No longer active
Elegantly or flapping wildly...?Flying like a butterfly
Elegantly or flapping wildly...?Flying like a butterfly
Just calculate your macros from Estrella first!3.5 weeks of freedom from tmrw whilst my better half is away. Did consider a kimajy-style in/out IBZ raid one weekend but decided to leave it till September. some little shit called me 'gordo' (fat) the other day so an emergency dietary/exercise regime is being implemented. how to integrate that with having actual fun is the key challenge of this summer. Am also helping a couple of pals promote new records. Keepin' busy, keepin' positive.
Diet for me too once back in France in 2 weeks ?
Just calculate your macros from Estrella first!
I’m a right fat b@stard atm. I can’t see the light.
Got to work tomorrow but out with a mate for a few pints in the evening. This always turns messy as neither of us has an off switch.
Saturday, getting an Indian takeaway with friends
Which festival you off to Craig?Having a quiet weekend or two here Ms birthday on Tuesday might go for meal..we have a gig on 27th and festival the week after.. off tomorrow so popping into town to buy a belt for my 33in waist Jeans...? And some fresh kicks