a mate of mine that had original Club Wembley debenture but not sure if he gave them up after the first 10 years … will let you know what he says
I am on the worst planned stag do (if you can call it that) tomorrow. The stag doesn’t drink much so agreed with his bro to book go karting at 8.30PM! But apparently we are meeting at 2pm for drinks and food. Not sure how they expect people to stay sober from 2-8.30
Brighton Saturday night, which won't be tame by any stretch of the imagination, but first post NYE/NYD test for no drinking, no smoking/vaping, coke-free me

Other substances are fair game, but those are currently off-menu. Will report back Monday
Honey Club Reunion on Saturday Night in Brighton at Club Zahara.. can pay on the door... This will be a full on house night! They used to hold the hed kandi nights in there in the early 00's