Weekend Plans

3.5 weeks of freedom from tmrw whilst my better half is away. Did consider a kimajy-style in/out IBZ raid one weekend but decided to leave it till September. some little shit called me 'gordo' (fat) the other day so an emergency dietary/exercise regime is being implemented. how to integrate that with having actual fun is the key challenge of this summer. Am also helping a couple of pals promote new records. Keepin' busy, keepin' positive.
3.5 weeks of freedom from tmrw whilst my better half is away. Did consider a kimajy-style in/out IBZ raid one weekend but decided to leave it till September. some little shit called me 'gordo' (fat) the other day so an emergency dietary/exercise regime is being implemented. how to integrate that with having actual fun is the key challenge of this summer. Am also helping a couple of pals promote new records. Keepin' busy, keepin' positive.
Just calculate your macros from Estrella first!

I’m a right fat b@stard atm. I can’t see the light.
Finish work in 8 miunutes, then heading back to Bristol tonight to see parents and head out for a meal, then back to London for a weekend of celebratory fun!
Off work today, its my daughters 20th birthday and I feel old. She's away on work experience in London so have to just have a FaceTime party.

Got to work tomorrow but out with a mate for a few pints in the evening. This always turns messy as neither of us has an off switch.

Saturday, getting an Indian takeaway with friends

Mate is home tomorrow after two weeks in Orlando so catching up with him for a 'few' over the weekend. Like Diver though, none of us has an off switch. Last time we were having a few turned into a 36 hour marathon for the boxing - I think I've just about recovered.

Ibiza next weekend :p
Diet for me too once back in France in 2 weeks ?

Diet in France ??? That's like trying to give up drinking in a vineyard :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

Just calculate your macros from Estrella first!

I’m a right fat b@stard atm. I can’t see the light.

Got to work tomorrow but out with a mate for a few pints in the evening. This always turns messy as neither of us has an off switch.

Saturday, getting an Indian takeaway with friends

cough you know only too well what sacrifices you need to make for that light to shine :lol:
Having a quiet weekend or two here Ms birthday on Tuesday might go for meal..we have a gig on 27th and festival the week after.. off tomorrow so popping into town to buy a belt for my 33in waist Jeans...? And some fresh kicks