Weekend Plans

busy few days ahead...

thu - hike!
fri - hike, then a bday party of a good friend, then a quick visit to pyramid at amnesia with the handbrakes on
sat - two hikes, then NYE dinner with friends, followed by a quick visit to pacha, probably again with the handbrakes on
sun - maybe a hike? if not, chill a few hours and then DC10!
mon - sleep in the morning, fly to palma in the afternoon
tues - doing the GR221 with a group, the hiking trail traversing the entire tramuntana mountain range! 6 days of long and tough hikes!
busy few days ahead...

thu - hike!
fri - hike, then a bday party of a good friend, then a quick visit to pyramid at amnesia with the handbrakes on
sat - two hikes, then NYE dinner with friends, followed by a quick visit to pacha, probably again with the handbrakes on
sun - maybe a hike? if not, chill a few hours and then DC10!
mon - sleep in the morning, fly to palma in the afternoon
tues - doing the GR221 with a group, the hiking trail traversing the entire tramuntana mountain range! 6 days of long and tough hikes!
Sounds pretty much like heaven to me 🙌
Trying to keep fit over xmas is a struggle isn’t it! Think i’ve only missed 2 days so far without a jog but todays 5k was an absolute killer (and i only had 2 pints yday!)
I was fully planning on going for my usual runs this week but covid has left me out of breath just walking the dog, so I’ll wait a few more days I think.
Trying to keep fit over xmas is a struggle isn’t it! Think i’ve only missed 2 days so far without a jog but todays 5k was an absolute killer (and i only had 2 pints yday!)
I've been in the hotel gym every morning, been really good at hotel breakfast, resolve a little weaker at lunch, 3 course blow out every dinner, and then back to gym. Just about held weight on 2 weeks quality all inclusive....
I've been in the hotel gym every morning, been really good at hotel breakfast, resolve a little weaker at lunch, 3 course blow out every dinner, and then back to gym. Just about held weight on 2 weeks quality all inclusive....
Are you t total? (Genuine q)
Gym then beers with a friend this evening, swim practice and bday party with the little tomorrow. Not doing anything for nye, always a shit show and regret going out. Probably a quiet Sunday and then play date on Monday at the park with the day off.
How is everyone?

Sorry for the shocking amount of time to check in - life has been a bit crazy the last two years. I shan’t bore you all with the details!

Anyway, I have not set foot in Ibiza since 2019 when I (we) had a shocking experience. I say we as I was with a good friend at the time who has since lost his way and I have not been in contact with since 2020 which is sad times but I know that’s how things go sometimes.

Anyway, good evening all and hope you are all good 👊🏼
How is everyone?

Sorry for the shocking amount of time to check in - life has been a bit crazy the last two years. I shan’t bore you all with the details!

Anyway, I have not set foot in Ibiza since 2019 when I (we) had a shocking experience. I say we as I was with a good friend at the time who has since lost his way and I have not been in contact with since 2020 which is sad times but I know that’s how things go sometimes.

Anyway, good evening all and hope you are all good 👊🏼
Good to see you back 👋
No plans? Everyone hibernating?

Boy 1's Arsenal sessions don't start back until next, so just SITC tonight, guitar lessons tomorrow and then first my footy match of the new year for me tomorrow afternoon. Can't wait!

Sunday - the usual - take my boys to my folks and then either trampoline park, soft play or something else indoors, lookiing at weather forecast.
Good luck, over 4 weeks for me now, sinuses are goosed
Mate, it took six days to come on me. Dragged myself into work over Christmas, days off were shite but I was getting by. Then boom, Monday night felt like I'd been hit by the 7.40pm West Coast Mainline Euston to Piccadilly.